I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2035 Nourishing? (and one more)

A Tianshu feather arrow pierced through the forehead, another Tianshu feather arrow passed under the waist, and the flute sword in his hand hit the blade of the long spear stabbed so hard, pit! The energy vibrated slightly, the arrow head swayed, and the tail feathers trembled.


The gunlight swept across, and then stabbed again! Qin Yu swept back, tapped lightly with his foot, and tapped on a feathered arrow in mid-air, flicking the flute and sword in his hand, and that flick seemed to have a spirit.

The spear master's expression trembled slightly, he felt the strength and majesty under the forbidden spirit.

not good!

The spear master quickly retreated in mid-air, but was still a step too late, because the wave of Qin Yu's slender flute and sword in his hand covered the arrows within five meters in diameter, and followed her with a wave of her arm.



direction reversed.

The large pieces of arrows turned into huge arrow eagles like eagles spreading their wings. . .

The spear master was startled and had to retreat.

He retreated, and had to parry it with his spear.

The long spear swept across like a waterfall, majestic and dense, but the arrow eagle was more powerful.

then. . . .

bang bang bang! The spear masters retreated in an instant, and the archers in the distance wanted to help, but the eagle blocked their sight.

Then. . . All they heard was the crisp sound of sword strikes.

It's like tearing the silk, and it's like iron jade attacking.

When the sight is clear, Qing Guang's complexion changes, subconsciously rushing over, "Lie Zhuo!"

But it was too late, because a sword pierced Lie Zhuo's flute sword into his waist and abdomen.

Unlike the previous Qin Yuben who still had the time to tease the other party after the sun shined, this time, the stabbing and pulling out were almost instantaneous.

Then she swung the drawn flute and sword downwards!


It seemed that something had been stabbed, and then the sound of someone kneeling down.

And the palm of the kneeling person is filled with black air, and inside the black air are countless climbing poisonous insects and ants, which are very small and densely packed, climbing on the palm, within the distance from the inn—or the solution in front of the kneeling person. Shuling and the others were only half a meter away.

Yan Zhao and the others were petrified from the beginning.

Because the opponent's speed was too fast, they had been watching Qin Yu's side all the time, and they didn't even notice that a person was approaching like a ghost, and he was almost able to throw this terrible poisonous insect ant on them.

In the land of forbidden spirits, how can they survive?

But the reason why they were aware of each other was because of the sudden flute sword.

The flute sword pierced the man's leg, causing him to kneel down in pain. He felt a little cold in his body. This coldness was stronger than the severe pain in his leg. Qin Yu.

"It's really scary. It's fine if no one saves me, but I'm still doing something secretly. Is it that I, Qingqiu, are so unlovable?"

Qin Yu paced over, using his flute to pick up the slightly trembling Poison Master's jaw, "Is it because I hate that I hit you last time, and want to take revenge?"

The poison master grinned and sneered: "You are too rampant, I just can't understand you, not to mention that since you belong to my devil way, you should kill the righteous people, maybe you still have... ah!"

Before he finished speaking, the sword on his leg was pulled out, directly piercing the hand holding the poisonous insect ant in his palm, and nailing the hand to the ground.

The poison master's body trembled and twisted.

"That's why I say it's scary, only kids make trade-offs, adults just want everything."

Qin Yu glanced at Poison Master, got up, turned around and looked at Xie Shuling and the others, smiled, and walked into the room.

There were quite a few people who were not without exception, and they were frightened away, making room for a large space, and there was only one table with people sitting on it.

"Eldest Brother's saber is ready to be unsheathed, why it didn't come out in the end, you still believe me if you think about it."

Even after going through such a fierce and tortuous battle, and there was a person stuck at the door, she walked in lightly, with a smile behind her backlight, which was enough to make people feel dazed.

It's just that Fifth Daoling and Fang Yourong's hearts were too resolute, and they just watched, but didn't speak, and there was no change in expression or body, as if they didn't take Qin Yu's arrival seriously.

Compared with their indifference, Qin Yu's reaction was greater, because she froze for a moment, and then looked at the two of them carefully.

that look. . . Inch by inch, carefully, it makes people's scalp tingle.

What kind of look is this?

Fifth Daoling thought for a while—well, he went shopping with this person, and this person picked things up every time. . Especially when picking ingredients for her fat cat, she has such eyes, serious, meticulous, and fresh and beautiful.


This look.

He wanted to rush over and slap her, but he couldn't bear it.

While Wu Daoling was thinking, he suddenly heard that this person was able to talk to himself even after they ignored her.

"When I was away, I didn't expect my brothers and sisters to take care of themselves so well."

Is this what people say?

Among Wuque's disciples. . . Anyway, Yun Chuxiu quickly took a few steps back.

Then with a click, Fifth Daoling put the knife on the table, the knife was not out of the sheath, but the tip of the sheath was facing Qin Yu.

It was cold.

Well, the senior brother is still very scary when he is serious.

But Qin Yu never seemed to be afraid, walked to the front of the table, stretched out his hand, removed his knife, and took a bowl: "Who uses this bowl?"

On the edge, Yun Chuxiu: "Mine."

Qin Yu: "Then I don't need it."

Then he was so disgusted that he moved Yun Chuxiu's bowl away.

Yun Chuxiu: What the hell? . . .

Then Qin Yu stretched out his claws. . . Just about to touch a bun.


Fang Yourong also put the sword on the table, and looked at her with fixed eyes, calm and calm, and extremely cool and dignified.

It's still the same Fang Yourong, but the appearance and demeanor are more mature and graceful. When those eyes look at you, they are even more elusive than the clouds in the sky.

She also said a word.

"Try moving it again."

Qin Yu twitched the corners of his mouth, retracted his beautiful claws resentfully, picked the table with his fingers, and said slowly, "Senior sister is so fierce."

Fang Yourong: "This is probably what country women look like when they chase Huang Daxian who digs holes and steals chickens."


Sister, your mouth is getting more and more poisonous.

I haven't seen you in ten years, and we meet again after a long time, why is this!

"Senior Sister, everyone is a woman, and they will look better and better in ten years. Can't you use this direction as an entry point to compliment each other? This is the correct way to socialize...By the way, Senior Sister, can you So lovely."

Wuque Qingqiu ten years ago is essentially the same as Mozong Qingqiu ten years later.

Hypocritical, gentle, and coaxing.

Fang Yourong gently rubbed his temples with his fingers on the side of his forehead, and said lightly, "You are also very good-looking, beautifying and beautifying."

Well, this is a bit unlike my senior sister.

Qin Yu sensed that the other party had a big move, and was about to change the subject.

"Collecting yang and nourishing yin is so nourishing?"

puff! Yun Chuxiu, who was secretly eating melon next door, sprayed tea.

Fifth Daoling looked at Fang Yourong.

Terrific, powerful, in terms of the little junior sister, she is still a veteran among you, Senior Sister Fang.

——I think she is more sad than your Ascension to Immortal Dao Tribulation.

——It was just a crossing tribulation.

It was rare for Qin Yu to acquiesce to the golden wall, um, it was a robbery.

Senior Sister Fang Fang became more and more frightening.

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