I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2050 Farox (25-18, 7 more owed, I will pay back slowly)


Damn, there's a new alien!

Qin Yu's expression was plane-like at the time, and he had already reached out his hand to explore the broken star of that day, so naturally, other people also rushed over.

In an instant, Qin Yu stopped, jumped back, and arrived at the place where Jiaojiao crossed the catastrophe. It was the last thunder.

Qin Yu gave up Tianqi Broken Star and went to Jiaojiao's side, not because he could block the thunder for him, but because the flying boat where the foreigner was staying was just above it that day.

But others may not be able to understand it, and if they do understand it, some may not dare to believe it.

This is the broken star of the apocalypse.

Immortals may not be able to look sideways.

she. . . She simply gave up, just because of that little fat cat?

The coming halo affected Lei Jie, and also caused some changes in the space attribute. Since his little fat man also has the space attribute, Qin Yu is afraid that something will change.

As soon as she got to Jiaojiao's side, she saw Lei Jie twisting and tearing apart the spatial analysis, and it was also connected to the place where Jiaojiao lay on her stomach. . . Qin Yu directly reached out and pulled out his fat tail to prevent him from being squeezed into the space gap, but this pull was equivalent to bringing her and him into the scope of Thunder Tribulation.

boom! The thunder jie even clung to her palm, circling the palm and savagely slashed at her arm. In a split second, Qin Yu's arm was spattered with blood and scorched quickly.

But no one noticed it, because most people's eyes were on the Apocalypse Broken Star born in that sky.

The piece that Qin Yu gave up before caused a lot of competition, even Xue Sheng was no exception.

But there is more than one Apocalypse Broken Star.

Everyone was fighting for it, but Qin Yu just stretched out his hand to cut off the scorched skin naturally, allowing the flesh to regenerate quickly. When Jiaojiao whimpered, she slowly opened her eyes in the light of thunder, and what she saw was a white and delicate hand. Fingers flicked his big head.

"Little fat man, you made such a big fuss at night, next time if you do it again, I will beat you to death."

Jiaojiao was still a little ignorant, but when she heard what Qin Yu said, she rolled her eyes, Gulu sat up, and said angrily, "I finally broke through! You know how to hit me! You don't like me at all!"

The golden wall was silent.

After all?

It seemed that this guy was just sleeping on his stomach from the beginning to the end, and even the thunderbolt hit him directly with a thunderbolt - but he still kept his sleeping position, but his buttocks were raised a bit high.

Seeing that the Jiaojiaonaijiuji who just broke through is about to cry. . .

Qin Yu: "Hot pot or barbecue?"

The eyeballs quickly wiped away, Jiaojiao stood up, grabbed Qin Yu's hand and climbed up, was held in her arms, rolled over, rubbed against her chest, and said in a cool way: "I want to eat at night." , Forget it, I can do whatever you want."

Since you just broke through, I won't hit you if you're such a bitch.

But one person and one cat couldn't continue to be warm, because the competition for the broken stars of the apocalypse became more and more dynamic.

"Huh? Apocalypse Broken Star? This is a good thing, Yuyu, let's grab it!"

Jiaojiao was a little excited, but was restrained by Qin Yu, "Wait a minute."

There are some people fighting for the broken stars of the apocalypse, but that's the business of the big bosses, the business of the lords, not many people can even intervene in the Mahayana period, let's forget about the small arms and legs, let's go to the twenty-four bridge bright moon night Let's feel it.

The people dispersed, and most of the people went to the city. A few people stayed here to compete for the Apocalypse Broken Star. After all, most of the Apocalypse Broken Stars are born here, and they haven't traveled to the city.

At this moment, some people paid attention to Qin Yu's movements. After all, this woman just gave up the Apocalypse Broken Star for the fat cat, but now that the fat cat seems to have successfully crossed the tribulation, it will definitely fight for it if it is free.

This woman is not pure-hearted.

Everyone saw the situation clearly and was on guard.

But before they could wait for Qin Yu, they saw a black shadow coming out of the forest fiercely, like a tiger descending a mountain.

Straight to Baimei.

This guy with white eyebrows is also a poisonous eye. He backed down beforehand and analyzed the situation from the outside. He was almost second only to Qin Yu in noticing the change. When Qin Yu gave up the first Apocalypse Broken Star, everyone else went to fight for it At the time, he aimed at the second one very old-fashionedly, and jumped out to fight for it at the fastest speed.

Nangong Mei and the others noticed that they could only curse the old fox inwardly.

But Baimei. . When his fingers were about to catch the Apocalypse Broken Star, his pupils suddenly changed, and he had to dodge to dodge, only to see a sharp and domineering spear piercing from behind!

The point of the puncture pierced Baimei's wide sleeve, but Baimei's eyes were fixed, and he drew a righteous sword from his waist.


The weapon clattered above the sky, the stars were bright and full of vigor, but Bai Mei didn't want to get entangled with the opponent, as if he had thought of something, he hurriedly chased after the broken star that had just disappeared from his hand, but he was still a step too late.

There is a third person who grabs it.

It was a tall and strong man with short hair. After grabbing the Apocalypse Broken Star, he avoided Baimei's surprise attack and faced the man with the spear on the side of Baimei's face.

The three of them fell from high altitude one after another, Bai Mei really had a good manner and was not angry, he just smiled and said: "Tian Xiong, good trick!"

These two people belong to the Tianxiong World. Most of the people in the boat are from the younger generation of the Tianxiong World, but there are three leaders. These two are two of three people. His names are Shanyu Shima and Huyanjuel.

The world of Tianxiong is a world that is super good at fighting and pays attention to fighting. The killing power is higher than that of Tianzang world, and it is not polite to Tianzang world. You see, these two people just planned a wave of east and west to snatch the broken star of Apocalypse, and they are not in vain. Bai Mei intends to injure, so it is not an ordinary rank.

But it doesn't mean it's theirs.

As soon as Bai Mei said, Xue Sheng and Wu Se started to fight!

"Let's go!" Tianxiong's people are not stupid, knowing that the two of them are absolutely no match for the other three, they are about to retreat. . . But I saw another apocalyptic broken star falling from the other end of the sky!


The two hurriedly chased after them, and Baimei and others also went there.

At this moment. . . The flying boat that descended hidden in the thundercloud finally appeared, and several streams of light swept down, one of which jumped from a height of thirty feet, like a stream of stars falling, like a galaxy waterfall splashing down.

He directly intercepted Kai Broken Star from the high altitude of the fall, but met the rushing palm!

The other party's eyebrows were raised slightly, and the bright blue pupils seemed to be burning with a blue flame, which was shocking, and the other party's exquisite and dazzling aristocratic armor was also full of demeanor. He only raised his hand and pulled out the noble sword on his waist.

a sword.


He remained motionless in mid-air, but Shan Yu Shima's face changed drastically, she flew back and vomited blood when she landed.

Huyanjuele was surprised, and after falling to the ground, he held his spear and yelled in a low voice: "Who is here?"

This long-haired, blue-haired Outlander, who looks like a comic book character, has already spoken: "Falox World, Lord Fern Campbell of the Blue Flame."

Farox World?

Among the nine big worlds, Tianzang is A-9, which belongs to the big plane of comprehension, but Farox World is one of the four big magic planes, listed as A-5.

Of course, this number is the mark of the Golden House and Dark Gold House systems, and the locals don't know it, and they only know the other's world name.

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