I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2041 Old Huang?


The probability of Tianxiong's people is extremely strong, so that the highest and upper-level forces in the entire Tianzang world have to face the enemy, and they have no time to care about the affairs of the devil and evil ways-of course, the premise is that they don't do anything. Otherwise, the priority is still clear.

Since the devils and evils have come to Tianshu, they are here for Tianshu, so it doesn’t matter to start a war with the righteous way at this time. After all, we have to fight. When we can’t fight, it’s better to fight outside. .

So it was all right for a while.

No matter how hypocritical and unreliable the relationship with the people of the Mozong is, as Qin Yu said, there is a valuable relationship between them, so. . . While Zhengdao was busy welcoming the "aliens", the people from Mozong also went to arrange the inn in a grand manner.

When the dog head went to the street, as a diplomatic panacea, he didn't want Qin Yu to completely break up with the Mozong. The consequences caused by idiots like Poison Master (it has nothing to do with the Mojun's strategy anyway) should not be borne by the Mozong, nor should it be borne by the Mozong. He didn't dare to destroy the achievements of his personnel headhunting efforts, so he approached Qin Yu with a smile, politely said that he would book a hotel, and asked Qin Yu if he had any needs.

The devil is here, is the need of others useful? The second host, Situ Puppet, didn't even ask, you see, my Demon Sect attaches great importance to you!

Qin Yu almost finished eating the steamed buns, and turned to look at him, "Ah? I can do whatever I want, it doesn't matter to me."

Dog head: "That's great, then I'll..."

Qin Yu: "In terms of location, it's facing the ocean and the spring flowers are blooming. The scenery is better, the food is better, and the service can't be too bad."

Dog head: "Well... In this case..."

Qin Yu: "The most important thing is to live with those hypocrites of the righteous way. If they want to beat me but they can't beat them, just say that I seduced them to degenerate. Am I wronged?"

Dog head: "Well, it's very unfair."

Qin Yu: "It's not good to be evil, everyone looks like a bad thing, what if you covet my beauty? It doesn't matter if you covet me, if I can't beat it, won't I be at a disadvantage?"

Dog head: "There should be very few people who can beat you. After all, you are so strong and invulnerable."

Qin Yu: "Isn't there an evil lord?"

Dog head: "..."

Evil Lord? Sky clean sand? I always feel that you are secretly poking diss people.

The dog head coughed, and said: "The lord has never seen a few people in his eyes, not to mention that they are also extremely beautiful..."

Qin Yu: "That's not necessarily the case. Her avatar will follow me early on, trying to attract my attention with all kinds of calculations. The avatars are so perverted. Who knows what the main body is like."

All right, as long as you are happy.

The dog head smiled: "It's right to avoid her. This woman has always been at odds with my Demon Sect, and she is also ruthless. She is not weaker than my Demon Sect."

Qin Yu: "So I was really implicated by your demon sect."

Dog head: "???"

What the hell, you hadn't joined our Demon Sect when you were murdered by her!

"Um, are there any other needs? If not, then I'll..."

As soon as the dog head finished asking, he regretted it, because Qin Yu said: "Let's buy the most expensive one, is the money enough?"

As the chief housekeeper of the Demon Sect, Goutou, who was often troubled by finances, became energetic all of a sudden, "Maybe it's not enough..."

He has known for a long time that this woman is very rich, and she is very generous, spending money like water, she can be called a prodigal professional in the cultivation world.

Qin Yu nodded, "If it's not enough, then..."

Dog head with glowing eyes.

Qin Yu: "See what I'm doing? Ask Lord Mojun behind you for it."

Goutou was in a daze when he saw the woman with her hands behind her back, looked back at the demon king and others behind him and smiled lightly, then walked away on her own.

The dog head returned to the demon king with a fake smile on his face, and said, "My lord, I feel that my realm has been unstable recently, and I may have a demon in my heart. It may be that the ordeals I have encountered in the past ten years have been too deep."

The Demon Lord glanced at him, and said lightly: "I didn't say anything, what else do you want?"

Then leave alone.

The dog's head fell down.

Sesame oil, no money yet.

Is it true that the stronger you are, the more aggressive you are?

Or is the more aggressive the stronger?

The dog head suddenly realized that he might have realized something.


In the end, Goutou didn't dare to deal with Qin Yu. In view of the latter's fussiness, he simply booked the most expensive inn in the safest but wasteful way.

The name is so realistic - Tianshu No. 1 Guilin Inn.

These hypocrites on the right way are often obnoxious for their fame and reputation, and occasionally shameless in a grandiose way.

But he would rather be disgusted by Zhengdao than Qingqiu.

Goutou paid quickly and booked many rooms, and naturally gave the second best room to Qin Yu.

"I don't want to be next to the devil."


"He must be very noisy at night..."


The dog head understood almost instantly, but he could only pretend that he didn't understand anything. He was about to change the room sign when he was suddenly held down.

"That's the arrangement. I'll live in her room."

The devil's face was stern, and he looked at Qin Yu with a dog's head. Qin Yu glanced at the devil, and that glance was full of charm.

In fact, it is half a smile.

Demon Lord: "..."

Gou Tou: Does it have a leg?

Demon Lord: Your legs are numb, she is implying that my woman is not allowed to climb any house.

After the inn was settled, Qin Yu went out for a stroll. The Tianshu is not too big or small. The central area is a classical, elegant and noble city, which follows the ancient architectural format. It looks like a product of the age of saints, but it was originally a The uninhabited ones were only opened some time ago when the Tianshu was opened, and Weichuan Dajingzhou arranged for people to come in, which filled the city and revitalized it, but the cultural atmosphere that had settled was still very strong. Qin Yu wandered around two Street, feeling the cultural heritage of Tianshu, and bought some food by the way. These foods are very rare, because after all, they are the delicacies of Dajingzhou in Weichuan, and Qin Yu encountered them for the first time.

——For Her Highness Jiaojiao to eat?

Qin Yu: "Your words are novel, so I can't eat them myself? That little fat man is almost fat like a pig, how can I feed him.

——The Yupu slices on the left are good, it should like it.

Qin Yu: "Oh, yes, I'll buy one barrel, forget it, two barrels, make up an even number."

Jin Bi made a row of eye-rolling expressions.

How are pigs raised?

Answer: You raised it.

This city is not small, and it's boring to go shopping alone. Qin Yu bought a lot, and he didn't want to go shopping, but let the other party send the things he bought to the inn——Forbidden Spirit Below, storage rings are useless.

Then Qin Yu went out, and as soon as he went out, he happened to meet a group of people, including several monks.

With just one glance, Qin Yu smiled at the youngest and best-looking monk.

Bu'an, who had a warm face, suddenly froze and became serious and solemn.

Qin Yu's smile became brighter, and he even laughed aloud. He took out candied fruit from the food bag he held in one hand and ate it casually, passing by this group of geniuses from Huaye Dajing State.

This group of people is as quiet as chickens.

But Qin Yu suddenly stopped, turned his head and shouted.

"Huh, Old Huang?"

Who is Huang?

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