I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2025 Not Angry


Compared with this person's strength and behavior, many people have different positions and hatred relationships, it is difficult to say it out loud, but there is no need to restrain yourself when it comes to things like whether they are good or not, just like the evil ways and evil ways against Hua Ye. Jingzhou's second most powerful Weiwen Pavilion customized ranking list of strange news.

Among them is the Fenghua List, which is undoubtedly the most elegant person in the entire Dajing State. The so-called Fenghua refers to appearance, temperament, talent, and even character cultivation other than combat power. Good-looking is not the only criterion, but it must be. Necessary standards, but what about the woman standing on the bamboo shoot at this time?

Dressed in ink and black feathers, she is beautiful.

That long dress, which is like ink flowing quietly and painted, is as thin as silk wings, with gold silk gilt edges, wrapped in delicate snow white, calm and restrained, as if it properly rhymes with a remote and long-lasting beauty.

There is a kind of beauty that lasts because you know she is unavailable.

Knowing that it is impossible to obtain, but still wanting to obtain it, this is against the orthodox way of letting nature take its course in the cultivation world, and the more obsessive it appears.

Therefore, this is a woman who has long-term beauty that people can only hope for, so they can only be obsessed with desire.

Just a glance will do.

The end is beautiful, but it does not belong to you.

So no one responded, and those who were qualified to respond, but didn't want to, could only stick to business.

For example, Luo Zhi, this powerful female nun who has practiced the Dao Foundation in Huaye Dajing State for many years, only said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"


Luo Zhi frowned, she had never heard of this name before, and naturally, she had never seen this person either.

She looked deeply at Qin Yu, her body surging with majesty, her eyes gliding over the treasure in Qin Yu's hand, "One against four?"

Once one person succeeds, the rest will join forces no matter what their position is.

There are people from the three realms of righteousness, evil and evil, but none of them are absent.

She didn't even need to ask other people's opinions to be sure.

When Luo Zhi asked this, Qin Yu smiled back, took back the scepter he was pointing at, and clasped it behind his back with one hand, saying, "Don't dare, it depends on whether one of my subordinates wants to commit the following crime?"


Everyone was stunned.

Luo Zhi's Tianjian Sanren's eyes suddenly flicked back and forth between the evil master and the poison master whose palm had been severed.

The poison master's face was ugly.

It appears to be him.

But his face is so ugly, as if he is not inferior, dissatisfied with this boss?

Demonic? And it belongs to the Demon Sect!

Luo Zhi's eyes flashed.

This can be used.

Qin Yu ignored them, but turned his head to ask the black camel that came in a hurry.

The black camel really took a lot of effort to get there. Seeing that Qin Yu landed on the bamboo tip, he didn't dare to be at the same height as the other party, so he spontaneously landed on the ground.

"What is this thing, old black, do you know?"

old black? It sounds like a dog's name, but thinking that the dignified ninth floor owner has been called a dog's head by this person for ten years, the black camel can only pull his stiff face and say: "Master Yinqing, this is the Jingyuan Pearl, it seems It should be at the level of a semi-immortal weapon, that is..."

"It's broken." Qin Yu saw it, and there was a pity on her face. She was so lucky to encounter such a good thing, but it turned out to be broken.

but. . .

"Even if it's a defective product, it's still top-quality. I think Master Qing, who relies heavily on the demon king, must not look down on this Jingyuan Pearl. Why not..." Poison Master's eyes flickered, and he was about to say something.

"What do you like, I don't want it and I won't give it to you."


The poison master's expression was resentful. Since he is a demon, he naturally has a bad heart, so he immediately resented Qin Yu. This woman is a newcomer and came from the righteous way, but she is in a high position all of a sudden. Who is convinced! What's more, it's not because of her frequent visits to the magic palace in the past ten years. . . .

Since he was dissatisfied with Qin Yu, he naturally showed it, so he snorted softly, and it was an excellent opportunity for this attitude to fall into the eyes of Luo Zhi and the others.


The three of them were about to make a move when suddenly, a terrifying and powerful Buddha light erupted from the Xiling Stone Buddhist Temple.

The Buddha's radiance reached the sky, it was so powerful that it almost covered the entire area of ​​the Xiling Ancient Road. A unanimous retreat was made.

More importantly - this coercion is indeed very strong.

When Qin Yu's eyes were slightly closed, in the Buddha's light, the gate of the Stone Buddha Temple suddenly creaked and was pulled open, and a bald-headed old man in yellow came out.

With a bald head, he is naturally a monk.

The first thing Qin Yu noticed was this monk, and his first thought was—fuck, this monk looks a little too good-looking.

Two or three faces that were masculine in her mind quickly flashed in her mind, and then quickly added this monk.

young monk.

At least the skin looks young.

If Buddhist monks look young on the outside, it means that they have not practiced for a long time, because they disdain to use mysterious means to keep their skin young.

Just do what you want.

The extremely good-looking monk came out, his long brown cassock slightly dragging the floor, holding a string of Buddhist beads, and after stepping out of the threshold, he raised his eyes to Qin Yu and the others.

They are separated by a thousand meters, but with their line of sight, it is as if they are facing each other at a distance of one meter.

The particles of dust and aura shaking on the eyelashes of the opponent's face can be clearly distinguished.

Qin Yu also noticed that the other party's eyes fell on her first. Did the little monk pay attention to her beauty and temperament?

——People look at the beads on their hands.

Jinbi quickly poured a basin of cold water from the 99th floor.

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows, and before he could open his mouth, the monk spoke.

"A person in the devil's way?"

With just this sentence, Qin Yu knew why the group of monks, who had previously kept a low profile like chickens, changed their state of not intervening and suddenly showed up.

Because of the deep hatred for the devil.

She saw it, and Luo Zhi and the others naturally saw it too.

Since Stone Buddha Temple made a move, then this Qingqiu would naturally also. . . . .

The scene was dead silent for a while, and the poison master sneered and was ready to retreat.

Normally, in this case, Qin Yu should say that he is not.

But she should: "Yes, you are?"

Young monk: "Don't be angry."

Then without talking nonsense, he raised his hand and gave Qin Yu a slap.

That palm, hum! It took only a blink of an eye for the huge golden Buddha seal to be sent back a thousand meters, and it hit Qin Yu in an instant.

The black camel was terrified. It had just curled up and exposed its body armor, but suddenly found out. . . Huh?

The golden Buddha palm was blocked by a hand.

Qin Yu pressed the Buddha's palm with one hand, pressed it an inch in front of his body, and said, "You little monk looks so good-looking, why do you have such a bad temper, and you fight without saying a word, so you can't discuss it properly. ?”

Buan probably also saw Qin Yu's power, frowned slightly, and said, "I can't let the demonic people take away the Jingyuan Pearl."

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