I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2034 Death? (Thank you Panni, hey Mr. Cat and Choi)


The men of the Mozong were depressed in their hearts, and the ninth floor of the Mozong generally didn't like the second building owner who broke into the Mozong rashly ten years ago and had eyes in the sky.

Even if there is (for example, the talent is really evil, for example, the skin temperament and even the brain are indeed quite NICE, which fully conforms to the temperament of a strong person in all aspects.), but this kind of surprise is also eliminated in the "humiliation" day after day.

But so what? Even if they were humiliated in various ways, they still couldn't do anything to her.

At first, Mo Jun didn't say anything.

Secondly, this woman is a bit poisonous, she knows everything, and her ways are weird, but she is just right.

So just pretend you didn't hear anything.

The dogs and men of the Demon Sect were silent, and the righteous people were shocked by this—is this Qingqiu so unscrupulous in the Demon Sect?

Disciples of Wuque: It’s rare to see, it’s strange, Senior Sister Qingqiu has never bowed to anyone since she entered the sect as a disciple, everyone dissed, everyone can only pamper her, so no one can give her any guilt, but it turned out that she was the one to Senior Sister Qingqiu. In other words, those people from the Demon Sect are just dog men! Where is our Wuque good!

Xie Shuling: "They all look so ugly, it's weird, she will like it."

Yan Zhao: "That's right! So ugly!"

Win Ruoruo: "..."

Regarding things like DISS people, Wuque disciples can learn from each other without a teacher (because there will always be such a strange thing among the senior brothers, sisters or disciples, this generation, the most strange one must be Qingqiu, but it is also like a source of infection. .. The contagion effect is not bad.)

The spear master probably also thinks that Qin Yu is a weirdo, and the more he feels that it is not wrong for his friend Qingguang to fall into this woman's hands in one round, but the more he feels that this woman deserves to be killed.

"You are a member of the Demon Dao and a member of the Demon Sect, so you should be treated like this." He raised his hand and made a gesture, and the thousand-man archery team immediately raised their bows and arrows and took aim.

This scene really has the meaning of a martial arts battle.

Vast, majestic, iron-blooded fight, without fantasy and ethereal, only real attack.

Qin Yu held the flute in one hand, raised the corner of his eyes lightly with the other, and sighed: "Ah, men are really unreliable, and no one came to save me... Sure enough, I will never meet a few people who are sympathetic to each other in my life. "

Her expression is melancholy, her eyes are sad, the kind of sadness that can make people look sad.

For a moment, the spear master couldn't distinguish the inside of this woman. He only felt that for a moment, maybe just a moment, he was uncomfortable and felt guilty.

Is it too much? There were so many of them bullying her, and none of those from the Demon Sect really helped her.

Come to think of it, she doesn't really belong to magic, she doesn't look so evil, at least, it doesn't make people feel disgusted.

instead. . .

The spear master suddenly heard the sound of the zither, suddenly sobered up, he was trying to say something, and he became more and more determined to deal with Qin Yu, and was about to wave his hand to order the archer to shoot arrows, when suddenly, he saw a beast head standing on the eaves not far away. The perfect expression of the witch above her head suddenly changed.

This change was not positive, he felt the coldness, biting and sharp, and then. . . He saw her move.

not good!

The spear master immediately gritted his teeth and waved down.


In the distance, there is a room with the doors and windows open, and the tulle curtains fluttering in the wind, revealing the faint appearance of the room. There is a woman sitting there, not looking at the scene of the fierce battle in the distance, only lowering her eyes, pressing her fingertips on the strings. The sound of the piano cleared the mind of the spear master, but at this time. . . She also heard the wind.

The arrow is about to break through the string, and the person breaks through the wind.

where? Entering the range where the archer was shooting arrows, she turned into an afterimage and ran towards that area.

When her figure was not clear and there was an afterimage, the end of the spear master's "attack" just elongated, buzz! Thousands of neat bows and arrows burst out, projected in an arc fan, and faced Qin Yu who was infinitely approaching the hedge.

More than a dozen streets, many people, bigwigs, or the younger generation, they were all astonished and puzzled by the scene in front of them, because in such a short period of time, they had no time to judge more details, they only knew that she was looking for death!

"That's the Tianshu bow and feather army. Outside of the forbidden spirit, the masters of the Mahayana period may not be afraid, at least they can escape, but under the forbidden spirit, the thousand Tianshu bow and feather army recognized by the Tianshu secret realm are absolutely Combat power, under such a large-scale attack, she can't dodge it, and the Shuyu arrow also has a terrifying special effect on breaking the spirit body's defense that day. Little Penglai teamed up with all parties, but he didn't do anything after other people from the demon way sneaked in, just waiting for the people from the demon sect to come."

"If you are so prepared, you will definitely die."

"Why did she send her to die?!"

Everyone is a master with good eyesight, so they can naturally see that if this witch really wants to hide, she can avoid it, so why would she die.

Unless the brain is showing off, or there is a necessity in her opinion.

for example. . . .

Qingguang, who was seriously injured on the left, frowned, because he had noticed something, but what surprised him and seemed to understand—his friend also rushed out suddenly.

In the direction of the arrows flying together, he raised his gun and ran wildly.

Probably out of the dignity of the strong, and battlefield principles.

King against king.

The afterimage jumped, straight and curved, and finally reached the straight eaves of a house.

How heroic is the man who races with the arrows among the thousand arrows.

But the woman who hedged away and never looked back can actually be described as heroic.

All the spectators only channeled the screaming voice of Feng Xiao, and then. . . Qin Yu entered the arrow array.

Does a thousand arrows pierce the heart?

No, because there is a large dark cloud shadow above.

No, it's not dark clouds, it's an eagle flying over from the dark clouds.

The black-feathered eagle is heroic and handsome, fierce and sharp, swooping down from the sky directly, with a cry like a wind owl, cutting directly into the arrow array from top to bottom, with its wings spread out, the wind is strong, and its wings The feathers on the chest are like the quality of a golden gang, which can forcibly block the large arrows at the front.

Under the protection of these eagles, Qin Yu brazenly entered the arrow formation, but there were still more arrows, and. . . Killed the spearman.

He was on the opposite roof, and Qin Yu was on the roof here, looking at each other.

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows, stepped a little, and jumped into the air, and the opponent also jumped up.

brush! The long spear stabbed, and Qin Yu drew his sword in the air.

hum! The sword light and the gun light slammed for a moment, and the stars shot out, splashing in the sky, but they couldn't catch up with the two afterimages.

How should I put it, that scene was horrific.

For they fight with arrows flying together.

It is an established fact that arrows are tricks, and they cannot be manipulated under the forbidden spirit. They are a continuous lethal battlefield, and in such a battlefield, they have to fight each other—and avoid or resist these powerful Tianshu feather arrows.

In order not to bark, I worked hard today, first paid off the previous one-off change, and then owed Panni a large amount of five changes. Well, fairies, I am not breaking the contract, I am just a bit stubborn.

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