I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2052 Her Majesty the Queen


When Qin Yu ran away, he panicked, even the blood dragon could feel it. He thought she was being videotaped for changing her clothes for fear of being threatened. Beat it down, hang the person above it, peel it and dry it with salt.

But as soon as he came out of the forest, he noticed that the woman's demeanor was steady, without showing any trace.

"You are?"

Qin Yu: "I was a little excited just now, I'm fine."

Blood Dragon: "I think you are frightened and flustered, well, I must be self-righteous in this feeling, you put your hand down."

Qin Yu withdrew his hand from his throat, stopped at a stream, and saw the broken stars of the apocalypse falling everywhere above.

"It seems to be five, oh, six came out."

Five of them already have owners, and the bigwigs from the three worlds are fighting well

When the sixth one appeared, it flew across the sky and headed for the city.

In the city, the monks had already rushed out, and they all rushed to the twenty-four bridges to try to comprehend, but the broken stars of the apocalypse flying across the sky stirred their hearts.

One of these treasures is enough to elevate their realm to a whole level, because the attainments contained in it are so high that they can turn salty fish over. However, do they dare to compete with the big guys who are chasing after them? ?

There are also some, such as those who cannot bear their inner greed and want to take risks.

Someone still made a move, jumped on the roof, trying to pick up the stars.

This scene also fell into the eyes of the two people who had just returned to the city.

"Elder brother, elder sister..."

Ying Ruoruo waited for the others to salute, Fang Yourong nodded slightly, and was about to let them go to enlightenment by himself, when Yan Zhao asked, "Senior Sister Qingqiu..."

Fang Yourong: "Do you think we are looking for her?"

Seeing Fang Yourong's expression, Yan Zhao shuddered, "No, we will go to study immediately."

They were about to leave when they suddenly heard a scream from above, and then saw that the man who bravely went up to fight against fate was cut off by the lazy waist, and when his body fell, his head was stepped on by the opponent, borrowing his strength Grab the broken star of the apocalypse.

Flesh and blood splattered, and the remains fell on the eaves, thumping, and gurgling to the ground.

People are not dead yet.

But the blue-haired outlander expert who was holding the Apocalypse Broken Star in the middle of the air said something cold.

"court death!"

This stern and arrogant voice was like a knife, piercing directly into the hearts of everyone present with a genius gold content of 99%.

genius? Same abuse, same kill!

Unwilling and angry.

They don't know who this person is, but they know that the other person is not from the Tianzang world.

People who are not from this world are still so arrogant and powerful, more ruthless than people from Tianxiong, the other party. . . .

"Too much deceit!"

Afterimages in the crowd rushed to the eaves, took the longbow from their backs, bent down and shot the sky bow!

"It's a wolf!"

"Dare he make a move?"

Naturally, he dared to do so. This supreme genius, who claims to be among the top three contemporary geniuses in Uilcheon Daejeong State, has a stern face, but has a burning blood, and he has already aimed at Fern Campbell.

But before the arrow was shot, the heroic wolf was also taken aback suddenly, the starry sky and night locked in his eyes were only locked on that streamer.

It's streamer.


Impossible, how can there be flying under the forbidden spirit?

unless. . . . Winged Spirit Wings.

The streamer is brilliant, the light is bright and solid, it does not slack for a long time, but it has a beautiful halo.

It came too fast, Fern Campbell just looked down at the Apocalypse Broken Star in his hand, noticed the sharpness ahead, looked up, and was about to draw his sword to stab it. . .

Stab the light.

The light dispersed and fissioned, bypassing the sword, and the sharp wings of the terrible rotation were so terrifying that they suddenly split Fern Campbell's arm.

Fern Campbell's complexion changed, and the five fingers of his palm were completely smashed, and Qishaixing was swept away by it that day.

Fern Campbell's face was stern, regardless of the injury on his hand, the other hand held a sword and rushed over, the blade swept away, a house was torn apart and the entire roof was split, the blade pointed at the winged light that rolled in mid-air , Wing Light dodged, but ushered in a surprise attack from behind.

It was Shan Yu Shima, who originally came chasing Fern Campbell, wanting to avenge his shame, but he also came to fight for the Apocalypse Broken Star, so he sneaked in.


Then. . . There was a bow with arrows aimed at him.

In fact, it is not considered aiming, starting from the bow, the arrow is strung, and it has already been shot with a buzzing sound.

Hit after shooting.

Before the attacker could succeed, he was shot in the chest by an arrow and fell to the ground like a big bird that was shot.

"Shima!" Huyan Juele arrived, and seeing Shanyu Shima being shot, he rushed to him to feed him the elixir, drew out the arrow to treat the wound, and looked at Qiba with hatred. A man standing on a roof shooting arrows a hundred meters away.

The bow belongs to the wolf, and the arrow belongs to the wolf.

But what he looked at was not Wolf Ye, because the bow and arrow were not in Wolf Ye's hands, but in the hands of the man standing diagonally behind Wolf Ye.

People are in a hurry to win the treasure, but you are lucky, and you went to change a set of clothes, right?

Don't say it, it's beautiful.

It's just the words that hurt people's hearts.

"The outsiders are still so arrogant, do you want to go to heaven?"

It sounds like dissing outsiders from all aspects, but Shanyu Shima, who was seriously injured, was very upset. They Tianxiong came the fastest, and they also heard about this woman later, knowing what she was doing, they naturally recognized her.

"If you are fighting for the Apocalypse Broken Star, why do you only attack me? I think you are clearly targeting our Tianxiong world, yes..."

His voice stopped abruptly, and even Huyanjuel beside him changed his face.

Because Qin Yu took out another arrow from the quiver on Langya's waist and put it on the bow.

Facing that side, there is a high probability of targeting Huyanjuel and the other two.

She doesn't speak, just bows and arrows, are you panicking?

Although it is a magic way, but it is too strong!

The wolf beside him also frowned, wanting to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Not far away, Fern Campbell's eyes flickered when he saw this, but he didn't speak.

But Qin Yu had spoken.

"Apocalypse Broken Star, of course I want to take it, but I really wanted to kill you just now."

"As for why I killed you..."

"Of course it's because you're ugly."

The two Huyanjuele were furious, and many geniuses in the Tianxiong world on the ground were also furious, but. . . . They were soon shocked again.

Because they understood what Qin Yu meant - the point was not whether their two big bosses in Tianxiong were ugly, but that compared with the other, they were like dust.

Before that, everyone was shocked, because how could anyone in this Tianshu secret realm be able to fly.

Until they thought that the other party might be a Winged One.

But I didn't expect this winged person to have such a powerful and mysterious body attack.

It's even more beautiful to think that the main body exposed after Yiguang stretches back will be like that. . . .

Hell and heaven shine at the fingertips.

The square inch between black and white endures contamination.

There was heartbreak in her eyes, and her heartache recorded any hesitation she saw in her eyes.

She held the Apocalypse Broken Star in one hand, and a slender, simple and majestic staff in the other. The handsome, sharp and introverted wings of light stretched softly behind her, allowing her to levitate high in the sky and look at Qin Yu from a distance.

The gaze from a distance seemed to be scrutinizing, but also seemed to be judging. Finally, she lowered her eyes and slightly hooked the corners of her mouth.

This smile. . . The unified aesthetics of China and the West, and the unified aesthetics of the three realms.

The unity of good and evil aesthetics.

Because she, and even her smile, is the most contradictory beauty in the world.

Drunk drunk drunk.

Jiaojiao: "Fuck! Yuyu! It's Arthur, Arthur!!!"

Qin Yu: "Ah, I know, it's her."

She also smiled at him.

Qin Yu thought that the other party should understand his eyes.

Long time no see, Your Majesty.

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