I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2042 Strange Stone

A group of geniuses turned around in unison, not daring to leave.

The monks of Stone Buddha Temple looked down at the cassocks on their bodies, um, yellow ones? But they are not old.

The Taoist in yellow was stopped by the call, his body froze, he turned around, took two steps forward, and said with a smile, "Fellow Daoist Qingqiu, long time no see."

Qin Yu: "Are you talking about the time at Lielu, or the last time at Stone Buddha Temple?"

Taoist in yellow robe: "Fellow Taoist Qingqiu is an unforgettable person."

Qin Yu: "It's others who are unforgettable to me."

Taoist in yellow robe: "..."

Qin Yu: "Is she here too? Is she here?"

Taoist in yellow robe: "Not yet, when the time comes, I will let you know."

Qin Yu smiled lightly, "If she comes, she may not necessarily go to see you first."

The yellow-robed Taoist looked at Qin Yu's back as he turned and left with a bitter look on his face.

This is so annoying! Is Hanhai Chaoyi such a heartless person? She is not you!

"Senior Huang knows this person?"

The four of Ge Bolan, who were once played by Qin Yu like pawns, had subtle expressions. The Taoist in yellow robe said, "A friend with me is a friend, a middleman, um... Although this fellow Taoist Qingqiu has no choice but to fall into the devil's way now, he is still good. Upright."

Everyone: You can't believe what you said, your expression is so distorted and embarrassed.

Wu'an, who had been molested two or three times, turned pale and left, followed by other monks.

Upstairs in an inn next to it, a man in plain gray clothes but with a suave figure leaned against the door frame and asked lightly, "Is she Qingqiu from the Mozong of Huaye Dajing Prefecture?"

"You just had a fight, son, you are still comprehending the strange stone of Tianshu, so you haven't seen it."

When the gloomy subordinate said this, his eyes lingered on a black stone placed on the table.

This strange stone of Tianshu is a great harvest that they gave up after entering Tianshu, the battle between evil and righteousness, and all kinds of relationship interests.

This is the bottom line, and nothing messy can be as real as the most tangible benefit.

My son had a feeling at that time, and the breakthrough in the realm was really a fortuitous encounter.

But even if there are many conflicts in the city, the reason why those top geniuses who came to Weichuan Dajing Prefecture did not show up is probably the same as my son.

"The old ones go to fight, and the young ones go to secretly search for treasures to learn the way, and there is no delay."

The man sighed lightly, not feeling that he was ahead of the game, but he also asked.

"Is she really Mahayana period?"

"I don't know the level of cultivation, but the combat power has indeed been achieved. The news from the Xiling Stone Buddha Temple is true."

"Mahayana... the ultimate in practice. Under the immortals, if you are talented, willing to work hard, and have the opportunity, you can live a long life in the end. At least half of the people who come here can reach this level."

Even in the majestic world of great cultivation, there are very few people who can reach the stage of Mahayana, and it is not easy for a million monks to come out.

"But the probability of being able to enter Tianshu is half and half."

When the man said this, his tone was very pertinent, without arrogance or hypocrisy, but his purpose was obviously not this, but Qin Yu.

"As if I heard that her resting age is less than a hundred years old?"

"It's less than a hundred years." The subordinate answered with a bow.

The man smiled, and glanced at him, as if to see through his mind, "Actually, it's less than fifty years old, are you afraid that I'll be jealous and inferior?"

"The subordinates don't dare, the son is open-minded, and he doesn't care about immediate gains and losses."

"Wrong, I care about it, but the level of others is too high, and if they don't care about it, they have to force it. It's no different from blackmail."

He walked to the balcony and looked at the alleyway where Qin Yu was no longer there. He could see the lakes, hills and beaches outside the city.

"I'm just worried about the elders bumping into this guy."

"She's dangerous."

"But the most dangerous ones are the people from the Tianxiong world. Hey, these outsiders are not easy to deal with."


The very dangerous Qin Yu went up the mountain. Compared with the one Tianshu strange stone that those top aristocratic families in Weichuan Dajing Prefecture worked hard to find, Qin Yu found four or five pieces as soon as he went up the mountain.

There is no other way, her eyes and soul are separated.

"This f---ing stone is equivalent to the eighth floor of the Zhenjie Sword Tower. The attainments of the Dao of Heaven contained in it are so strong, it's really scary."

Although this kind of stone is not everywhere, the gold content and quantity of resources are too high.

"No wonder those aliens are coming."

"This is gold panning."

There were a lot of stones, Qin Yu fished these few stones and walked into the mountain.

"It's really troublesome without storage, and I can't hold it with two hands."

But her eyes are good, and she refuses to give up when she sees the flowers, plants, trees and rocks that contain the energy of attainment, sesame oil. . . what to do?

Walking while comprehending, when she reached the halfway up the mountain, she had already comprehended several strange stones.

"After being enlightened by me, the attainments contained in it are still there."

——After all, it is a stone, and you can't eat it directly. If it is edible and refined, it is not necessarily the case. People in this world always make the best use of everything.

——You don’t want it anymore?

Qin Yu gave up all the stones that had been enlightened, but did not take them away.

"I can't eat rocks."

—I thought you'd sell them.

Qin Yu smiled, "It can only be sold to those young people, but they may not be able to offer a price that I like, and petty profits are also troublesome."

There are many ways for her to make money now, so she doesn't have to share this trouble.

"Anyway, I'm also a master. I should have a little vision. If it's really useful, I'll keep it."

Naturally, she would not give up some materials that could be used to refine alchemy, but she was not greedy for the rest.

Huang Jinbi didn't say anything more, because it always understood why Qin Yu didn't make the best use of these flowers, plants, trees and stones.

Maybe it's not necessary, and she doesn't care about depriving the future of these substances.

She always has a soft heart.

Qin Yu spent half a day in the mountains, and gained a lot. He also found a rare ore material. This stone already contains powerful attainments. Even Qin Yu wasted a little bit of time to comprehend it, and he has not fully comprehended it yet. It was getting dark, and she didn't want to take risks outside, so she went down the mountain before dark, and happened to meet some other monks, these monks. . . He probably recognized her, but was a little wary.

Qin Yu glanced at the stone hidden by the other party and knew that it was the one she had discarded after enlightenment.

When Qin Yu left, these people breathed a sigh of relief.

"She didn't grab it?"

"Don't you know how precious this strange stone of Tianshu is?"

"Why do I feel that she doesn't like these stones?"

"Uh...I think it might be because we and these stones don't even bother her."


What are you talking nonsense about?

When Qin Yu returned to the inn, all the things he had bought before had been delivered and neatly piled up in the room. The inn was expensive for a reason. Qin Yu only ordered downstairs, and when he returned to the room, he saw that the huge bathtub had been put away. Hot water and spices.

The lights were dimly lit, and Qin Yu was playing with the strange stone he found from the mountain.

It is like snowflakes and glass, with a cool texture, but a piece of orange flame liquid is sealed inside, which is extremely rare, and Qin Yu can't figure out where it came from. He just finds it rare. He wanted to consult Jinbi, but found that this guy was offline. It is estimated that there is business.

"I don't know what it is, but it is also rare to have the attainments of both the flame and the ice and snow at the same time."

Although she is not good at vitality, but by analogy, Qin Yu's comprehension has reached the level where she can absorb nutrients from sidelines, which is of great benefit to her in broadening the barriers of spells, so she does not refuse anyone, but in The cognition of this stone has suffered.

After she was talking to herself, a voice suddenly came from the room: "That's Qishixue Lingyan, I really don't know much about it."

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