I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2029 Watching the tree (end, sleep!)


"Do you know what Tianshu is?"

The devil suddenly asked Qin Yu who had been too lazy to talk all the way.

"Tianshu? I seem to have never heard of this place."

"How did the devil know that Tianzang Realm will arrange the finals of Tianzang Selection in Tianshu?"

To Qin Yu's question, the devil's answer was: "Because I am the devil."

No, you are not the Demon Lord, you are Teddy King.

Qin Yu smiled slightly at the devil's pretentious and glamorous answer, and answered a word in front of all the little bosses of the devil's way.


In the whole world, maybe no one can return the word "oh" so casually and contemptuously. A deep analysis is--I know you don't want to say that you are pretending, but I just ask casually, you are so proud of you Bacon.

One of the essences of smart people is to think a lot, and the essence of extremely smart people is to think a lot!

Mojun understood Qin Yu's meaning in seconds, and his complexion darkened a little, but he couldn't say anything in front of all his subordinates, and only exuded a faint air. . . After a while, he said coldly: "The world of Tianzang has a long history of countless years. Whenever there is a period when the boundary wall is weakened, it must be a time when life is in danger. In order to minimize the danger, an ancient powerful sage created it ten thousand years ago. The secret realm Tianshu, all the entry points outside the sky after reducing the barriers are set here, this is the origin of Tianshu."

Qin Yu: "So that's how it is. The devil is really knowledgeable. Why was the Tibetan environment arranged like this that day?"

I know you're complimenting me to get an answer to another question.


The Demon Lord didn't even bother to look at Qin Yu, so he just said coldly: "There was a special period when the finals of the Tianzang Selection happened. The choice of Tianzang killed more than half of the contemporary geniuses at once, and many of the top cultivators at that time also died. The high-level people broke with the younger generation, resulting in a collective decline in the level of monks of that generation. The era has fallen to the Silver Age..."

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows, "When you said that, I remembered that after the age of saints, the golden generation was very prosperous at that time, and it should have lasted at least ten thousand years, but it was cut off abruptly, directly downgraded, and the follow-up was weak. It turned into the Silver Age, I didn’t expect this to be the reason.”

The Demon Lord was noncommittal, and said lightly: "There are external factors, and to put it bluntly, it's just that those righteous ways are too fragile."

Qin Yu: "The devil seems to look down on those strong people from outside. They can destroy the golden age to the silver age anyway."

The Demon Monarch sneered: "Ten thousand years ago, my Demon Dao brought the age of saints to the golden age."

Qin Yu originally wanted to say that the Righteous Dao almost wiped out such a powerful Demonic Dao. . . But noticing the burning eyes of the Demon Lord, she could only smile.


The Demon Lord then turned his head and looked forward.

Ignore her.

The atmosphere was momentarily awkward.

The dog-headed military division of Wanjinyou flew to Qin Yu silently, and continued to explain in a low voice: "Maybe in the end, the higher-ups of the Tianzang Realm will have the final say, and they still feel that it is safest to put everyone in the Tianshu - if it is really due to the reduction of the boundary wall In the meantime, Tianshu is actually the safest place when visitors from outside the world come."

Qin Yu was thoughtful, and quickly came up with a guess: "Forbidden Spirit?"

The dog-headed military division showed a relaxed expression, well, it is comfortable to talk to smart people.

"Yes, within the Tianshu, even immortals cannot use spiritual power."

Rao Qin Yu guessed it herself, she was shocked, and blurted out: "Then the strong ones can do whatever they want!"

The dog's head quickly noticed that the eyes of the second host quickly swept the Lord Demon Lord in front of him.

strong, dry. . .

Thinking of the rumors that have been passed up and down the Demon Palace and the ninth floor in the past ten years.

All the leaders of the Demon Sect were silent.

Under everyone's weird eyes, the Demon Lord felt a little uncomfortable in his coldness, and was about to warn these subordinates not to commit the following crimes.

"Goutou, what kind of eyes do you have? I'm not talking about others, but myself."

Qin Yu felt that these demon sect members probably didn't know anything about her powerful physique, which made her very upset.

She has kept a low profile for too long, what she wants now is face, fear, and fame!

One or two of these devil dog men are not very good at seeing.

Demon Lord: "???"

Everyone: "???"

Who do you want? Let me ask you, who exactly do you want to do?


His flying speed was so fast that the people behind might not all be able to keep up, and only two people could keep up steadily.

Qin Yu and the first host, Situ Puppet.

Situ Puppet, right? Qin Yu has met him seven or eight times in the past ten years, and he has never heard him say a word. You have to ask, as the number one host, if you don’t even say a word, how can you control your subordinates? What about work?

It's very simple, he doesn't need to order, because all the members on the first floor of Mozong Restaurant are all special. . . Puppet puppet.

From high to low, there are countless puppets, much scarier than zombies.

There is no need to talk to the next, but what about the upper?

He doesn't need to talk, because the policy is basically determined by the brains of the ninth floor dog head and the devil.

For example, now, the dog head looked around and said: "The boundary wall is reduced, and the secret realm of Tianshu is opened. At this rare time, there will be restlessness in the right way and evil way, and they will not think that our demon sect will also participate in it, and they will naturally lie in ambush!" Kill."

Demon Lord: "Naturally, it's just that they can't lock our position."

Goutou: "The demon king is in charge. Naturally, those people can't catch our traces. They can only divide some troops to guard several areas outside Tianshu to wait for rabbits. It's all luck."

When it comes to luck, the demon king is noncommittal, and the other landlords are also quite contemptuous.

Among these people, Qin Yu was as quiet as a chicken.

—I have a terrible thought.

Jinbi couldn't help but go online and beep.

Qin Yu: "No, you didn't, shut up!"

"The front convenience is Tianshu."

The devil suddenly looked at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu: "???"

What the hell are you watching me do and praising your tour guide?

Qin Yu: "Look, there is no entrance."

Demon Lord: "No need to enter, just enter."

Is this because the Demon Lord is domineering?

No, that's because there are people surrounded in front!

Paralyzed, she was really put on the sidelines!

How small is the probability of this!

The people of Mozong were shocked!

The powerhouses of Weichuan Dajingzhou who had been eating melons and squatting for days were also shocked!

Paralyzed, from the Demon Sect!

And it was the devil himself who brought several landlords. . . .

"Communication, do it!"

The powerhouses of Wei Chuan were as imposing as a rainbow, like hounds with chicken blood.

The Mozong people here. . . Qin Yu silently glanced at a group of strong men across from him, and said something.

"Only this few people can still shout so loudly, they don't even know how powerful our lord is! He can handle it all by himself, and there is no need for me to wait for the little guy to come forward."

Listening to the charming and charming voice, I turned my head to see the beautiful second host in a black dress with a sense of trust on his face.

Use you to fight in absolute sincerity of trust.

She is such an ugly heart.

Once the white lotus, now the black lotus.

And when she yelled like this, the strong men in Weichuan on the opposite side exploded in an instant.

"Oh! What arrogance!"

"Devil Lord, I will fight you!"

"I'm coming too!"

Everyone's aura instantly locked onto the Demon Lord.

The heart of Lord Demon Lord. . . It was blocked in an instant, and he gave Qin Yu a gloomy look, his eyes seemed bloodthirsty.

Bear with her, and bear with her for a while longer.

Qin Yu's eyes on Shang Mojun were beautiful on the surface, but he smiled inwardly: I want to see how long you can bear it, hehehe.

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