I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2048 Concession


In fact, Qin Yu didn't have many chances to really kill—compared with the difficulties she experienced in the dungeon and considering the power she had at the time, she was not a murderer in essence.

Huang Jinbi has long understood that this village girl who seems to have grown up from grass roots has extremely strong resilience in her bones. This resilience comes from her maintenance of the bottom line, her adherence to principles, and her self-awareness.

Her bottom line is actually not high, and she will not easily kill others just because they offend her. She is more about teasing and moderately punishing, but once it touches the safety of the people she cares about, she becomes extremely vicious.

Like a tiger mother who has her territory violated and is about to hurt her fat cubs in the nest.

The night is cool, the wind is not pleasant, the clothes and robes are loudly ringing, and the sound of the flute disturbs the moonlight.

That scene was so beautiful, but tens of thousands of Tianshu Nirvana butterflies fluttered, and after appearing, they didn't even give them any room to change, and immediately covered everyone in a cloud.

You see, even the lords like Baimei panicked. They didn't want to be stubborn, let alone the others, but they were not as powerful as the former. , but the first wave of this kind of slashing was heroic and crazy, because they were afraid of death, but when they were within one meter of the Tianshu Nirvana Butterfly, the more they slashed, the more dizzy they felt.

That's because their soul qi had been secretly sucked away by the approaching Tianshu Nirvana Butterfly, and they were exhausted afterward, even with a body of force and qi and blood, they became more and more tired and unable to resist. The soul is sluggish, and after a long time, the soul is sucked dry, and the body can only be the body.

This scene is not bloody at all, but it is very weird and terrifying, scaring people to death, just like ghosts and gods stretching out their claws on ordinary mortals.

Originally, the blood dragon had such a mentality—oh, you brazen, hypocritical and low-spirited people who clearly want to seize the treasure and talk about slaying demons and demons still have today!

But his actual state of mind at this time is - I, I am also in it! These butterflies absorb soul energy indiscriminately! I am a little dizzy. . .

"Qingqiu, get these butterflies away from me quickly! Did you mean it!"

Qin Yu didn't respond, and continued playing the flute, which was the default.

The blood dragon exploded, but thanks to the dragon's body, it was fast and rushed into the woods.

In fact, people like Baimei are in the Mahayana period, and their souls are strong, and they can still bear one or two, but in the Tianshu secret realm, under the forbidden spirit, if the soul is weakened, it will be difficult to recover, but the next one in the Tianshu secret realm The advantage is that they don't want to lose the watermelon behind them for the cucumber of unknown size in front of them.

With such caution, trying to avoid the large group of Tianshu Nirvana Butterflies, so that they can get close to the water bridge, and go to Lei Jie to take over the sovereignty - what is the origin of this Qingqiu, and the tone is so loud that they even want to let them go to the island? don't go.

Since they are masters, there is almost no one in the Tianzang world who can give them anger—except those of the same rank.

But this Qingqiu. . . So domineering, the cowhide is too bad.

Nangong Mei sneered, planning to cross the bridge to fix this woman.

But I didn't think about it. . . There were screams and panic, and many people called their lord's name for help.

Seeing that his subordinates were about to be sucked dry of their soul energy, and the blood dragon hiding in the forest had a dirty mouth, sneering: "I said that you humans are really hypocritical. You don't even care about your life and death, and you are no different from the devil way, no wonder Qingqiu looked down on you, and dumped you to follow the devil way, although the people of the devil way are not good."

Zhengdao: What the hell? You need to figure out the region first, we are Weichuan! That cancerous green mound in your house belongs to Lielu! How shameless to touch porcelain across the border!

Magic way: Paralyzed, scolded by her every day, scolded by her friends every day!

When the blood dragon was dissing both ways, Nangong Mei and Baimei were actually meeting the demon king at the other side of the water bridge. Seeing that they were going to go together, they were ridiculed by the blood dragon, and they couldn't bear it immediately. Baimei and Nangong Mei's complexions were dark, and they had no choice but to go back to save others.

Ah! Righteous people still need face, pay attention to the art of imperial servants, reputation is very important, but the way of magic is different.

The demon king doesn't care about the life and death of his subordinates at all, because the way of magic is like this, the strong are respected, and life and death have their destiny.

He only jumped towards the water bridge, even if hundreds of Tianshu Nirvana butterflies sucked his soul power, but his soul power was so strong that he didn't delay for a while, but he wasn't the only one, there was another Ice Blue Snow Ying shot out from the forest, dodging those scrambling Nirvana butterflies like lightning, and stepped towards the water bridge.

The two of them, one black and one ice, were about to cross the water bridge together to attack Qin Yu,

Qin Yu, who was playing the flute, glanced sideways and sneered. As soon as the sound of the flute turned, the expressions of the two changed one after another, and they all retreated. Her whole body was icy cold, pale and icy, she fell into a large piece of ferocious and beautiful Nirvana butterflies, her soul was sucked a bit, but her face remained unchanged, after landing on the edge of the cliff, facing the cold wind, she quietly looked at Qin Yu , with deep eyes, but no words.

But what's strange is that the demon king who was good at and intended to attack Qin Yu didn't say a word, only fear flashed in his eyes, and he didn't take the risk anymore.

If the two of them don't talk, others think too much.

You must know that Mojun and Tianjingsha are not idle people, Fang Mojun is a decisive and cruel person who kills and cuts down. . . Well, this is the way of evil and evil, so it is not good to be kind.

Seeing that these two people actually backed down on their own initiative, and without saying a word, they just stared at Qin Yu like that, as if they were extremely afraid.

Could there be some special means? Still found something?

Bai Mei and Nangong Mei's old way of mind had a twinkle in their eyes, knowing that it would be difficult to knock down the hard bone of Qingqiu at night, so they were decisive and immediately drank: "Everyone retreats into the forest."

The Tianshu Nirvana Butterfly is not omnipotent. There is a majestic vitality in the mountains and forests, which can confuse their perception of the existence of souls, and can also give everyone a shelter.

Hey, although I'm a little cowardly, let's just hide.

It is important to protect the soul and life.

This is a concession, under the lord, all go into the mountains.

Of course, Baimei and the others stayed outside, and a few people stood on the edge of the cliff to confront Qin Yu on the opposite side.

Tianshu's Nirvana Butterfly circled the edge of the forest, trapping everyone in it, anyway, don't try to get out, but it didn't stop Baimei and the others.

This is not an accident, it can only be controlled by this Qingqiu.

Sure enough, she put down her flute and looked at everyone indifferently, "It's hypocritical and vicious to be in the righteous way, not to mention that I'm in the way of the devil now, as you can see, I'm not joking."

Well, I can see it.

What a ruthless woman, even the dragon who defended her and helped her fight before was wounded in his soul.

Is Baimei old? With exquisite means, he said with a smile: "I can see that it is indeed powerful. I am not as good as an old man. Tonight I will treat it as incompetent and willing to give in."

His eyes are poisonous, and he has no desire for young people to fight bravely and take risks. He just saw Tian Jingsha and the devil's retreat and silence, and he knew that Qingqiu had a way to restrain them, and the devil was willing to back down. , maybe he couldn't afford the risk, so he couldn't afford it either, and even if he could beat Qingqiu by a point or two, there were still several masters around him.

Not worth it.

So he decisively stated that he would withdraw.

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