I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2033 Breaking the Void? (Tomorrow I must add more, if I don’t add it, I’m a dog)


The arms were pierced, and under the forbidden spirit, even if the physique could be restored, it would definitely not be able to restore combat power in a short time - this Qingguang could only hold a knife, but he no longer had the ability to stab Qin Yu with the knife.

Even if he had, he couldn't stab her.

He knew this very well, but he didn't understand one thing. . .


Qin Yu pulled out the flute, Qing Guang, who was in pain, didn't even frown, just stood there and looked at her coldly, as if he had been humiliated.

"Why didn't you kill me?"

Such an elegant and beautiful flute was stained with blood, and it was held between her thumb and middle finger, idle behind her, swinging up and down carelessly with her fingertips, like a student playing with a pen in an examination room.

If you are not a top student, you are a scumbag.

The bright red blood is still flowing along the flute, red and dark green, white with her fingertips, black with her body, and her transparent and deep eyes.

Like a scroll painted by a god.

With her hands behind her back, her brows and eyes slightly smoked, when she heard Qingguang's question, she only raised her eyebrows slightly, still smiling lightly in her eyes just now, and gave an answer that made Qingguang startled and then furious.

"You just lost your mind, even though your knife can't hurt me, but you are like this... After all, it's because you think I'm good-looking that you made a mistake, right?"

"I've always been tolerant of men who made mistakes with me."

Gold Wall——????

The graves of some men who were stabbed to death by you are probably three feet high.

It's really talking nonsense.

The person concerned was not the only one shocked by these words. Others were stunned, but they also subconsciously speculated whether the words were true or not—the strange thing was that most people readily admitted the possibility of the words.

Because they looked at her from the sidelines, and saw her fight like this, and saw her smile and raise her eyebrows, and they felt extremely bewitched.

Also evil and mysterious.

How many spectators can understand the hidden mystery of that fleeting and dangerous duel between masters?

She wanted to call names, but she wanted to seduce in such a gentle and charming way.

As a notorious evil witch, to shake the soul of an orthodox strong man?

Qingguang's fury was a bit of embarrassment, and a bit of hatred and disgust after being exposed by the witch's bewitchment, "You worry too much, your skills are not as good as people's."

"Ah, am I a witch? Naturally, I'm a bit more brazen. Let's just treat it as my nonsense. You don't have to be angry."

Qing Guang's expression was tense, the long knife was clenched tightly in his wounded arm, and the blood flowed down more and more.

In the distance, someone stood and watched from a distance, and frowned when he saw this scene.

"The sunshine has been shaken."

"It really is...."

"Although this Qingqiu is beautiful, it shouldn't be."

"I'll go and have a look."

They knew Qingguang, and knew how determined this person was, so they were surprised that something was wrong with him——that Qingqiu was not talking nonsense to confuse people, but was real. . . If Qingguang hadn't found a hole in his heart, he would not have forgotten to seal the blood, and would not let the blood flow.

So they have to support.

Here, Qingguang lost his combat strength, and his face was as black as Tantou. Qin Yu didn't care about the opponent's reaction, but just swept across the opponent's wound coolly, and said slightly coldly: "But if I were you, instead of admitting yourself Skills are not as good as people, so it's better to blame the woman on the other side for being evil and promiscuous, but to use skins and sorcery to confuse people's hearts."

After all, she moved her arm.

"If that's the case, you'd have the nerve to attack and bully me, a weak woman, wouldn't you?"

Her words were like silk thread, pervasive, and her moving arm, the fingers that were originally behind her back pinched the flute to block it!

On the opposite side is a strong man, several strong men, even if they are not as good as Qingguang, they are definitely strong.

And such a strong man teamed up with five raiders, and came to besiege from the afterimages of the nearby eaves. The first person who arrived and shot was the one who was blocked by Qin Yu just now.

There are four more viciously attacking Qin Yu in front of him.

Dodge, resist, one against five?

But the pupils of Wuque's people dilated, because they saw a shadow behind Qin Yu approaching at a terrifying speed like lightning, jumping down from the high tower, holding a long gun in his hand.

When Bai Ze saw the majestic red-tasseled spear, his expression was dignified, but his eyes were a little dazed.

That is the appearance of fellow-minded people being intimidated and attracted.

Although the spirit is forbidden here, he cannot see the other party's cultivation and spiritual power means, but only by the momentum of the other party's rushing towards the eaves thousands of meters away, he knows that this is a strong man who is definitely not weaker than Qingguang. By.

Terrible spear, terrible strong.

And he came here for Qingqiu, and Zhengdao also came here to relieve Qingguang's embarrassment.

But what about Qin Yu?

She was still being surrounded and killed by five people, and her back was hollow.

Three hundred meters away, the spear master jumped up, holding the gun with both hands, shooting like the sun and the moon falling, like the sky falling, like a king descending.

That is the ultimate way of killing, and it is also a domineering kingly way.

With the wind and waves behind him, and the blue hair dancing, the five people had light in their eyes, and they tried their best to entangle Qin Yu so that she could not escape, and could only be hit by this gun.

But in that split second, all five of them saw the sarcasm from the corner of her mouth.

That ridicule is slight, but also vile, and even more superior.

Then they were Sparta.

What about people?

Fuck, what about people? ! !

People are under guns.

She turned around, took the initiative to take two steps, and faced the kingly spear that had just been cut down.

boom! The gun fell, and the tip of the gun hit the flute.

Firm versus crisp.

Killing is against Fengya.

The strength of the cracking went straight down. . . Karma! The entire roof, eaves, tiles and stone beams were all cracked and bombed, and the fragments were flying, but before it completely exploded, and it seemed that it was about to blast into the ruins with Qin Yu, before it happened, Qin Yu looked at the spear master above. He glanced at him and said a word to him.

"Don't bully women casually."

Then the other hand suddenly pulled out an extremely slender arm-length dagger from the flute, and swept it fiercely to the side.

The sword light was thinner than a hair, but the arc was long, round and dense, and it swept across the five people who were attacking.

At that moment, they were still four or five meters away, but they all felt a chill on their necks.

Then all the heads flew up. . . The human head flew down from mid-air, landed with a thump and turned around several times before landing in front of countless people watching the battle on the street.

Including Duo Luo and Luo Yuanqu and other super geniuses in Huaye Dajing Prefecture, and naturally some super evildoers who are clean in front of Weichuan Dajing Prefecture.

Because there was so much movement in this battle, many people rushed to see it.

This is not a battle of contemporary cultivators, but a battle of the strong, and even more so, a battle of righteous demons.

The result is this scene.

The spear master should have been furious, but he was more shocked!


He flipped back and landed on the opposite eaves seven or eight meters away, and said coldly: "Wu Po Void, you must be a person who entered the Tao through martial arts."

The eyes are quite poisonous, and you are right.

It's just that Qin Yu inserted the sword in the flute into the flute, and smiled slightly, "You are from Xiao Penglai."

The spear master frowned, he felt that there was nothing to say, "As a demon, you should recognize me."

He didn't think he was powerful and famous, but he thought that Xiao Penglai was the number one ruling force in Weichuan, so he naturally cared about the Mozong, and the other party should know his information.

However, Qin Yu said: "Ah, no, I can't even recognize the landlords on the ninth floor, let alone you."

The masters of the Demon Sect: "???"

What am I? . . I knew that this woman didn't recognize anyone, no wonder she didn't pay attention to them on weekdays, and occasionally called them by the wrong name! He often calls people nicknames, what's more, just because he finds out that he has called the wrong person, he casually tells people he loves to call people nicknames!

Fifth host: I am the one who was called by her wrong nickname twice in a row.

Sixth host: You are not the only one who has this experience.

Spearman: "..."

Humiliate the enemy and us together, right?

The landlords who don't deserve to have names are already being besieged and killed. Hearing Qin Yu's words from a distance is even more frustrating, and the attack is even more ruthless.

But the spear master heard that Qin Yu's words were true, frowned and said coldly: "Then you say such meaningless words, are you trying to confuse my mind?"

He is not sunny, and he is not prepared to fall into the pit for a while.

This witch is scheming, sinister and vicious, and most importantly, she is tough. He will not take it lightly.

Qin Yu: "Well, I just want to judge whether your little Penglai has such a good relationship with Yansha Tower. You take the lead, and then a group of archers in Yansha Tower over there are already in place."

She pointed at the thousands of spirit archers who appeared a thousand meters away with a flute.

Sesame oil, this Weichuan Dajing Prefecture is really well prepared to kill demons.

"I just don't understand why they are facing me."

Qin Yu's face was slightly gloomy, "The demon sect's dog men are over there, big brother, can you let them be more professional? You are right or wrong."

The Mozong dog men headed by Mojun: "???"

Damn, being scolded and humiliated all day long, what did they do wrong?

You must set a flag for yourself, otherwise you will have no motivation, and you supervise me. It's been a bit of a waste lately.

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