
As a "native" fighting against aliens, Qingqiu, a sorceress, has a double standard of cancer. She doesn't beat people enough, and even ridicules others for being ugly. Yes, there is indeed such capital, and it is far beyond the standard.

When she grows up like this, let alone snatching a broken star of the apocalypse, you are willing to give her even ten.

The people of Tianxiong can't beat it anymore, and the local people of Tianzang world can't arrange it.

But many people are thinking, is this a large-scale double-standard archery bloodshed caused by a momentary encounter, or an accident caused by old acquaintances?

Anyway, Xuelong didn't think he was stupid, he vaguely sensed that this woman might know Qingqiu, because Qingqiu was very nostalgic.

If it was for an old friend, let alone shooting one Tianxiong, killing ten would be no problem.

Of course, it depends on what they will do. . . .

Others actually always feel something.

Because the two people's eyes are really different.

That kind of subtlety, quietness, the delicacy of Yu Qingchi gently stirring the ripples.

There is also that exotic beauty whose wings of light are as bright as a celestial being, who is originally a mysterious and quiet person, but wants to smile.

I know, I definitely know, I bet a cart of cucumbers. . . The yellow-robed Taoist hid in the crowd, poking and slandering secretly.

Even though he thinks that this possibility is almost non-existent, he just thinks there are melons to eat regardless of whether the gossip soul is raging and burning.

But at such a time when thousands of people are watching and waiting to eat melons.

The light-winged man didn't say anything, and naturally returned to his indifferent look. As for Qin Yu, she and Jiaojiao had a pleasant chat in the golden house, but she stood on the roof holding a bow and arrow and looked very calm.

It was only after he laughed a little that she said lightly to Tianxiong's people.

"Look, she's pretty, so it's not too much for me."


The people of Tianxiong were depressed, and the seriously injured Shanyu Shima vomited blood again. Tianxiong was deflated? Anyway, the people in Tianzang World have no intention of dragging their feet on political and diplomatic positions, and Fern Campbell of Farox is also judging the situation-he can't figure out what this archery woman is showing, she looks a bit powerful, and, this light Wing Zhe, he is also speculating about the origin of the other party.

At this moment, standing on the roof and being robbed of his bow and arrow, the top genius wolf who looked like a tool man suddenly felt a chill on his back and head. In addition, those who can live for a long time have a special quality, that is, a keen sense of crisis.

It may be innate, or it may be made up the day after tomorrow,

Anyway, the wolf also noticed it, his face changed, and he was about to react, but the collar on the back was pulled to the side by a hand, not light or heavy, and should have fallen to the ground safely, but the wolf also had this human instinct. Grabbing the ground, forcibly using the body's strength and balance to grasp the ground, it didn't fall next to the edge of the eaves, and only two or three tiles slid down. When they landed, the wolf also suddenly turned his head to look in front of the eaves.

It was a girl who made his head go cold. It was wrong to say it was a girl, but what was even more wrong was her ferocity.

A 1.50-meter loli with big tits, a broken leg, slender waist and cute tits, with a machete taller than a person, with a sweep of the blade, the sound of the wind split Xiaoxiao.

There was also a blood dragon on the eaves next door and Jiaojiao standing on the shoulder of the blood dragon, and they were shocked when they saw this.

Fuck! So fierce!

The ferocious one is Nai Loli, but her scimitar is the most direct ferocious bottom line. The blade almost swept across the wolf, as fast as lightning, and the scimitar arc was locked in the wolf's pupils for a moment, and then looked arrive. . . The man who was cutting with the scimitar turned to one side and dodged, but the blade turned and the man dodged. In the blink of an eye, he stood on the dragon head on one side of the eaves, holding the longbow with his hands behind his back, and fixed his eyes on the scimitar. Milk loli.

"I thought Tianxiong was all big guys, but I didn't expect there was a short guy."

Qin Yu wasn't joking, it was obviously not as good-humored and kind as he was to that bright wing.

The little dwarf Nai Loli looked like a brat, but she had a steady temper. As soon as she opened her mouth, Qin Yu was stunned, and everyone was stunned for three seconds.

"Fuck you, why are your legs so long, your breasts are not as big as mine! Watch me cut your legs inch by inch and make them shorter than mine!"

Her accent is a bit strange, because her voice is a bit harsh, and the tone of her words is also vague, as if she has just learned to speak-or just learned to use this language.

Anyway, it sounds weird.

But it was fierce.

The machete pointed at Qin Yu.

"I'd like to see if the woman with wings will come to help you."

The war is imminent.

Qin Yu: "I don't think you will do anything to me?"

Nai Luoli just wanted to say that it was impossible, but she was not a sympathetic person.

But the knife she raised. . . He came with a man and a knife.

It was only a short distance away, and he arrived in front of Qin Yu in the blink of an eye. Qin Yu didn't even hide, didn't resist or attack, just stood there, not even moving the bow behind him.

Then the milk girl came to Qin Yu's side, and walked from her side. . . Flash!

They didn't even greet Qin Yu with the scimitar.

Two reasons.

1. She knows that Qin Yu can hide.

2. Since she can avoid it, there is no need to waste time and energy. She has more important things to do.

What's interesting is that when the milk loli moved, Fern Campbell, who was considering the situation, also suddenly moved.

It happened that Baimei and others also arrived.

They only came to the result after chasing it, so they came here in a hurry.

Because the seventh broken star of the apocalypse appeared.

Sesame oil, now there are more than 7 lord-level figures, and none of them can do it, not to mention there are many mahayana masters waiting to be fed, these people are all vying for red eyes.

The seventh Apocalypse Fragmentary Star just flew here, and the young people didn't even see what it looked like, but they saw a group of big guys rushing up.

That scene was quite spectacular. In the blink of an eye, there were three or four waves of chaotic battles in the air, and no one knew who was fighting whom.

Strangely, people of almost the same level moved, but this murderous Qingqiu did not move.

The wolf also walked to Qin Yu's side and lowered his voice, "Give me back the bow."

Qin Yu glanced at him, "Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you?"

Wolf also: "Give it back to me."

Qin Yu smiled and moved his hand.

There are only two possibilities for this action.

1. Kill him! But wolves are not afraid. For an archer, the bow is his life, which is equivalent to the sword of the swordsman.

2. Don't kill him! Return the bow?

However, it turned out that there were neither of them. Qin Yu neither killed him nor returned the bow, but used the other hand to get the quiver on Lang Ye's waist.

Just pull out the quiver on his waist and throw it into the air.

The wolf was also stunned for a moment, his face changed greatly, and there was no time to stop him, both angry and frightened.

What does Qingqiu want to do? !

Crash! All the arrows in the quiver fell out, dozens of them.

Just abandon and fall in front of you.

The wolf was also confused for the first time, but soon as an archer, he sensed Qin Yu's intentions.

He reached out and took the arrow in the air.

If you look at it in slow motion—take one, string the bow, shoot it, then take another one after shooting it, one by one.

Simple and repetitive action, but the person who aims and shoots is different.

Good guy, all the bosses in the mid-air melee have been shot one by one!

Everyone below suddenly had a strange feeling.

It was indescribable, but Jiaojiao said it.

"Count the romantic figures, and watch her bend her bow and shoot a big bird?"

Blood Dragon: "..."

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