I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2045 Field battle?


The people from the Demon Sect came, their notoriety spread far and wide, they were cruel and ferocious, and the forbidden spirit seemed to be enveloped by the aura of super villains. Even though Zhuang Chi and others were veterans of Taoism, they were still trembling in their hearts, and they spontaneously acted without any benefit. We're in a group.

However, what made them feel humiliated was that the people from the Mozong didn't care about them at all, and didn't even look at them.

But it is also understandable, because Baimei Qingguang, Lie Zhuo and others who rushed to the back were all ignored by the other party.

The dog head and other hosts have already acquiesced that they are not qualified to talk to the second host, Lord Qingqiu. Well, the main reason is that every time I talk to others, I feel very frustrated, so let this kind of work be left to Lord Mojun.

The Demon Lord wore a black robe, and he was evil and domineering in the night. He was one or two more stylish than the Blood Dragon, which caused the Blood Dragon to look at him very unhappy. It floated inside.

"Where is she?"

Blood Dragon: "Is it related to you?"

Demon Lord: "You've disturbed me."

Blood Dragon: "It's funny what you say, where did we bother you? When?"

Demon Lord: "In the inn, I live next door."

Blood Dragon: "Then you eavesdrop, are you so shameless?"

Demon Lord: "Your movements are too loud, you can hear them from up, down, left, and right."

Blood Dragon: "Then what did you say you heard?"

The devil narrowed his eyes, with a half-smile: "Do you have to tell me?"

Well, either it was heard that he was beaten, or he was. . . Are these people mistaken?

Since it was a misunderstanding, then we must let them continue to misunderstand hahahaha!

Xuelong was overjoyed immediately, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said coldly and charmingly: "That's really embarrassing, I haven't seen her for a long time, I was excited, and she happened to be taking a bath again...so I came out with her, What are you chasing after? Want revenge?"

Demon Lord: "Let's see what you guys are doing here?"

Xuelong raised his eyebrows, playing with the small stone in his hand, and said in a light and arrogant tone, "What else can I do? Of course..."

He purposely elongated his voice, trying to misunderstand these people further.

That kind of tone and look are cheap, which makes people think about it.

But the instigator, Xuelong, suddenly became terrified, and turned his body sideways, but he still couldn't dodge. His head suddenly hurt, and blood spattered with a slap on his forehead.

A blood-stained stone fell to the ground.

Blood Dragon covered his head and jumped away, roaring to the back, "Damn Qingqiu! You know how to hit me!"

"I still know where to beat you to death, do you believe it or not?"

The blood dragon was terrified and quickly jumped away. As soon as he jumped away, the back was exposed, and the people on the edge of the cliff here also saw the woman over there.

She has said two sentences, and the second sentence is the cold and suffocating words just now.

But no one paid any attention to what she just said, and they were all in a daze.

Whether it's a dog man like Mojun who has read thousands of sails, or an old man like Baimei who has seen everything before, they were all stunned at that moment.

For a man, how many women he has experienced in his life does not actually affect which woman he finally met.

The mountains and the sea are moonlight, the white gauze is light, and there are beautiful women. . .

Uh, it's not literary, but to put it crudely - she is good-looking, very, very good-looking, the kind of lust that makes people sink.

Fascinated by love, the end of sex, fascinated by sex, the rise of love.

Mojun's eyes flashed, and he said coolly under the moonlight: "It's so late, as your boss, seeing you going out late at night with this strange man, I specially came after you, in case you might make a mistake."

Qin Yu: "The devil can go wherever he wants, why bother to tell me all the time."

Her understatement, cold and indifferent, as if she didn't care.

Mojun's expression froze, his tone became lighter, with a bit of sternness and sarcasm, "I think so, Qingqiu, if you can come out with this man at such a late night, I'll bring someone after me for fear of disturbing you. This is also..."

Qin Yu: "Field battle?"

She said coolly, as if she had pierced a layer of tulle, which shocked people so much that even Goutou and the others secretly murmured that it was no wonder this woman couldn't stay on the right path.

And Bai Mei, an orthodox Taoist senior, quickly glanced at Qin Yu, still maintaining his superficial demeanor (actually, he is an old man, and I am actually shocked by the debauchery of your young people, but I am too old to maintain a pretentious temperament, so I can't explain).

However, the old man kept his demeanor and pretended not to hear it, but the people who had just chased out from behind heard the very clear "field battle" in the night. At that time, there were several figures staying on the branches.

Did you hear me wrong?

It should be true, that person Qingqiu seems to be able to say such things, and he is very indiscreet.

What's more, there will be a conversation later.

So these people are not in a hurry to go out, just listen to a few words first.

Then they heard it. . . .

Demon Lord: "You are honest."

Qin Yu: "Treat me with sincerity, just like keeping a hundred girls in the house, without any cover. I will report it honestly. If you privately invite a man outside at night, you should tell me."

She was so frank that she recognized all the black and gray ones, but left him speechless.

But Xuelong's heart trembled - he knew that this woman had always been hypocritical, and that she would admit to this kind of scapegoat could only show that she was holding a sharp knife in her hand.

"Since it's a field battle, don't you all want to watch it?"

Qin Yu glanced at everyone, including Baimei and others.

It's said that it's a field battle, and it's a shame to watch it!

Baimei is an old man, since he can see why Qin Yu thinks about "field warfare", it's nothing more than that. . .

I didn't expect the demon king to be even more shameless. Before Baimei could say anything, he said: "People of the righteous way are always hypocritical. Field battles are naturally common things for me, men and women of the devil way, but for them, it is as big as the sky. Naturally, Qi Qi will deal with you, since you are in danger, as your Lord Demon Lord, I will naturally bring someone to protect you."

His eyes fell deeply on the majestic and powerful thunder robbery group on the beach, "It's dangerous over there, why don't I personally protect you by your side."

Qin Yu: "No, I'm afraid you can't help it."

Demon King: "..."

It's not as good as you when it comes to driving.

What about the "frightened" Junior Sister Qingqiu during the day?

The Demon Lord sneered, "It's beyond your control!"

He was about to jump across the water bridge.

The blood dragon immediately jumped over the water bridge, all at once?

And when it landed, a landlord saw the situation with cold eyes, and rushed out immediately under the signal of the devil's eyes.

boom! ! !

Fist against fist.

The master of the demonic way, who has always been more tyrannical than evil, rubbed his arm bones, and was immediately knocked back by a punch. He retreated four or five steps. When he finally stamped his feet, his arm was covered with scars and blood spattered.

Zhuang Chi and the others were shocked, even Baimei and Mojun were taken aback.

"You are not human."

"It's not a human race."

Baimei and Mojun came to the conclusion almost at the same time.

The blood dragon ignored them, and punched them back on the ground. He turned his neck, stretched his arms, and looked at everyone fiercely, "Ah, I said earlier that I am not human anymore, but as long as I don't die on the ground tonight Here, no one can pass."

After all, he didn't care about these evil ways or righteous ways, and only said to the floating island behind: "Hey, don't do anything, I'll take care of the fight..."

Just after saying this, Zhengdao and Mozong rushed over!

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