I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2036 How dare you! (Third watch, good night, let me tell you, the next story of Tianshu will


Qin Yu stabilized, did not slide off the chair, just paused, then calmly took the teapot and poured tea for Wudaoling, and also poured it for himself.

Well, it's just that Fang Yourong didn't overwhelm him! snort!

Fang Yourong glanced past Qin Yu's small movements, and the corner of his mouth pressed down, heh, he's got a temper tantrum.

"About picking up yang and nourishing yin, I've done some research, and it's not very reliable. I've made up for it. Either a man turns into a sissy, or a woman turns into a big man. Sister, do you look at me like that kind of person? At best, I It’s just about being healthy and flexible.”

Fang Yourong: "I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable and have researched so much in this field."

Qin Yu: "Stupid birds fly first, hard work can make up for clumsiness, and I'm sure I can use it in the future."

Fang Yourong: "Then have you used it?"

Qin Yu: "In a sense, I haven't met anyone with better health than me so far. It's unreasonable to profit and lose when picking. Maybe it's me who suffers."

Having said that, Xie Shuling and the others felt that this place was too dangerous.

Damn, is this a topic that serious people like them can listen to?

Wuque's disciples all turned their heads, looking at the ceiling, the floor, and the outside, but they didn't look over there.

"Lingling, senior sister and the others are talking about...?"

"It's okay, we are innocent, we don't understand anything." Xie Shuling held Ying Ruoruo's ear.

Ying Ruoruo, who was still trying to understand these words: "???"

But Qin Yu's words can be regarded as dissing the Demon Dog men again.

And especially vicious.

"My lord!"

Several hostesses in the fierce battle were furious, and the Demon Monarch calmly said, "It's just verbal words, not worth mentioning."

The dog-headed strategist thought to himself: Why is the devil so calm, he probably didn't think that dead Qingqiu included him - his body is not as good as hers.

Fortunately, this obscurity was quickly resolved by Wu Que and the two women.

Fang Yourong: "How strong is it?"

Qin Yu: "Let's put it this way, if I were a man, I could make someone happy to be a father 200 times a day at the same time."

boom! The outside is fried.

Probably the devil blew it up.

It doesn't matter, Qin Yu didn't give a single look to the outside, just looked at Fang Yourong with a smile.

She answered very seriously.

Fang Yourong was also very calm, and smiled lightly, "Modao is a good place, if the wild horse is unleashed, it will grow wings and go to the sky."

Qin Yu: "Senior Sister, you look pretty even when you're angry."

Fang Yourong: "Then how serious do you want me to be?"

She pressed her hand on the hilt of the sword, and her eyes were cold.

The atmosphere in the inn suddenly became cold, cold to the bone.

Xie Shuling and the others were startled, and wanted to play around, but were held back by a few big ones.

For a moment the air seemed to freeze.

In such a viscous and terrifying atmosphere, the smile on Qin Yu's face was still faint and soft.

"Senior sister, when I was a good person, I was surrounded by you, but when I was not a good person, there must be no good people around me."

"In a place like the Devil's Dao, everyone shouts and beats them. When they go out, they are afraid of being dragged into the alley in sacks and beaten to death. This is external, and it is determined by order and position. It is nothing at all, but the most helpless thing is Inside."

"I just arrived at the Demon Sect, do you know how bad they are? That dog head was so mean that he took me outside the Demon King's house. There were... 200 witches in that room, and they let me listen outside. Wait, God knows I'm freaking out."

Dog head:? ? ?

Demon King:? ? ? ?

I'm Nima, ask questions to find out when the outdoor grilled fish AND200 witch is in progress.

freaked out? The fat cat in your arms looks so f*ckingly battle-hardened!

"And the most disgusting thing is that every time I go, he is busy with that kind of thing. Zongmen is elegant and upright. Where did he educate him about this? I would blush when I saw two ants together in my house, but I was in the magic way. Faced with those... senior sister every day, do you know how I feel?"

Fang Yourong: "..."

Qin Yu turned around and asked Fifth Daoling: "Brother, do you know?"

Before Fifth Daoling could answer, she covered half of her face with a white and delicate hand, as if sad, as if extremely helpless.

"That feeling is like a father and mother who died suddenly of a terminal illness, lonely and impoverished, had to sell themselves to bury his father, and was forcibly dragged away by the greedy and evil youth..."

Fang Yourong, who was substituted into the last days of his parents by someone, and Fifth Daoling: "..."

Qin Yu wiped the corner of his eye with his fingers, and there was really a crystal teardrop on it.

Her eyes were reddish, she was crying like crying, and she also carried a bit of stubbornness like a cold, proud fairy.

Hanging a mouthful, I am an immortal and look down on your worldly immortality.

Piao Piao said: "The most frightening thing is that he hasn't paid the money yet."

"Do you believe that they didn't even give me a spirit stone when they dragged me into the magic way?"

Wuque's disciples exploded first, and instantly replaced the mode in which Senior Sister Qingqiu was abused, so pitiful, we want to explode on the spot to retaliate against each other: Damn it! Scum! Magic is really nothing! Pooh! We Wuque also get salary red envelopes every month!

Righteous person: It sounds very wrong, but I always feel that something is not right.

Member of the Demon Sect: It sounds wrong, but what the hell she said seems to be right!

The dog's head had the same expression as if he had eaten shit—he knew it, he knew it, this woman was poisonous!

Faced with such a beautiful and dejected little junior sister, Fang Yourong put his hands on his delicate chin and said thoughtfully: "I don't know why, although what you said is pitiful, but I am a little happy to hear it."

Qin Yu: "???"

Are you a ghost? Where is Senior Sister Fang Fang who loves me and loves me? Where has she gone!

"Oh, I understand, Senior Sister, you hate me now. I used to have a little hope for this world, but now my heart is dead, and I can give up on myself and degenerate in the future... Forget it, that harvesting yang and tonifying yin can do it." Arrange it."


The sound of the two palms slapping the sword was neat and clear, and two sounds were inserted at the same time.

"you dare!"

"you dare!"

The air in the lobby of the inn seemed to be sucked out in a second.

As soon as Qin Yu raised his head, he met the cold and stern eyes of the previous two people.

Oh, just say that you still spoil me, just pretend!

Almost scared people to death.

Probably aware of the lack of success, Fang Yourong took a shallow breath, suppressed the coldness, and said indifferently: "Since the way of magic is not good, you can turn back."

The turning point has come, will she turn back?

As the representative of the most lurking rebellion in Lielu Dajing State for nearly ten thousand years.

Will she turn back?

Qin Yu got up slowly, leaned over, approached Fang Yourong, said a word lightly and softly.

"I'm already dirty, I'm no longer clean, how can I turn back?"

The line is a little familiar.

——The female supporting role of a third-rate idol drama is not smart enough to keep chasing the male lead and gets slapped in the face, and finally gets drunk and accidentally gets defiled and then despairs under the shower head. . . . That's the line.

——Did you jot down when Jiaojiao was watching those TV dramas?

——When can you give up this hobby!

Desperate, soft, sad, almost perfect emotional expression.

In line with the astringency of her lowered eyebrows and drooping eyes, the corners of her eyes were red, and with the strand of black hair hanging from the forehead of her beautiful face, she followed her. . .


Fang Yourong drew his sword suddenly!

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