I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2021 Four-character description


On Qin Yu's way to Mozong, it was far away in the small Penglai area of ​​Dajing Prefecture, Weichuan. . . . In the world of ice and snow, there is a vast expanse, thousands of mountains and birds are flying, and thousands of people are gone.

A palace rises from the peak of the mountain, and a tower stands in the middle of the palace.

On the top floor of the tower, it was a little dark, because there were no lights inside, and no breathing was heard.

After a while, there was a slight sound in the room, as if someone stood up, paced slowly, and then silently lit a candle, faintly haloed, but she couldn't see the details of her face, only saw her walking barefoot in this faint halo. The balcony melts inch by inch from the darkness to the light.

The wind and snow were whistling, she stood at the very tip, stood in front of the railing, stretched out her hand, her fingers rolled slightly into the void, and a wisp of ghostly mist floated in the palm of her hand.

Her avatar has been disillusioned, and the remnant soul returning as a souvenir is just a transmission of memory.

The palms were slightly closed, and after digesting the memory, the woman had a strange expression, as if she was in deep thought, but when she raised her eyes, she frowned when she saw a glimpse of the glacier land in the distance.

The red emerald pupils are magnificent and magnificent, but faintly give off a sharp color like cinnabar red flames.


Qin Yu didn't know where the headquarters of the Demon Sect was, and the Ninth Floor wasn't the name of any region. Ever since the Goutou Army Master didn't mention this information, Qin Yu knew that the other party didn't trust him either. normal.

They were sent over.

Once teleported, the person appeared in a domineering palace made of pure black jade black iron.

Pure black body with occasional gilt embellishments.

The sun was shining brightly and the heat was unbearable.

Jiaojiao: "Damn it, with this color, I'm going to go blind."

Qin Yu: "I feel that people will turn black after staying in this kind of place for a long time."

Jiaojiao: "Maybe it's for turning black from the outside to the inside, so that the heart can become darker and darker."

Qin Yu: "I'm here, don't talk nonsense, it's impolite."

Dog-headed military division: "..."

I feel that I will be three hundred years old when I go out to do personnel recruitment work this time.

This place is probably where the Demon King lives, and there are not many people coming in and out, only some maids come and go, and they all salute when they see the dog-headed army division, but Qin Yu glanced at these maids and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"No wonder it's so hot here."


"It's to make them wear less reasonably."


The dog-headed military master looked at the maid of the magic palace with clear tulle and graceful spring, her expression remained unchanged, she just smiled and said: "Your Excellency Qingqiu, don't you like it? If you don't like it, in the future..."

Qin Yu: "Be sure to ask me to come here often."

Dog head military division: "???"

Qin Yu: "If you don't look at it, don't look at it. Is there a servant?"

OK, I get it.

The dog-headed military division put on an embarrassed rather than polite smile, "The magic palace is located, and there are no male servants."

Before he could say anything, Qin Yu showed a suddenly realized expression and smiled, "I understand."

Dog-headed military division:? ? ?

What do you know? What did I say?

As if feeling that Qin Yu must have a negative perception of his demon king, the dog-headed military commander said slightly seriously: "The demon king is very busy with all kinds of affairs, so the demon palace is very clean. This time he came out specially to welcome Qingqiu Your Excellency, your joining... has arrived, right here."

The yard is very wide, and there are two symmetrical super large pools on the side, and there are swimming in the pools. . . Big dragon fish?

"White Jade Arowana?"

"Your Excellency Qingqiu has good eyesight. This is the master who personally caught and raised him from the depths of the barren sea."

"This fish is quite rare. It is full of spiritual power, rich in appearance, big and sweet, tender and plump..."


He led Qin Yu to a high-end and elegant door. Just as he was about to communicate, a voice came from inside the room.

Hmm, that kind of indescribable hmmmm.

Not subtle at all, very wild.

Dog-headed military division: "..."

Qin Yu: "..."

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

Jiaojiao, who was held by Qin Yu, froze for a moment.

"Fish, inside..."

Qin Yu covered his ears, and said calmly: "Killing pigs, do you think people in the Demon Dao don't eat pork?"

Jiaojiao still wanted to push her, but when she realized that Qin Yu's soft fingers were pinching her fat ears, she immediately nestled in her arms silently and wrapped her ears and eyes with her cat's tail.

He didn't hear anything, didn't understand anything, pure and ignorant, innocent and weak, Xiao Jiaojiao came online.

The dog-headed military commander probably has a weight weighing one hundred thousand tons in his heart, which is very stable. Faced with such an embarrassing scene of overturning the car, he can still politely smile and say: "The lord thinks he just came out of retreat, so..."

Qin Yu: "I understand, holding it in for a long time is not good for your health, but how long can he last?"

You can ask me this kind of question, but I can't say it!

Dog-headed military division: "Naturally, it's been a long, long time."

Qin Yu took a deep look at him, "It seems that you have a deep understanding and a deep understanding."

Dog head military division: "???"

This woman is poisonous.

"Maybe I need to trouble Your Excellency Qingqiu to wait for a while." The dog-headed military commander still wants to consider this time, after all, this Qingqiu is not an ordinary person, and it is impossible for him to wait for a long time. What if he gets angry? so. . .

"It's okay, I'll find something to do."



The noise in the huge and gorgeous palace finally stopped. After a while, the door opened, and a man came out, wearing a black robe casually. After walking out, he stood by the pillar and glanced at the courtyard on the left.

Just one glance, his eyes froze.

The air also seemed to freeze—of course, only his surroundings were frozen.

At least everything in the yard has not been affected.

For example, the white jade arowana hung on the shelf from head to tail, for example, the fat cat standing next to the grilled fish and fanning the fire with a magic weapon fan, for example, opposite the fat cat, Hao Zixia is holding the seasoning plate with one hand and brushing the seasoning with the other. The woman who smeared the body of the fish back and forth.

Of course, you can't ignore your super confidant, who is sitting on a stool and squeezing juice.

Seemingly aware of the demon king's death sight, the dog-headed army division quickly stood up and saluted: "I have seen your majesty the demon king."

He was a little uneasy.

Very well, his confidants are actually disturbed, and it seems that nine out of ten have rebelled.

Mo Jun glanced at him, but didn't respond, and turned to look at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu naturally also noticed the arrival of the other party, and since the dog-headed military commander shouted, she turned around and saw Lord Mojun who was wearing a black robe casually, and his belt was not tied properly, and his deep V chest was exposed .

In the golden house.

Qin Yu: "When I saw this man, my first reaction was to describe it in four words."

Jiaojiao: "What?"

Cruel? Noble first? Powerful and boundless? Unfathomable?

Qin Yu: "Day and sun, king of Teddy, evil and crazy, domineering president, fifty shades of grey..."

The golden wall was suppressed.

——You have quite a few words.

Jiaojiao: "No, I'm just an innocent baby, I don't understand anything, please don't be like this."

——After all, you are a person of the devil way, and there is nothing unusual about it. Is your judgment too much?

Huang Jinbi felt that the indescribable groaning before was nothing. There are still many lustful people in the righteous way, not to mention the Demon King of the Demonic Way.

Just when Huang Jinbi said this, the demon king lightly ordered the dog-headed military division: "Take away the ones inside, they won't be able to get up."

I always feel that this sentence has a huge amount of information.

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