I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2032 Sunshine (Wait.)


Under the forbidden spirit, fantasy methods are downgraded to martial arts methods in an instant, and fighting depends entirely on physical fitness and fighting skills.

It is true that Dajing State of Weichuan is a very powerful and well-prepared huge force collection. It is known from the fact that the top organizations such as Tianzangjing, Yansha Tower, and Jingmen are all located in Weichuan. As far as I know, Tianshu is located in Weichuan, and since these people dare to sit on the sidelines and wait to besiege and kill the Demon Sect, they must also be confident-their bodies must be very good, and their combat skills are also very good, however. . .

The man was still kicked away by Qin Yu like a bullet.

And when he flew up, Qin Yu had just landed on the ground, and two people who were chasing after him came head-on. At first, they were at the peak of the tribulation stage, and they must not have confidence in Qin Yu's Mahayana stage combat power. , but not now.

They are equal to the same level as these super strong fighters, therefore, the two of them pulled out their spiritual knives and swords, and surrounded them left and right to kill!

Although the spirit is forbidden, it is a good spirit weapon after all. It has a sharp light when it is unsheathed. That scene is really dangerous, and then. . . .

Qin Yu turned sideways, and when he raised his hand, he snapped his arm and snapped, and the fingers of his other hand slid like flowing water, grabbing the sword in an instant, and then turned sideways, letting the blade from the other side almost brush against the side of his body And down, with a movement of the wrist.


The sword cut his arm, and another arm was broken. After all, he was an experienced practitioner. Even though he was suffering from pain, he didn't scream, but his complexion changed drastically. He was eager to reach out and snatch the spiritual knife in his hand, but he was a step too slow, Qin Yu's chest was already covered Easily jump up and step on it, buzz! His chest was sunken, he vomited blood and retreated violently, and Qin Yu, who jumped up with his strength, hooked the long sword in his hand, hooked the long knife in the hand of the broken arm, swept the knife up, and swung the sword in mid-air.

There is no sword energy, but the knife buzzes and shoots out, shooting directly behind and killing another person.

The man was terrified, and immediately blocked with the back of his sword.

pit! ! The blade pierced the back of the sword, and at that moment, there was a huge trembling sound, which seemed to completely reveal the pure power under the forbidden spirit.

The back of the sword is concave, and it is directly elastic to hit back. This person shoots both the person and the sword, boom! boom!

Two loud bangs.

Together with the man whose chest was stepped on by Qin Yu before, both of them directly knocked down the eaves of two houses.

This scene took less than five or six seconds from the beginning to the present.

It's nothing compared to the fighting of masters in the Mahayana period during the tribulation period in the past, but. . . Flowing clouds and flowing water, see the skills in the details.

"Tianshu not only prohibits spirits, but also has super gravity. We are tired after running a few steps. How can they return..."

The people in the many inns below, as well as the people on the street, were all stunned.

How should I put it, although there are many conflicts in Tianshu, but there are few real fights, because they can't fight!

It was so laborious.

But that’s the case, they also like this place very much, why, because those high-level practitioners in the past, such as Dujie and Mahayana, they must be the same as themselves, it’s like flying on the same plane, and then The plane fell, and you and the president and chairman of the company are stranded on the same deserted island. Everyone is on the same level. If there is a real fight, the opponent may not be your opponent. This is so refreshing!

Although I dare not reveal it on the surface, I am happy in my heart!

Originally, 99% of the young and middle-aged practitioners were so secretly happy, but when they saw the scene just now, their three views were about to explode.

Without spiritual power, can fighting be so carefree and fierce?

this. . . Your dad or your dad?

It was too early for them to sigh, because it was only during the tribulation period that they had just started with Qin Yu. Although cultivation represents spiritual power, spiritual power may not fully represent cultivation. Grandpa is above father.

Grandpas, probably masters of the Mahayana period, even if they are not physical, sword or knives, or just art, their physiques are extremely tyrannical to an extremely terrifying level, and their predictions of all aspects of battle are also beyond others.

so. . .

After Qin Yu overthrew several people, there were more than those who chased after her, but they were still frightened and did not dare to go up rashly. In this way, Wei Chuan's Mahayana stage combat power still focused on her.

A heroic and tall red-haired man directly left the other members of the Demon Sect and came towards Qin Yu with a knife.

It looks like it's walking, but it's actually almost an afterimage.

Without spiritual power, it depends on the strength existing in the flesh and blood of the body.

That is explosive power.

"It's Lord Qingguang!"

Someone recognized this person and shouted, other people saw this and started to discuss it. Wuque people watched the battle back and forth, few of them were stable, they didn't care about the faces of their senior brothers and sisters, they all probed their brains At the door, after seeing Qin Yu knocking down a bunch of people in a chain, he couldn't wait to shout and cheer, such as Xie Shuling and Yan Zhao. He was dragged into the room with his mouth covered by other senior brothers and sisters.

Sesame oil, don't you feel the air temperature is a bit cold?

Senior brothers and senior sisters can't express their opinions, so how dare you make waves?

Wuque people dare not "wave", at least not in physical behavior, and can only follow Qin Yu's everything mentally like a runaway wild horse.

But Qingguang's group of monks in Weichuan Dajing Prefecture naturally has a great reputation. As soon as he appeared, he suppressed the restlessness and shock caused by Qin Yu's swift killing of several righteous masters.

Because they firmly believed that Lord Qingguang would deal with this witch.

Sure enough, the sunshine was powerful, and afterimages chained, chasing from the other side of the roof, the afterimages joined hands, and in an instant, they came to the front, and the knife was out of its sheath.

So handsome.

Wuque's people thought: Damn, it's really good, it's just a little bit behind our senior brother, but the senior brother must not be willing to do something to Senior Sister Qingqiu, this Qingguang may not be so.

Qingguang knife comes out, the blade is fierce and sharp, brush. . . The cold light of the blade passed through the air, as if it brushed against Qin Yu's fluttering black robe after taking a step back, and the sound was like cracking silk.

Are the clothes torn? Is the flesh under the clothes ripped open?

No, I only saw a rather limited space on the eaves. She turned sideways or backed away, taking two or three steps, her skirt fluttering, and her sleeves fluttering, allowing the blade to approach with strength and brush against her body with wind-like etherealness. And pass.

That's the skill of movement and the essence of positioning, which makes people feel a kind of coquettishness.

The elegance of the aesthetic feeling and the aggressive operation.

Qingguang frowned, but the knife movement became more and more sharp and precise, almost closing every step, from one end of the room to the other, until there was no way out behind him, he turned his wrist, the flower knife flew, and the wind sounded like an eagle crackling.

It can't be moved without spirit, but it has the realm of sword.

So strong.

But the blade of that knife was silvery white, slightly skimming the tip - when it was extremely dangerous, it skimmed over Qin Yu's brow. . . There was a crisp sound of pearls and jade, and then it was stuck on the dark green jadeite. . . . over the flute.

The flute is beautiful, simple and delicate, long and thin, like a long sword with a round handle and no one.

Oh, since it looks like it, it can be fully used as expected.

Others felt that their eyes were dazzled, and they saw that Qingqiu turned sideways, the blade was blocked, and then the phantom of her sideways hooked the flashing flute. . . Pooh! Piercing out from Qingguang's arm holding the knife.

Blood splattered.

The simplest technique, the most straightforward method of hurting people.

Qingguang only turned her head to see her tall ponytail and blue hair dancing in the wind, and her perfectly outlined face was cool and handsome, but her eyes were smiling and affectionate.

Glancing at him, he was indeed smiling.

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