I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2022 Terrible (today is over, ask for a monthly pass)

The dog's head's administrative ability is beyond the charts. With one order, a hundred maids came, and then helped them out of the shop. . . Every maid is very manly, carrying two women on her two arms, striding like flying, resisting two hundred beauties of different colors.

Jiaojiao was dumbfounded.

Golden Wall released a long list of little emoticons.

Qin Yu smiled to himself: I don't talk to my father who sees everything.

"My lord, Qingqiu has arrived, and my subordinates will arrange other affairs first."

After the Demon Lord nodded, the dog head said politely to Qin Yu again: "Your Excellency Qingqiu, this is our Demon Sect Master, I will take my leave first."

Qin Yu: "Then what about my fat cat's juice?"

Dog head: "..."

I am the head of the personnel department, please don't insult me.

The dog-headed army division still stayed, because the demon lord opened his mouth.

It doesn't matter to the demon king that the dog's head is present, he has watched Qin Yu for a while before, and now his eyes are very deep, and he has a kind of domineering that cannot be rejected.

Open your mouth is just one sentence.

"The owner of the second floor of the Demon Sect, is it right?"

"Bigger than a dog's head?"


"That's fine, but do I need to fight with the original owner of the second floor?"

"No, he's dead."

"Where are the demon seeds?"

"Follow me."

The other party is a demon king with unfathomable strength. Qin Yu has no intention of playing with the other party just yet. After all, not everyone loves her like Fang Yourong and the others.

So Qin Yu asked Jiaojiao to stay here to eat, and went to get the devil seeds with her.

Jiaojiao took a look at Mojun, but agreed.

The Demon Lord walked forward, brought him into the hall, passed through the corridor of the inner hall, and arrived at the entrance of a basement. It was a winding and deep spiral staircase. hell go.

Qin Yu leaned on the handrail and looked down, only to see that the bottom was red and deep, and a wave of scorching heat hit his face, getting hotter as he went down.

It seems that the scorching heat of this magic palace comes from it.

Qin Yu faintly felt a terrifying power hidden below.

Mojun noticed Qin Yu stopped there, and looked back at her, a look of contempt appeared on his handsome and cold face, "Why, are you afraid?"

This boss seems to be very concerned about the fact that she doesn't fear him, and yes, although he is a key recruit, if there is no distinction between superiors and inferiors, nine out of ten rulers will be unhappy.

Qin Yu glanced at him, and said lightly: "Since the devil has been paying attention to me, he thinks he values ​​it a lot, and also recognizes my value, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

Demon Lord: "I have been in seclusion before, and I just left the seclusion not long ago, but Tianmao thinks highly of you."

Qin Yu: "Oh, I'm thinking about a profound question."

Qin Yu continued to walk down, step by step.

The Demon Lord also said casually: "Say."

Qin Yu: "Will the two hundred women come at the same time, or one by one?"

The Demon Lord probably has extensive knowledge and experience, but at that moment, his heart was beeping like a dog, and his face was extremely ugly.

Huang Jinbi also went crazy, and sent a row of bomb emojis.

Qin Yu didn't pay attention to the golden wall, but when he passed by the demon king, he walked around him and breathed lightly like blue: "It's so scary."

Not long after leaving the customs, if they come one by one, three minutes per person?

If not, when is it going on simultaneously? Even more terrifying!

She thinks he's scary now.

From a woman's point of view.

Are you happy?

Demon Lord: "..."

This time it was the devil's turn to walk behind, condescendingly looking down at Qin Yu who was walking below, his voice was low and deep, echoing faintly in such a spiral deep space.

"Qingqiu, you didn't bring that little chubby cat that can teleport."

This deep echo lasted for a long time, becoming more and more terrifying.

Qin Yu turned around, and smiled at the Demon Lord on the stairs projected by the dim red light.

"I think I'm more likable than Gu Chen's dead face, even he can bear it, there's no reason why he can't tolerate me."

She had already guessed that Gu Chen was the second floor on the ninth floor of the Demon Sect.

The Mojun's eyes were cold and deep, and he said lightly: "He doesn't talk much."

The implication is that Qin Yu talks a lot.

Qin Yu was noncommittal.

The two then walked to the bottom in silence, and then Qin Yu saw it. . . Eggs.

These eggs were born in a strange magma churning crimson.

Qin Yu didn't understand what the magma energy was, but it did give birth to these monsters.

There are at least a hundred demon seeds here.

Jie, it’s really a big deal, so the person surnamed Zhou is still petty, and keeps one in a secret, you see, they just raise a hundred in the basement of their home.

"Then why does the tower know that the Demon Lord has so many demon species?"

"It's just a primordial species that hasn't been conceived yet, so it's not a threat, and it's not a big deal if you know it."

The demon king had his hands behind his back, looking at these demons with cold eyes.

"In my opinion, people who can bear the devil seeds and bred them are more precious."

"Thank you for the compliment."


The Demon Lord asked Qin Yu to choose one by himself, "Anyway, the essence is similar, the important thing is your own aptitude and later training."

How should I put it, Qin Yu felt that the devil was very casual and not serious at all.

Shouldn't the most terrifying operation in the magic way be a little higher?

"Okay, then I want that egg."

"It's a demon."

"Okay, just that one, the biggest and roundest egg."

Never Admit Mistakes Never Kill Fellow Daoist Qingqiu, find out online.


"Please Mojun take it."

"You can take it yourself."

"That's not good. After all, it's your egg. It's a basic way of life for the master to bring it to me in person."

"I'm afraid there are not many people outside who think you are still a person."



Mojun Sensen glanced at Qin Yu, moved his palm slightly, and a blood-red fluid coiled over, rolled up the egg, and handed it to Qin Yu.

"This egg is yours."

After speaking, the Demon Lord suddenly frowned, turned around and left.

Be led astray.

This woman is poisonous.


The breeding of the devil seed is actually very simple, just put it in the dantian, seal the spirit vein, and the devil seed will naturally enter the breeding state and form a world of its own.

The higher the quality of things, the less cumbersome and extremely flexible they are. As the devil said, it mainly depends on the aptitude of the person.

It is impossible for Qin Yu's demonic aptitude to be completely revealed to the demon king - even if the breeders of other demon species must be under the full control of this person.

But Qin Yu was different, otherwise the Demon King would not tolerate Qin Yu's repeated offenses.

So Qin Yu took the demon seed and put it directly into the dantian. She knew that the demon king must be paying attention to her. Sure enough, when she put the demon seed into the dantian, the other party's steps became a little lighter.

In the yard, Jiaojiao was still there, and so was the fish skeleton.

Yes, fish skeletons.

That fat cat didn't even finish eating the fish, so he didn't know that it was a scepter that inserted the fish.

The Demon Lord looked at the scepter for a while, and then his eyes fell on a certain woman for a while.

"Yuyu, I'm done eating... But it's okay, there are still a lot of fish in the pond."

Jiaojiao's words made the Demon Lord behind him look a little gloomy.

But one person and one cat didn't notice it, and jumped wildly on the heart of the devil, Qin Yu: "It's hard to raise...then let's catch another one, I don't know if the devil is willing to part with it?"

She figured that since she had absorbed the demon seed in front of him, the other party would agree.

The Demon Lord said with a blank expression, "Whatever you want."

Jiaojiao immediately jumped into the river to catch fish.

Flexible like a fat man.

Qin Yu was idle, looking into the distance with his hands behind his back.

"By the way, can the Demon Lord tell me where this place is?"

"The place where the magic way flourishes in Huaye Dajing Prefecture, Mochuan."

Is the way of magic still prosperous?

Sure enough, life was saved from a desperate situation, or to put it another way, it was no wonder that Zhengdao was on the verge of facing an enemy.

When Qin Yu heard this, his brows moved slightly, and he tilted his head and smiled.


Then, according to the original statement, go to Weichuan after ten years.

It should be about the same time.


I won't focus on writing about Mo Dao and Huaye, I will make a transition tomorrow, and go straight to the ten-year period.

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