I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2023 Buddha Statue


ten years later.

After all, Huaye Dajing Prefecture is the second most powerful Dajing Prefecture. It has a vast territory, far surpassing Lielu Dajing Prefecture. It is dominated by wild and wild landforms. Probably the geographical characteristics of a region are very related to the creation of society and the system of life. For example, the western characteristics of Lielu have to be masculine, monks are generally belligerent, and the characteristics of monks in Huaye Dajing Prefecture are - fighting!

The Huaye Dajing State may be the area with the highest degree of fighting in the Three Borders State, and there are no more than three reasons.

1. The geography created by the vast plains makes it easier to kill the battlefield, and it is also easier to cause resource competition.

2. The attributes of the resources generated in the region are violent and violent, which affects the character of the monks. Of course, it also affects the power system. Among them, the main direction of the monks in Huaye Dajing Prefecture is sword repairing and knife repairing. Jingzhou is far more than that, but it is far inferior to Jianxiu and others in this state.

3. The most important point is that the Three Orders coexist in Huaye Dajing State, and the three ways of righteousness, evil and demons co-exist, and the fighting is fierce. Basically, if you choose two of the three, you will end up living or dying. Yes, the relationship between evil ways and demon ways is not good. , the main reason is that the way of magic is too cruel, and the way of cultivation is also poisonous, even evil cultivators are afraid.

Other than the three points, let alone Huaye Dajing Prefecture's prosperous aura, which spawned many powerful ghosts, etc., it is even more dangerous. There is basically no particularly safe place, unless it is a city with protective power.

The highly dangerous region and the common sense of competition have led to the concept of the strong respecting the strong in this Dajing State.

However, no matter how fierce the competition in Huaye Dajing Prefecture is, there are still some places that are relatively peaceful, such as the ancient road Xiling.

"In the great realm of Huaye, the blood is drawn from the four wastelands. If you ask Qingxiu, the ancient road to the west mausoleum."

"Speaking of the ancient road of Xiling, this place has the most aura. Why is there so little competition in a place with such a flourishing aura? Because someone is in charge."

Who cares?

The first sect in Huaye Dajing Prefecture, Xiling Stone Buddha Temple.

Yes, this is a Buddhist temple.

"Say it's amazing, Huaye Dajing Prefecture, which is known as the cemetery of monks and cultivators, is actually ruled by the most peaceful Xiling Stone Buddhist Temple."

"And the most amazing thing about this Stone Buddha Temple is that there are monks inside!"

The speaker was still trying to force him to chatter, but was suddenly drawn out by the long knife by his companion. . . The back of the knife sticks to the mouth.

icy cold

This person was silent like a cicada, not daring to move, and clasped the spirit sword on his waist.

The tall and mighty Daoxiu stood beside the lush bamboo forest path and made a gesture.

Who is this gesture for? To his frightened companions, or someone else?

No one knows, only that the eyes of this tall swordsman slid across the front area inch by inch, and finally looked at the bamboo forest on the right. contour.

There is still some distance, but within a hundred miles of the Stone Buddha Temple in Xiling, under the Mahayana, no one has the ability to fly with a sword-because the Stone Buddha Temple does not allow it.

The seemingly natural and beautiful bamboo forests, the clear lakes, and the wild beauty of the mountains and forests that can be seen from time to time, in fact, are full of huge Buddha power that is difficult to detect and capture, and is everywhere.

Such a powerful Buddha power, could it be that there is a peerless expert in Stone Buddha Temple who always suppresses it with spiritual majesty?

still. . . .

It is a Buddha statue.

I won't mention which Buddha statue it is, anyway, there are only ground walkers in this area, but the mystery that Daoxiu noticed is definitely not the coercion of this Buddha statue—it has been there for tens of thousands of years, and it is nothing unusual today.

"There is movement over there, and someone may have noticed it."

Daoxiu's face was solemn, and he had already withdrawn the saber against the ground, only then was his companion suspicious, "Impossible, since the pavilion master calculated its birth from the astrology and various methods, we came carefully and never leaked the news. Someone preceded us?"

"Unknown, be careful in ambush, don't conflict with Stone Buddha Temple... I hope it didn't fall in Stone Buddha Temple."

After Daoxiu finished speaking, he raised his sword and jumped onto the bamboo shoots, and the others jumped up in unison when they saw this.

This coercion is so strong that it is difficult to jump up, but in order to rush to the place where "it" may come to the world as soon as possible, they can only work hard.

And try not to make a big noise.

Daoxiu took out a roulette in his palm, this roulette is very simple, but has restrained power, the evidence is slowly pointing to a place.

Its breath is over there.

Daoxiu looked at it, and his expression was slightly relieved. Fortunately, he avoided the Stone Buddha Temple, which was diagonally opposite the Stone Buddha Temple.


After skimming the bamboo shoots about seven or eight times, Dao Xiu, who was flying into the air, suddenly changed his expression and pulled out the sword on his waist. . .

Bang! ! Hit by a flying leaf light dart, the blade trembled, and Dao Xiu's wrist flicked, and the blade rotated in a spiral, releasing force, releasing the blade out of thin air. Dart, but the people behind him are not so easy. They forcefully resisted one or two, but they were still blasted. They screamed and hit the ground and vomited blood. Quick attack with magic weapon.

Bamboo leaves fluttered, and there was a faint fragrance in the air, but in an instant, more than a dozen shadows also flashed from the other side, rushing into the arena brazenly, and in a blink of an eye, the aura burst out everywhere.

Daoxiu, who was in the fighting field, stood with his sword in hand, looked up and was surprised.

"Heart Refining Gate! Ling Piaoxue, it's you!"

"Qi Shan, your Wuyan Pavilion has fallen, and you are sneaking around like a thief. You lose my prestige in evil ways too much."

"Hmph, you are so crazy, there is a Stone Buddha Temple here, how dare you make a big fuss?"

Qi Shan is the backbone of the Wuyan Pavilion, and he has already passed the point of being young and frivolous, but Ling Piaoxue is not. He is a young talent among many evil sects of this generation. He ranks at the top and has a high reputation. Unparalleled, young and energetic, that's why he acted so frivolously.

"Of course it's going to make a big fuss. Just ask me to kill you all during the blockade here."

Ling Piaoxue looks like a fair-skinned young master, but he is extremely fierce, and immediately attacked violently, but Qi Shan was shocked, only to find that the range of hundreds of meters they were in had already been confinement.

For a moment, blood splattered everywhere, corpses exploded, and the two sides fought endlessly.

At this time, there seemed to be a slight movement in the depths of the bamboo forest not far from them, and then. . . boom!

There was also a fight.

It was as if they were trying their best to clear away the opponents who might compete with them as quickly as possible.

"He is a person of evil ways!"

"Okay, Yinyi City, Xuehai Temple, Burning Soul Zhai, Lianxinmen, Wuyan Pavilion, you evil people, dare to act presumptuously on the Xiling Ancient Road! Huaye Dajing Prefecture is really the world of your evil ways! "

"Fart! How dare you righteous hypocrites say that you didn't come here because of the treasure? What kind of big-tailed wolf are you pretending to be! Let the horse come here!"

First, the evil way fights, then the righteous sects face off, and then the good and the evil directly confront each other.

This really couldn't be blocked, and soon, the huge commotion entered into a small courtyard of a quiet and secluded Buddhist temple along with the sound of energy fluctuations at the ends of clumps of bamboo groves.

But the strange thing is that none of the monks in the temple paid attention to them, whether they were sweeping the floor or doing something else.

There is an old tree in the courtyard on the left side in front of a main hall. An old monk is sitting under the old tree, and the old monk is playing chess by himself.

It's as if they don't know anything about the outside world.

But in fact, on the edge of a lake about a kilometer away from the Stone Buddha Temple, there are indeed more than a few hundred elites who are both righteous and evil, and they are killing like a raging fire. At this moment. . .

In the mountain farthest from the Stone Buddha Temple on the Xiling Ancient Road, there are quiet springs and pools, waterfalls and milky way.

Not far away, an ugly, sullen and stern demon figure stood quietly, but he didn't dare to look at the faint figure standing behind the waterfall, and kept silent until he counted the time.

She said she would call her in half an hour.

Time is up.

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