I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2030 Rumor


Weichuan Tianshu is an independent secret realm, but secret realms are no longer a rare thing now, at least those who have participated in the selection of Tianzang have been raped by the tricks of Tianzang realm many times.

All kinds of secrets mess with you.

However, the secret realm of Tianshu is different. When the examiners were brought into Tianshu by people from the Tianzang realm, they were shocked when they saw the appearance of the secret realm of Tianshu. The geniuses in the world, they can see Tianshu once in their life, in the words of their elders, it means they have had great shit luck.


Because many climate images in this Tianshu are the embodiment of the original power, every flower and tree are full of attainment principles, you can appreciate the vitality of the wood system when you look at the flowers and plants, and you can understand the vitality of the soil and water systems when you look at the mountains and rivers run.

To put it bluntly, if it is said that these geniuses rely more on the teachings of their elders for their cultivation and growth from childhood, then once they pass the period of distraction and integration, they can only rely on their own perception.

This Tianshu realm is a more natural and pure environment for understanding than the teachings of masters in the Mahayana period.

That's why those big bosses and elders say that this generation, especially the young people who entered the finals of Tianzang Selection, are lucky.

But it has been seven or eight days since they came in, from the shock at the beginning, to the conflict and temptation of other examiners, and finally. . . Anyway, it's stable now.

At least most of the 15 examiners in Lielu Dajing Prefecture have tacitly let go of their old grievances, and silently chose to stay in a group and stay in an inn.

That is to say, Wei Xian from the south, old man Fusang, Lao Yuan and Qin Dan from the west were not there, and the rest were in an inn, but this time it wasn't just them who came from the east, there were also other people that the examiner could bring along.

"It's really wrong, such a rare quota, no one has brought such a few young children."

"Fang Yourong is second, and Fifth Dao Ling is third. There are ten and five places respectively, and they can bring their own people into Tianshu."

"They are very young, and they are all Wuque's true disciples."

"Is it true that the two milk teeth are not all in place?"

"Oh...those two..."

I don't know what they said, and suddenly several people showed displeasure, but this displeasure was superficial, and beneath the displeasure was envy and jealousy.

But they pretended, as if disdainful, thinking that this was Fang Yourong's stupidity.

And at this moment, the stupid Fang Yourong, in the process of subconsciously stamping his feet and nodding his head after seeing her, the people at the same inn slowly walked down to meet Shuling and the others.

Since Xie Shuling and the others entered Tianshu, they have been aware of other people's scrutiny and contempt all the time, some from Lielu and others from Jingzhou. They all undoubtedly believe that they are the result of Fang Yourong's "stupidity". It has no other meaning in itself.

Ah, this kind of look and speech is very humiliating, but there is no shortage of people. . . There is no reaction, what should I do, the eyes of those people look like idiots.

But this kind of humiliating remarks came to an abrupt end soon because Fang Yourong came.

Ying Ruoruo turned around and saw that those who had said bad things had changed, and turned to be polite and elegant, talking about everything, or talking about some cultivation attainments, and it was meant to show off, or the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting were elegant The things, or anecdotes, seem to be very capable, but very hypocritical.

Very hypocritical.

Speaking of hypocrisy. . . They unconsciously think of a person.

The person who was considered by the world to be the most hypocritical and best at performing arts deceived Wu Que.

She is different.

Even if she is deceiving, even if she is hypocritical and deceiving, she is gentle, natural and calm, unlike these people, who are bitter and funny.

There is a comparison, and they miss the person who left even more.

However, it seems that Senior Sister Fang, who loved that person the most back then, never misses her at all.

She hasn't mentioned it once in ten years.

And now. . . . She never once paid attention to the various people around her, she only put one hand on her forehead, and held the chopsticks in the other, eating in a leisurely manner.

Fang Yourong was born a cold person, but he just covered up that coldness with etiquette.

Commonly known as decent.

Some women's decent alienation will make people feel humiliated, and they want to challenge more and more, wondering what kind of things can make this woman's calm a little bit turbulent.

So these people talked all kinds of things, and they got to the incident some time ago.

In fact, this matter has already been passed on to the three border states.

No one knows.

Originally, Weichuan Dajingzhou didn't pay much attention to the other two Dajingzhous. After all, it was the most powerful Jingzhou, and it was far stronger than the latter.

Unless it is about the way of magic, and this matter is precisely about the first sect of the way of magic.

Also about that person.

Ying Ruoruo subconsciously paid attention to it, and listened to it. She was a little disappointed at first, because she had learned all this information from the spies' summons that day, and these people were so boring.

Compared to Xie Shuling and others who rolled their eyes to ridicule these people's thin information, Ying Ruoruo Qingli's face was faintly lost, she lowered her head and stirred the pancake with chopsticks, as if she was against herself, and then. . . Hey, those people seem to be getting more and more biased.

It's about the Demon King, the master of the Demon Sect.

"Speaking of this demon king, he is evil, violent, cruel, and ruthless. The most unbearable thing for us is his lewdness and innocence. He has a thousand daughters in one night, and all witches who have little beauty are not immune to it." He defiled."

"Heh, the sorcerer's cultivators are so slutty, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are defiled. I just wish you were willing. I heard that there are many who are eager to attract the attention of the devil."

"Extremely extreme..."

The fifth Daoling came back from the outside, tall and handsome, he put a lot of pressure on the crowd as soon as he entered the door, but he was stern, and he didn't look at other people after he came in. He sat opposite Fang Yourong and looked up. Voice transmission: "She hasn't come yet."

Fang Yourong's brows and eyes lightly transmitted voice transmission: "This place has unlimited opportunities, don't waste time on meaningful people and things."

Someone on the side spoke realistically: "The owner of the second floor of the Demon Sect we mentioned just now has a lot to do with it."

The Fifth Daoling continued to transmit the voice: "I really don't care?"

Someone on the side spoke realistically +1: "What else could it be? It's not like you haven't heard that the female cultivator seems to be a newcomer to the Demon Sect. Not long ago, she snatched treasures from the Xiling Stone Buddhist Temple in Dajing Prefecture, Huaye... Shortly thereafter, it was ranked first in the three lists by the Pavilion of Stranger Things."

Someone on the side spoke realistically +2: "Since it's the cutting-edge list, the beauty list and the prostitution list are number one."

Someone on the side spoke realistically +3: "I understand the first two. I heard that this woman has a beautiful face and is the best in Huaye Dajing Prefecture. Rao Sunset Zhi and other strong men were there at that time, and they fought against her, but later they didn't." Deny this ranking. But what is the meaning of the list of adultery? Isn’t the one who ranks first the Demon Lord?”

Someone on the side spoke realistically +4: "You are really ignorant, the devil king is all old things, so it can't compare to others coming from behind."

This is the first time I know that this kind of thing can also come from behind?

Fang Yourong was silent for a while, and replied coldly, "Yes."

Fifth Dao Ling: "The rumors of others are unbelievable, she is not that kind of person."

Fang Yourong: "She is no longer human."

The fifth knife feather: "..."

Fang Yourong: "It's a demon."

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