I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2031 The magic way is coming. (Two, over, sleep oh)

Fang Yourong didn't bother about it, but said indifferently: "She is not a child anymore, she didn't need us to take care of her in the morning, and she doesn't need it now. As for whether she is such a person, I know it in my heart, and I won't believe it." All this nonsense."

No matter how she felt about what Qin Yu had done before, she would never believe these ugly rumors because of it.

Fifth Daoling: "Well, I think so too."

Wu Que's elder brother and elder sister looked at each other, as if they had strengthened their minds.

Also at this time.

Someone on the side spoke realistically + 5: "Don't you believe it, this is certified by the Demon Sect itself, saying that the second landlord haunts the Demon Palace every day, and in all likelihood, he rushed over without being summoned, and The destination is basically the main hall of the Demon Palace where the Demon Lord lives, and she is quite familiar with the witches who serve the Demon Lord. She stays in the Demon Palace longer than those witches each time. The most important thing is that the Demon Lord treats her strangely. Tolerance, now the ninth floor basically acquiesces that she has an abnormal relationship with the devil..."

The Fifth Dao Ling observed You Rong's expression below, "She has never admitted these things, so it is not worth getting angry."

Fang Yourong: "Huh? I'm not angry, but you don't have to be angry, senior brother."

Fifth Daoling: "Of course I won't."

Someone on the side spoke realistically +6: "But now I have researched this woman in the mainstream of the righteous way, and I also found that she is not the same as those lewd witches."

Someone on the side spoke realistically +7: "What's different?"

Someone on the side spoke realistically + 8: "She may be cultivating Yang tonic, hey, do you really think that what she was eyeing that day was just not anger? She and the devil are mutually beneficial and work together ..."


The teacup suddenly fell on the table and shattered.

Not one, but two.

There is also one in the palm of the fifth knife feather.

And Fang Yourong, who crushed the teacup powder with his palm, turned over his palm and looked at the dust in his palm, the dust fell slowly like smoke one by one.

Fifth Dao Ling calmly swept the dust off the table, picked up a steamed bun, and ate it slowly.

The entire inn hall was dead silent.

Wuque's disciples present were trembling and as quiet as chickens.

Yun Chuxiu probably guessed that these two people must have been talking about the sound transmission just now, and they must have mentioned something about someone. The state of mind may be like this —\u003e Don’t be angry, don’t be angry, I’m not angry, so don’t be angry— —\u003e Of course I’m not angry, after all, there’s nothing to be angry about —\u003e I’m really angry, wait, let me smash a glass first.

bang bang! The cup exploded, and the atmosphere in the whole hall was cold. The relevant people who were talking nonsense just now were frightened first, then stood up in unison, drew their swords and pointed at the fifth sword.

"The deer is so rampant?! Do you really think that I have no one in Huaye?"

Well, it was obvious that two people were the ones who smashed the glass, but they locked on Fifth Dao Ling and let Fang Yourong go.

Are they blind?

No, precisely because their eyes are so good.

This situation has been exactly the same for hundreds of years.

Yun Chuxiu rolled her eyes silently——Fang Yourong, Fang Yourong, looks like a goddess, the soldier who surrenders without fighting, must be referring to you.

However, although these people are not particularly powerful, it is not good to make too much noise. After all, they are newcomers, and Weichuan is also respected here. There must be many main forces in the Tianzang Realm. It's not advisable to be too aggressive—well, even if you want to fight, you have to follow the route of cultural victims.

So Yun Chuxiu took the initiative to come forward, with a warm attitude, and said in a public relations tone: "Everyone, although the other party is a demon, he is also a demon sect. The Tianshu secret realm is unique, and we are all forbidden spirits, and our abilities are limited. Talking about the secrets of the demon sect like this , I'm afraid it's not appropriate."

When she said this, those people became more contemptuous and mocking: "The deer is the deer. After being a dog for a long time, you treat the magic way as a god? Don't say that this place is Tianshu. They dare not come. Killed outside!"

"That is, even if you get lucky and get mixed in by them, under the forbidden spirit, there are many people waiting for me, and they are like wild dogs sent to your door. I can fight as I want!"

These people talked loudly, and many people showed their approval, or they thought that if this kind of situation really happened, they beat up the rampant and terrifying demons in the past, and their hearts were surging, which attracted nine out of ten people in the inn to follow. He yelled loudly as if he had been spat with chicken blood.

Wuque's people and Lielu's people all had ugly faces when they heard the words, and their fighting spirit was awe-inspiring, as if they wanted to compete with each other.

The movement is not small, and the spirit is very high.

There are quite a few monks from the Huaye Dajing State gathered on the street, I don't know if they want to take the opportunity to test the weight of the deer, or if they want to take the opportunity to test the strength of the deer, or if they want to take the opportunity to test the weight of the deer. . . Just get up?

However, at this moment.


A huge opening was suddenly torn open at one end of the street. The aura was magnificent and violent. Dozens of streams of light shot out fiercely, but the fastest one was undoubtedly the black light at the front. Because of the forbidden spirit of Tianshu, after the space barrier was opened, The people who flew in couldn't use their spiritual power. If they were ordinary monks, they would have eaten shit or vomited blood because of weakness. At least few of the examiners who were sent in before were stable. Powerful, all of them have at least the cultivation base and strength of the Transcending Tribulation Period, so after they come in, even if they are banned, they are only as flexible as tigers and leopards. . .

The person in the front is probably not a tiger or leopard, but also a cunning fox. The moment he tore the space and entered this place of the celestial hub, the charming black dress on his body turned into a strong black dress, with a thin waist and long legs, and a left waist Hanging Lingpei, with a flute hanging on the right waist, from behind the gap like a cunning fox flicking the air, directly skimming to the eaves of the nearby buildings and pavilions, while running fast, the tassels on the adornment fluttered, and a black hair fluttered along with it.

Beautiful and clever, both beautiful and charming.

She only glanced back when she was running, and her eyes casually covered the powerful Weichuan powerhouses who were chasing after them with killing intent. Isn't it good to chase other people? They have done a lot of bad things, and they only chase after me. Could it be that I am a woman and easy to bully?"

"Don't be so presumptuous, witch! Everyone can punish the remnants of the evil way! Do you need a reason to kill you?!"

"I just think there are too many of you, and I'm a little scared."

When she said this, Qianqianhao raised her wrist slightly, and those who were chasing after her immediately became alert and shouted in unison: "Be careful!"

Swipe, a group of people dispersed immediately, as if to avoid her possible attack, but there was nothing.

Qin Yu didn't do anything, but lightly untied the purple silk ribbon wrapped around his wrist with his fingers, and tied a refreshing ponytail with his black silk in two or three strokes, completely revealing his slender neck and face.

Good-looking is really good-looking, but when the ponytail is tied, some people see the good-looking and the corners of their mouths lightly twitch, and a kind of domineering spirit suddenly emerges.

With the corner of his mouth hooked, even his eyes became charming and sassy.

Then she stopped walking, turned her feet, jumped over the eaves and spires of the tall pavilion on the side, circled around, and landed on the chest of the fastest chasing person with one kick.


Let the bullets fly for a while.

Sorry for the delay today, it's better now.

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