I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2024 Does it look good? (Actually, it’s just to show up to gain fame, and I owe two more, de

then. . . . The bald and ugly man with a hunchback opened his throat and shouted respectfully: "Lord Qing, the time has come."

Water from the waterfall, a woman opened it like a curtain, pacing on the water, still holding a stack of spiritual paper manuscripts, looking down, as if thinking about something, but also Casually asked: "Who is there, all the information has been collected?"

"Yes, just now, my subordinates carefully observed the movement over there. Indeed, many people came. Less than one-third of them were exposed on the surface, and many were lurking in the dark, but the four people above are worth paying attention to. .”

Don't look at this person's ugly face, like a weak ant, but he is not an ordinary person in the Demon Sect, but he also manages a bunch of people underneath, nicknamed the Black Camel, but this time he passed the rules of the second floor to the master of the second floor. This mission, but I don't want to be brought to collect intelligence by the other party in a few words.

But the identity of the other party suppressed him, and he didn't dare to refuse.

After he finished speaking, he obediently handed over a piece of information, the information was no less than a hundred people's information, in order to prove his ability, but the four people's information was the most eye-catching, because he knew that this young man only needed to deal with these four people. up.

"Ah, they are all the top geniuses of this generation, with such strong mobility, they come as soon as they say it."

"Since the third landlord Xinggui noticed the change of the astrology half a month ago, these sects must have some ways, and it is not surprising that they came in time."

"What I'm talking about is that the battle of the Three Realms of the Tianzang Realm is about to start, but what kind of relics are here. Although it's not the first time that Huaye Dajing Prefecture has dropped relics, it's been a bit frequent recently."

Um. . . Is there any logic to this?

The black camel was noncommittal.

"I'm more curious about why you, Master Qing, think that the relics will land in that lake later."

"Because there are so many people there."


In fact, there are many people with great fluctuations in spiritual power. Most of the relics in this world are greedy for spirits. They are attracted by spiritual power and will naturally fall there. Unless they have their own spirituality, they will autonomously avoid danger and avoid crowds. . . But the powerful spirituality of the relic also goes to places with a lot of people-it can swallow people to replenish the spiritual power consumed by the fall.

After Qin Yu finished speaking, he closed the document in his hand, because it was about to come down.

Suddenly there was a change in the sky.

Meteor meteorite, a terrifying golden streamer in the sky, from the top of the sky directly turns into a golden streamline that runs through to the end, descending from the sky with golden flames, just one or two breaths. . .


Instantly blasted into the lake.

The golden flames were burning and rolling, and the huge pool was boiling. Are the fish and shrimps in the bottom safe?

I have never seen them being cooked. Instead, the golden glazed brilliance reflected from the bottom of the lake to the surface of the lake, and quickly turned into countless fine silvery patterns. The scarlet color is moving, but the strange power has just appeared. Everyone noticed the spiritual power riot in the ancient Xiling Road—what's going on, why the spiritual power is rushing here!

Visible to the naked eye, the aura that naturally existed in the space where everyone was located seemed to be swirled by a huge air vortex, and all poured into the pool, but just entered, before everyone could react, they found that there was a gray turbid air released from the pool come out.

Pool water is separated.

"The spiritual power in the pool has reached 100% pure!!!"

"This must be a purification treasure!"

Damn, this is one of the rarest types, and looking at the pre-purification, there hasn't been a more powerful relic in the past thousand years!

Everyone is going crazy! Almost everyone's eyes were red, and they rushed over in unison!

But also then.

Duo Luo, Luo Yuanqu, Geberland and Jing Ren, the four top talents, are also the top four in this four-part battle of Tianzang Selection in Dajing Prefecture, and they made a bold move!

Huh? robbing?

No, they didn't rush down the lake, but the two of them teamed up to pin down the rest of the monks, tightly controlling them and preventing them from going down the river.

Rao, in the past, these monks respected and feared the four of them, but now they are also furious—stopping me from taking the treasure is equivalent to killing their parents!


There was another fight by the lake, this time it was much more intense than before, and they were desperate.

At that time, when they were fighting, someone suddenly exclaimed that there were two streamers of light flying out from one left and one right in the forest.

That's right, it's flying!

The big guy with the Mahayana period has made a move!

These two beams of light collide like a lake, and they are all using magical powers to roll the lake's spiritual water to overturn the entire lake, and then use spiritual power to control the spiritual water to forcibly separate them all.

You see, all the lakes and seawater of such a huge volume are like being rolled out, and the whole roll is divided evenly, and even the many fish, shrimp, spirit beasts inside are separated, as if to find the fallen relics from it!

This is the Mahayana period of fighting hand speed and spell control.

But far away in the mountains, the black camel was a little puzzled: "Master Qing, you haven't made a move yet."

Qin Yu: "Isn't there a team of people who were appointed in the first place, and it was my turn to come out when they failed. Anyway, I am also the second boss of the Demon Sect, so I have to make some arrangements."

Black Camel: "???"

This may be the most hypocritical landlord in the ninth floor of their Demon Sect.

Damn, it's even more pompous than the Demon Lord, and you have to die a wave before you are willing to play?

Why didn't the thunder in the sky strike you to death!

"Call me hypocritical?"

"Ah, my subordinates don't, dare not, absolutely not."

Qin Yu glanced at him lightly and didn't speak.

The black camel noticed that she was playing with the beautiful bracelet on her wrist, her movements were unhurried, as if someone else's heart was spinning on her fingers.

at this moment.

The two masters of the Mahayana period had already separated more than half of the lake water, and they were about to approach the remaining ones. . .

The black light is fierce.

The magician finally appeared.

"It's the poison master Yunxie of the Demon Sect!"

"The demonic people are still here!"

As soon as the three Mahayanas met each other, they were really hostile, but in an instant, it became the cloud fairy Luozhi and Xiejian Sanren teaming up to deal with the poison master.

Two against one.

Poison Master taunted the right way to be shameless, and he didn't forget to say: "Those who suffer from evil ways are worthless, and they haven't come to the Mahayana period, otherwise, wouldn't my cloud scorpion be very troublesome?"

Well, I am very contemptuous of Luo Zhi and the two of them.

The two masters of the Mahayana stage of the righteous path are stable, and they don't fight with him. They just output with all their strength, output, and then output, and then. . .

With a swipe, one hand tore through the space out of thin air, and suddenly plunged into the little remaining spiritual water, grabbed a golden bead inside with a slap, and turned into a strange light to escape in a swipe.



"court death!"

The three Mahayana masters were furious and were about to attack each other.

A sharp light swept across the space, and with a sweep, the scepter hit the opponent's hand.

Karma rubbed a crisp sound.

The arm of a master of the evil Mahayana period who is extremely light to explore the bag. . . broken!

The severed arm fell into the other hand, Qianqian Yubai, with her dexterous fingers unhurriedly hooked the small golden bead in the palm of the severed arm, played with the fingertips, and threw away the severed arm casually.

Qin Yu was observing the bead, but he raised the scepter in his hand and pointed it directly at Luo Zhi and the others who were ready to attack.

Does a person point to the four Mahayana periods with a scepter?

With this finger, the scene was instantly silent.

No one dared to move.

The other party's breath was terrible.

But that's not the main reason - the main thing is. . . Everyone present was stunned.

Because he was stunned, he didn't move.

As for why he was stunned, it was probably because. . . .

Qin Yu finally moved his eyes away from the bead, and landed on a group of people in front of him. After looking at them for a while, he asked softly.

"Does it look good?"

The update was interrupted yesterday, depending on the situation, pick a day to make up the update. The state is not good recently, so we have to take it easy.

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