I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2026 Picking up yang to nourish yin

Qin Yu: "It's unacceptable to be treated so differently. How about evil ways?"

Not angry: "It doesn't work either."

Qin Yu: "Then I'm mentally balanced."

Evil: Fuck!

People of the right way are very happy, they understand the meaning of Shifosi not to be angry-the devil and evil are not good, but the righteous way is possible, Shifosi himself has no intention of Jingyuanzhu! This is a great joy.

This means they can compete with both.

Luo Zhi and Tianjian Sanren Wuxin frowned.

"But since I have taken something, no one has ever been able to take it away from me, little monk, why don't we discuss it."

Bu'an was quite disgusted with the frivolous title Qin Yu, a demon woman, used to call herself, so she raised her hand, twirled the Buddha beads, and said lightly, "Please tell me."

"I'll take the Jingyuan Pearl, but I won't kill those four people."

What's the meaning?

Everyone was shocked, this Buchen really had two brushes, their eyebrows raised suddenly, their figures flashed, their robes flew slightly, and in a flash, the bamboo leaves of the two bamboo groves on the side of the road fell and flew towards the four The direction is approaching!

but. . . One step late.

Bu'an and the countless green bamboo leaves could only stop at one position and didn't move anymore.

Luo Zhi and Tianjian Sanren were a little slower, but they had already reacted, but they didn't dare to move around like Bu'an.

because. . . The life and death of the four people is indeed in crisis!

Doro, Luo Yuanqu, Geberan, and Jingren stood in place, their faces pale and bloodless, motionless, because their bodies had already spread terrible curse marks.

The vision of masters in the Mahayana period has been very broad, and they can recognize the curse seal, and it is a curse seal that they cannot solve. . . . Of course they dare not move.

The value of the four of Duoluo is by no means comparable to that of a damaged Jingyuan Pearl. Even a top-notch semi-celestial weapon can't be exchanged for the strongest four sons of Huaye Dajingzhou's generation.

So he didn't get angry anymore, he looked at Qin Yu: "You actually took the road of curse seal."

Compared with evil ways, there are all kinds of strange, sinister and vicious side ways.

The demonic way is much more domineering, but all the key elites follow the demonic route, and the demonic species is so powerful that neither good nor evil can handle it.

Don't be surprised.

Qin Yu: "The curse mark is just a means for me to play with. What kind of path is it? Really count... I should take another path."

Buchen is serious and serious: "Demon seed?"

Qin Yu: "Collect yang to nourish yin."

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.


Zhengdao was furious: What a shameless witch who everyone can punish!

The evil way is furious: The evil way is shameless, and with the cowhide demon seed, it still seizes the popular profession of our evil way female nuns! Chicken!

Taoist in yellow: Am I the only one who thinks this woman is flirting? Also, I always feel that she looks familiar.

After thinking for a while, the Taoist in yellow started to record silently.

Mo Dao, Poison Master and Black Camel's eyes and expressions were a little subtle, they looked at each other, and their eyes flickered.

Don't be angry and bewildered, stunned for a while, with a majestic expression, but there was no explosion, and he just said solemnly: "Undo the curse."

Qin Yu smiled: "Let me go?"

Not angry: "No lie."

The little monk is very decisive.

Qin Yu played with the Jingyuan Pearl, glanced lightly at Luo Zhi and the others, Luo Zhi and Tianjian Sanren didn't say a word, and seemed to acquiesce, and only the evil way was unwilling, but Qin Yu chopped off his palm, knowing that maybe it wasn't The opponent can only run away with hatred, and refuses to stay, otherwise, once Wu'an and Luozhi have to compromise with that witch, they will definitely vent it on themselves afterwards. .

"Okay, then I'll go."

Qin Yu was even more straightforward. He immediately removed the curse seal before leaving, and then took the black camel and left with the poison master.

Luo Zhi and the others didn't chase after her either, because there was no anger.

If the Buddhists want to be steadfast in what they say, anyone who goes against their insistence is an enemy.

Fortunately, the four of them were rescued.

It's just this Qingqiu. . . .

"Why have I never heard of it before? Is it the demon-seed dweller hidden deep in the demonic way, or..."

Luo Zhi and Tianjian Sanren flew down to talk with Bu'an.

Bu'an didn't know much about Qin Yu, and didn't make any judgments, but said indifferently: "I'm afraid the way of the devil will become even more powerful from now on..."

Just finished saying this, boom! There was a loud noise in the distance, and the Poison Master's mournful howl erupted.

"You dare to hurt me!!!!!!"

"If you commit the following offense, two slaps will be light."

"You and I are both members of the Demon Sect."

"I wear such black, do you think my heart is white?"

Then there were two more critical blows, and then a strong smell of blood quickly wafted over.

Righteous Buddha and evil people: "..."

like. . . Not necessarily.

After the Taoist in yellow left the Stone Buddha Temple, he quickly contacted someone.

A person who is not in Huaye Dajing State.

In the bamboo grove, there is a shadowy figure, and the voice is calm and cold.

"What is it?"

"The person you asked me to pay attention to, I see a person who looks very similar today, but I don't think it's possible, why don't you take a look?"


"Neng, first watch the video of harvesting yang and tonifying yin that I passed on."


"It's not me, it's someone else... Anyway, take a look and see if it's her."

After half a sound, a sentence came from over there.

"Good luck."

I don't know if it's about cultivation or. . . What.

"Eh? It's really her? It's unlikely, the gap in cultivation is too... But if you fall into the magic way, it is indeed possible that your strength will advance by leaps and bounds. I think she has some talent in the way of magic in her bones. Haven't you seen how much she is today?" Ruthless, really..."

"It's just molesting a monk, it's nothing."

"Eh?" The Taoist in yellow was stunned for a moment, and his tone was a little strange, "How can you be like this..."

Han Hai Chaoyi: "When she was on the right path, she might not be less molested."

"That's right." The Taoist in yellow thought for a moment and sighed: "Such a peerless evildoer has entered the way of the devil, hey!! By the way, why do I think you are not a pity at all? You must know that from now on you will be opponents. Sichuan..."

"It depends on whether there are common interests. The position is not very important. Is there anything else? It's nothing. I'll hang up."


City Lord Hanhai, I think you may also have some demonic potential.

Are you gorgeous girls so disdainful of righteousness?

The Taoist in yellow held down his heart, his heart ached.


After Qin Yu completed the mission, he asked the black camel to bring the maimed and seriously injured Poison Master back to the sect, because the latter was also a Mahayana master at any rate, and he was not a Chinese cabbage. But tremblingly watched Qin Yu leave with a more respectful and fearful attitude.

Qin Yu's residence is not in Mozong, not even in Mochuan, but in many places, but every place is well decorated and the living standard is extremely high.

And as soon as she got home, she took a bath and soaked in the hot spring.

Leaning against the warm stone wall, Qin Yu rested his head with one hand, put a plate of fruit into the golden house with the other, and asked the golden wall.

"How about Chubby Jiaojiao?"

--look by youself.

Qin Yu looked at it and rolled his eyes.

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