I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2044 Thunder Tribulation (Delayed today, only one update, make up tomorrow, sorry)


The aura emanates from Jiaojiao's body, and it also emanates from the environment of the world, and the waves make a crashing sound.

In fact, it is not that no one is on the verge of crossing the realm of the tribulation in the secret realm of Tianshu, but no one can attract the thunder of calamity, and once they leave Tianshu, they will be able to cross the tribulation immediately.

Why this is, no one can know, after all, Tianshu was created by those saints and powerful people back then, and later generations failed to reach that level, so they failed to see its true core mechanism.

But it does exist now.

Jiaojiao is indeed about to cross the catastrophe.

"Under the forbidden spirit, how to resist? Unless there is thunder disaster, there will be no damage of the essence of spiritual power."

After Xuelong said this, he immediately added: "Of course, I don't care whether this little fat man will be struck to death by lightning. Anyway, it belongs to your family, not mine."

Qin Yu looked at him, and said lightly, "I thought you belonged to my family too."

The blood dragon was stunned for a moment, and Hou Xie Si's handsome fair face was stained with a blush, but he still exuded the vicious and domineering president's style, "Oh, I don't know what it means, it's whimsical, you think it is beautiful!"

Qin Yu: "Then why are you shy?"

Blood Dragon: "..."

Who's happy, no! I don't! roll!

"You still have the heart to joke, what should I do with it? It's really thunderous!"

Blood Dragon originally thought that Tianshu Secret Realm was special, maybe this little fat man's crossing robbery meant that it was a parallel import, but he didn't expect that the sky was covered with dark clouds, roaring, and it was about to strike thunder!

But when he got nervous, Qin Yu didn't panic.

"It's a good thing to have tribulation thunder. Anyway, it's fine to be hacked. I'm afraid not. You have to know that if you don't take the route of spiritual tribulation thunder, it will target the soul and be more dangerous."

"It sounds reasonable, but what if he was struck to death by lightning?"

"Many people will lose their jobs and go to jail, and some people are more panicked than you."


Qin Yu watched quietly, and said, "Compared to Lei Jie, people are more terrifying."

Xuelong realized what she meant, and turned his head to look. He narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were fierce.

At this time, the blood dragon is more in line with Lielu Dongdong's perception of him - a cruel, inhuman monster.

He stood up and jumped to the edge of the sand ten meters away.

Tianshu Secret Realm is a very special area, its environment is not simply composed of islands and sea areas, it is full of fantasy.

The city is in the center, and there is a sea around it, but the sea is floating, yes, the big sea is floating.

The suspended sea area falls down to the infinite silver waterfall, but the water veins of the mountains and rivers are connected upwards, and one of the water veins comes out of the mountains. In the middle of the air is a suspended water bridge, and the water bridge is suspended to another suspended land on the opposite side.

This is the area where Qin Yu and Xuelong are located, an exquisite small forest and a snow-white beach, which looks like a fairy version of a Hawaiian resort.

Under the night, like a dream, the fat cat crosses the catastrophe, and the strong strike!

When the blood dragon jumps onto the rocks on the edge of the beach, you can see the void below, and you can also see the main area on the opposite side.

The first person to arrive was a man in red, with a big sword on his back. His robe was loose and fluttered with the wind. When he reached the edge of the main land block, he happened to see a blood dragon also in red, separated by four or five hundred Meters away from the water bridge, the two men in red looked at each other.

After a while, Xuelong tilted his head slightly towards the water bridge next to him, "I want to die, come over from the water."

The water flowed automatically, and the three to four hundred meters of receiving and leading did not have any carrying power, so they could only use body skills to come over by themselves.

Don't ask how he and Qin Yu got here, there is only one answer - they are strong enough.

Others can only reach a certain level if they think about it.

Xuelong is an extremely arrogant and rampant person. Since he was cheated into a wreck by a scumbag when he was young, he suffered countless losses from a scumbag who was much higher than that scumbag, and he was exhausted physically and mentally. After being tortured, he should have been more wary of other humans, but instead, he became more arrogant.

This kind of arrogance also combined the cruelty and ferocity in his bones - because compared with Qin Yu and Jiaojiao, other human beings seemed so dull and the same, which was even more unflattering.

So he arrogantly declares war.

The big swordsman in red was not easily provoked, but he also had a murderous intent. He walked to the water bridge, held the wide sword hilt on his back with one hand, and said lightly, "Western Dajing Prefecture, Weichuan..."

He had already jumped onto the water bridge with his feet, and was about to touch the water to cross the bridge, and was about to reveal his name, but a small stone was shot head-on!

The red-clothed swordsman's face changed drastically. This is not a flat land. There is no mountain wall. He could only jump backwards. Because it was too abrupt, he could only retreat narrowly. Blood Dragon, "Shameless! I never thought you would..."

boom! The second stone hit again, extremely fast and terrifyingly powerful, the man in red with the sword only had time to block it with his sword.

The sword trembled, and he took two or three steps back. After he settled down, the fear on his face was higher than the anger, because he felt the terrifying strength of the opponent.

"I said I would let you come here to fight me, but I never said I would let you come here successfully."

With a pile of small stones in his hand, Xuelong stood by the water bridge and said with a sneer.

The man in red with the big sword had an ugly expression on his face, "Who are you?"

Blood Dragon: "I'm not human."

The man with the big sword in red: "???"

Although he didn't understand what kind of ghost this perverted man in red was, the man was afraid of him, holding the big sword and staring at the opposite side, not daring to rush over, fearing that he would not be able to dodge the next time, and let the other party hit the void, that would be death without burial It’s a land—you know, in this place, you can’t fly even during the Mahayana period.

"Yo, Zhuang Chi, why, you were stopped? I want to see who can stop you."

A few people flashed out of the forest.

The smile was playful, but his mouth was not polite, but his eyes were cautiously scanning the opposite Blood Dragon, and it also spread behind him. It can be seen that the thunder cloud has formed, and the thunder calamity has begun to strike.

"There is a thunder tribulation?! There will be no one in the Tianshu who will pass the tribulation. Could it be the spirit body derived from the ultimate treasure?"

These people's brains are also huge, and they think of Baobao every minute, and there are reasons for it, just to make Zhuang Chi feel ashamed.

However, they should belong to the same circle and class, and they should be familiar with each other. Knowing Zhuang Chi's strength, they feel that the person who can stop Zhuang Chi will not be a simple person, so they are joking on the surface, but they are actually very wary.

But no matter how vigilant they are, their eyes will turn red when they think of the treasure of becoming a spiritual being.

It is not to blame them, the value of the treasure of becoming a spirit is higher than that of the top-grade spiritual weapon, comparable to a half-celestial weapon, and the latter is a foreign object, while the former can basically directly improve the strength and realm, which naturally makes them crazy.

"He's not easy to mess with." Zhuang Chi reminded him coldly, in fact, it was also for the purpose of uniting with others.

After all, they are both from Weichuan Dajing Prefecture, and they are both in the transcending tribulation period. They have competed a lot in the past, but they can still cooperate for the sake of profit.

Everyone rushed towards the water bridge in unison, and the blood dragon was not afraid of the number of them, sneered and threw the stones in his hand.

"What kind of broken place is this? I can only throw small stones when fighting. Hey, next time you make me a long-distance attack with a bow and arrow! Anyway, you know how to refine weapons!"

He obviously didn't say this to Zhuang Chi and the others, but to the back. . . the people behind?

"Bows and arrows are not good enough for you, do you want a slingshot?"

The woman's lazy and charming voice came, and the voice was heard by Zhuang Chi and the others, and was also heard by the others who came behind.

Such as Mozong and others, such as Mojun.

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