I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2051 Hey, I'll go! (Guess why Yuyu ran away)

The Lord of the Blue Flame, Fern Campbell, is equivalent to a lord-level figure in the world of Farox.

Even a very strong lord - at least physically strong.

So Shanyu Shima, who was not weak, was frustrated with one blow.

The appearance of Fern Campbell has changed the situation, which means that the top powers of the three worlds have entered the secret realm of Tianshu to compete for the most precious resources.

Everyone's mentality has changed.

the other side. . . Qin Yu had already led Jiaojiao across the water bridge into the forest. Just after entering the forest, she heard movement, looked back, saw Fern Campbell, and glanced at the rest of the people from the world of Farox who had landed.

Although she glanced casually, there was disappointment in her eyes, especially not reconciled, and she glanced up. The airship was landing, but the height was suitable. Some of the younger generations in the Farox world had already jumped down, and they probably saw it too. Twenty-four bridges appeared on a moonlit night, and I didn't want to waste time.

When they all came down, Qin Yu could see it more clearly.

None of which she wanted to see.

Turning his face, Qin Yu walked to Lin Li's side, followed by a tall shadow, as if he was about to come from behind. . . Jump out suddenly to scare him!

But as soon as he jumped out, Jiaojiao jumped on Qin Yu's shoulder and gave him a flying kick!


The little fleshy foot kicked the blood dragon's eyes.

"Ah! Little fat ball! You are courting death!"

Jiaojiao put her hips on her hips and said arrogantly: "You shameless big bug, you dare to scare us, do you want me to give you symmetrical panda eyes again?!"

The blood dragon was stunned, and the point of entry was strange, "What is a panda?"

Jiaojiao: "In terms of cuteness, it's a kind of big cat second only to me."

Xuelong sneered: "Ghosts believe you...Qingqiu, what are you doing?"

He suddenly panicked because Qin Yu suddenly walked up to him and raised one hand.

Damn, want to hit him? !

The blood dragon was about to defend, but Qin Yu just supported his shoulders and tore off a large piece from his sleeve.

Blood Dragon: "???"

This woman is so hungry? No, is it the heart of a tiger and a wolf?

Want to fight a dragon overlord?

Incredible ah incredible.

Jiaojiao was shocked, thinking about going through the catastrophe by herself, her own Yuyu became more and more fierce, he had to cry, make trouble and hang himself to stop her!

Just as the blood dragon was about to die, there was a slight rubbing sound.

One dragon and one cat saw it, and they realized it.

Blood Dragon: "..."

Jiaojiao: "Hey hey."

It turned out that Qin Yu just propped up the blood dragon's shoulders, raised his feet and wiped them with the torn sleeves.

That's right, wipe your feet.

atmosphere. . . Inexplicably embarrassing.

Xuelong put on a blank face, and changed the subject seriously, "Did you just look at the flying boat, looking for someone?"

Qin Yu looked up at him with his side eyes slightly raised, "Hey, you are very observant, and you can see people's progress."

The blood dragon who was blind and repented when he saw the wrong person once snorted softly, "Don't run on me, that's an outsider, and you don't know him even if you think about it."

Qin Yu: "I didn't see anything that interested me. I'm a little disappointed."

Blood Dragon: "Ah, are you really looking for someone? By the way, there is another person on the boat, is that what you are looking for?"

He didn't try to test Qin Yu, and he didn't speculate on why Qin Yu, who seemed to be born in China, would seek someone from the magical world outside.

In other words, this Long Hanhan has not changed much in his bones, and he will be steadfast after trusting someone, which is a bit scary.

There is one more person?

Qin Yu turned his head to look, and if he saw that there was still a person standing on the bow of the spaceship, he didn't seem to be in a hurry to get off.

The man at the helm?

That must be the leader of this team.

Qin Yu's eyes paused, the other party seemed to have noticed it, his eyes were deep and sharp, and his glance was like a sharp arrow, and most people couldn't stand it, but Qin Yu just raised his eyebrows to withstand the oppressive gaze of the other party, and he was still very nervous. He looked away indifferently, and said to Xuelong: "No, I'm not interested in the same thing. But why don't you look for resources, this opportunity is once in a thousand years, and you finally came in."

The blood dragon is not any official personnel, presumably they used special means to sneak in.

Blood Dragon: "I'm not in a hurry, anyway, it's very easy for me to become stronger, unlike you humans who have shallow foundations and limited talents."

Ouch, this is so arrogant.

Qin Yu's eyeliner twitched, and he joked a little, "Do you know that some fat guy who once said that to me is now crying out to sleep in my arms every night."

The blood dragon thought for a while, and came to his senses.

MD, she teased him!

Xuelong was about to turn back, when he suddenly saw Qin Yu stuffing the feet-wiping broken steps gently into his arms, and then calmly put on the slippers.


"Damn it, where did the slippers come from here!"

Jiaojiao and Xuelong were both surprised, Jiaojiao scratched their heads, "Isn't this a forbidden spirit? Before you came in, you transferred your things to my side. I have shoes on my side, and I forgot to give them to you."

He just came back and didn't notice.

Qin Yu: "Of course I couldn't bear to run around barefoot, so I specially brought shoes for me."

Jiaojiao: "Who is it?"

Qin Yu lowered his head and put on his shoes, then raised his head with a smile on his lips, "Beauty."

I just like hanging people's necks to play smart, so we won't be fooled! Do you like to talk or not!

"Okay, we have the shoes, let's go grab the treasure, let's go!"



"I'm not wearing pants."


The pajamas looked so charming and sexy that it made people blush, and it was okay under the seduction of ordinary people, but it had no effect on the lords, not to mention that Qin Yu never followed the way of serving people in Israel.

Her ring can't be used, and the things inside can't be taken out. She transferred some necessary things to Fat Jiaojiao earlier, and now Jiaojiao finally woke up. . . Let's change your clothes, at least you have to wear your pants to fight, right?

Otherwise, think about a group of powerful characters in the Mahayana period, each carrying a package on the road on horseback, um~~ very disillusioned, isn't it.

Resources are extremely precious, and time cannot be delayed. Qin Yu led Jiaojiao into the forest, and the blood dragon squatted below to watch.

Lin Zi was bright and shadowy, Qin Yu didn't hesitate, took off his pajamas and put it on the flower tree beside him, then changed into clothes, just tied up the belt, suddenly noticed something, turned his head to look up, and saw the top of the forest There are rips.

A flying boat also appeared.

This flying boat is much smaller than Tianxiong and Farox, but it is very delicate, with a special natural spirituality, and the pattern is also very agile.

"It's another visitor from outside the sky. This Tianshu Secret Realm is like a brothel. Clients come in wave after wave, and they don't give money. Whoring for nothing... Hey, I'll go." Qin Yu said casually, then suddenly tongue-tied As soon as the voice trembled, his face changed, and he took Jiaojiao and hid in the woods.

"Ah? What are you doing?"


"Why are you afraid of these shameless foreign clients! Woohoo, you're covering me again... Woohoo..."

Seeing Qin Yu running away with Jiaojiao in his arms, Xuelong hurriedly followed.

"Hey, what are you doing, are you wearing your pants? Ah!"

The blood dragon was hit in the eye by Qin Yu's backhand throw of a stone.

Well, it's finally symmetrical!

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