I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2049 Apocalypse Broken Star (End! The monthly pass is now 25, and the next monthly pass will

The lord representing the group of casual cultivators would indeed judge the situation, but the others might not, they just kept silent, but did not express their views.

As a matter of fact, the thunder tribulation behind is coming to an end.

The movement was neither big nor small, but there shouldn't be a thunder disaster here, which is very unusual.

"It doesn't matter whether you go or not, this place is not mine, come and go as you please."

Qin Yu smiled faintly, "I just want to protect my little chubby cat. For this reason, I don't care who or how many others die."

This is the most calm sentence she said tonight, without the slightest edge.

But also the scariest.

If there is a person whose behavior and purpose are beyond utilitarianism and greed, then she is extremely terrifying.

Because apart from what she wants to protect, she doesn't have any weaknesses, and she can fight with her back until she dies!

The atmosphere froze for a moment, reaching an extreme stalemate.

until. . . .

"It's so late at night, are you here because you are afraid of the cold?"

The voice of the visitor was soft, but dignified.

The person in Tianzang Realm, a virtuous and elegant woman with a bit of majesty, is neither weak nor strong, like a stern mistress who is in charge of the house in a deep house.

After walking out, he glanced at everyone and did not criticize, but expressed his firm position in a moderate manner.

"Everyone, don't forget that there was only one meaning for the existence of Tianshu Secret Realm at first. One is that the contemporary saints gathered the foundation in order to avoid the influence of foreign guests on the Tianzang world's power system. Later, there was one more meaning, that is, to make special moments The place of the Tianzang Selection finals, this point, has been agreed and adhered to by the four parties of Xiaopenglai, Tianzangjing, Jingmen, and Yansha Tower. In other words, if any of our four parties' behavior and purpose affect this Two points, the other three parties have the right to respond."

After a pause, she slowly added: "This was also reminded by Xiao Penglai, so I came tonight."

She said that she came at night, but in fact, everyone knew that it was known to Xiao Penglai at night, and obviously. . . Xiao Penglai's statement is very important.

This woman made a simple statement, which neither hurt the face of the big bosses nor lost her strength.

Bai Mei had already decided to back down, so naturally she didn't object, but Nangong Mei's eyes flashed a haze.

But Mojun and Tianjingsha do not seem to be among the top forces in the Quartet, and even oppose each other. Are they willing to give in?

Will do.

Because the two of them can no longer compete against each other.

Even if Nangong Mei does not move, Baimei will help this woman, and. . . .

"Amitabha, good and good."

The host Colorless also made a statement.

As soon as he made his statement, the matter was settled.

The Demon Lord had his hands behind his back, Tianjingsha's face was cold.

The woman ignored the two, and only looked at Qin Yu, who had a mature and gorgeous temperament and a graceful figure, but said rather dignifiedly: "Your Excellency Qingqiu, isn't it cold to stand there so late at night with so little clothes?"

Naturally, this woman would not have a good impression of Qingqiu, a villain who didn't sleep in the middle of the night and wore pajamas and ran out to "field fight" to make trouble. It's just that everyone is very strong and belongs to the same class, so the face that should be given is also will give.

Those who should be attacked should also be attacked.

This kind of hatred, Qin Yu couldn't even hurt his fur, he just slowly inserted the flute back into his belt, "I'll wear even the lesser ones."

All right, I can't take it if you say that.

Everyone is a woman, I am still old, if you insist on driving, can I just drive?

However, when the woman noticed Qin Yu's movement of putting the flute away, her eyebrows and eyes relaxed a little.

The other party also admitted that they would not go to war tonight.

"That's all for tonight?" the woman said.

Qin Yu: "I have two questions, please let me ask."

Woman: "Please."

Qin Yu: "Are you the leader of Tianzang Realm?"

Woman: "Xue Sheng, my name."

This question is not difficult to answer.

But it also made Xue Sheng aware that this Qingqiu didn't care much about the Tianzang Realm or the Realm Gate, and yes, she didn't even regard her boss, Demon Lord, as a human being.

Qin Yu: "Little Penglai ranks first among the four major powers? The one who can rule the entire Weichuan and even the world of Tianzang?"

This question is quite bold.

It can also be said that the face of all forces has been pushed down, and only Xiao Penglai has been given face.

Nangong Mei and the others all had subtle and complicated expressions.

But Xue Sheng's answer was also very bold, "The first question, yes. The second question, I can't answer you, the world is too big, who dares to say it can be the master?"

"That's true."

Qin Yu didn't speak anymore, and didn't even mention the fate of people like Baimei.

Anyway, she has only one attitude - kill him as soon as he comes, no matter who it is.

It also happened to be at this time that the thunderstorm in the back was coming to an end, and the thunderclouds in the sky were spinning and rolling, and they were closing.

Everyone is watching, maybe they are all waiting for the last chance, and they are also waiting to see the reality of crossing the catastrophe over there.

But watch and watch.

"This Thunder Tribulation is wrong."

"The momentum has changed, so much movement?"

Originally it was just above the small island, but now it looks like this thunder disaster. . . It seemed to cover the entire Tianshu Secret Realm.

Even Qin Yu sensed that something was wrong, and turned to look at Jiaojiao who was surrounded by thunder.

"Let me just say that something is wrong with this fat man's sudden crossing tonight, he must have bumped into something."

Hit a ghost?


It's about time!

After all, he is still a professional. Xue Sheng looked at it for a while, his expression changed slightly, and he said, "The twenty-fourth bridge is about to appear on a moonlit night!"

There are many opportunities in the secret realm of Tianshu, one of which is the moonlit night at the twenty-four bridges, but this does not mean that all secret realms of Tianshu can appear. Opportunity, but if you can wait for it, it is the shit luck of the shit luck.

As an outsider, Qin Yu didn't know about this, but the golden wall was online.

——Before receiving a lot of information, just went online.

——The moonlit night of the Twenty-Four Bridges is not bad. If you lose 10,000 stones in the mountains, it will not be as direct and effective as its benefits.

——It contains a strong attainment, which is of great benefit to a comprehensible person like you


The comparison is still valid.

Qin Yu's first reaction was: "I'll go, this little fat man is a scumbag, what can he do to meet such a high-profile opportunity."

--Um. . . That's a little too much for you to say.

— but I agree with +1.

One person walks on the side of the obscene diss flow, and the colorful streamers split from the thundercloud also quickly travel to the high altitude of Tianshu Secret Realm, and shine on the earth, and the earth becomes radiant, majestic vitality, powerful power, Swimming from the veins of the earth, eventually taking root and growing, and converging with the water veins, traveling around, and. . . Mainly concentrated in the city.

It is a natural brilliance, as if returning to the neon lantern festival in the ancient Loulan city in an instant. It is a bridge of light and color, one after another, connecting the veins and leading the whole city.

Heaven and earth joined forces to create this adventure.

——By the way, to remind you, according to the information I got, when the twenty-four bridge Mingyue Ye was just born. . There will be a kind of treasure that will follow.

——It is called Apocalypse Broken Star, which is a fragment of the perception of the fairy family. It is freely separated in the cosmic dojo and comes from the turbulent flow of time and space. It is probably captured by the saints of this world back then. Put it in as an opportunity.

——These people should all know about this, so. . .

Before the golden wall finished speaking, Qin Yu heard a crisp sound, which was the sound of fragments squeezing and popping out from another area.

Then she looked up and saw three hundred meters ahead. . . A golden broken light landed.

It hit her head.

Why do you have to come in this aggressive way when you are obviously lucky?

Qin Yuyu had a stroke, but he had no intention of letting it go, it was just that. . . How does she feel that there are other things coming from the sky.

Ah, I finally wrote that it is coming, guess who is coming, haha.

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