I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2054 King Realm Elf Sea (There is one more update, it will be late, don't wait)

The sovereign-level birds in the sky don't have much freedom in mid-air. In order to avoid these arrows, they have to retreat and fall, but they give people who can fly a chance.

I saw the man with the wings of light reaching out to grab the broken star of the apocalypse.


An arrow hit the Apocalypse Broken Star, and it flew to a cloak on the side eaves. The cloak was tough, and when it bounced, it flew over.

The demon king and others who just landed are about to chase it. . .

One step slower.

Because Qin Yu has arrived.

He grabbed it with his hand, but there was also a wing thorn flying towards him.

Ah? She attacked Qin Yu?

brush! The wing thorn was passed by Qin Yu, and Qin Yu grabbed another falling arrow and threw it towards the woman flying opposite.

Ah? Qin Yu attacked her too?

The Taoist in yellow robe was surprised. Don't these two women know each other?

The blood dragon was also surprised.

Jiaojiao was secretly surprised, can't she, Queen Arthur lost her memory? wrong!

Definitely is. . .

Crash! Her Majesty also dodged.

But the two did not continue to attack each other, because there were many people around them, whether it was the White-browed Demon Lord and others, or people from Fern Campbell and Tianxiong World.

kill! Treasure!

"Hey, Lord Demon Lord will not kill me to seize the treasure, right? Aren't we our own people?"

"That depends on whether you are willing to ask me."

"Forget it. It's easy to lose your virginity when you make a deal with a man. It's safer to find a woman."

Then Qin Yu ignored the demon king, raised his hand and shot an arrow at Her Majesty the Queen.

"Tianzang World, Qingqiu, do you want to cooperate?"


Arrows flew from Her Majesty's shoulders and shot at Fern Campbell.

Fern Campbell had to dodge, but Her Majesty took a deep look at Qin Yu, and said the first sentence she said in public after coming to this world.


"Hello, Arthenodis."

Qin Yu smiled, and then the two women exchanged positions in mid-air and instantly, back to back, launching powerful long-range attacks together to resist the chaotic attacks of others

At that time, they all got an Apocalypse Broken Star.

But they teamed up.

The situation changed suddenly.

This is of great significance. Everyone changed their attack mode and retreated in unison. There was a short three-breath confrontation.

Originally, even though he was from the Tianzang world, Qin Yu was a demon, and people like Baimei had no burden in attacking and seizing treasures.

Tianxiong and Farox were even less burdened.

But just one, she has already succeeded, and it will not be worth the loss if it continues to fight, so most people in the Tianzang world withdraw their hands, but for people in the other two realms, seeing Qin Yu and the two teaming up, that's not worth the loss. It is very difficult to fight.

Because one can fly, the other has many ways, and can attack from a distance, it is not generally tricky.

Everyone withdrew their hands one after another, which was equivalent to acquiescing that they had won the Apocalypse Broken Star, just like other people had also got it before, and they were not seen clinging to it.

But this confrontation lasted for three breaths.

Suddenly, two beams of starlight shot from the south of the sky.


"Two babies were born at once?"

Everyone was surprised, and Qin Yu was also surprised, muttering: "I'm so lucky today, I'm so happy."

She said this with a smile, and the joy was beyond words.

The volume is not loud, I don't know who it is for, but the nearest one is Arthenodis.

She didn't smile when she heard it, but just glanced at Qin Yu.

They are all old acquaintances. Although they met later, Arthenodis knows this person very well.

Happy is real.

But not because of some apocalyptic broken star.

Even if you are happy, you don't have to express it deliberately, but let her know on purpose.

Long time no reunion.

After Qin Yu left, Arthenodis also got in touch with her friends a lot, and over time, she also got a little understanding of this oriental civilization.

So she silently used this idiom in her heart.

Arthenodis's thoughts were very dark, but he had already flown out with Qin Yu.

Apocalypse Broken Stars, no one has too much of them.

Another group battle.

But this time. . . Qin Yu and the others haven't passed yet.

Only two others arrived first.

What is horrifying is that of the two people, one can fly, and the other who can't fly has arrived at a frightening speed.

That speed is even faster than Qin Yu, and surpasses all the lord-level figures here. Except for those who can fly like Arthenodis, no one can match it at present.

The ultimate speed is that Qin Yu and the others only took a look, and there was a terrible wave erupting beside the two Apocalypse Broken Stars.

Under the forbidden spirit, the fluctuations come from the attack of the body and the collision of forces.

Mojun and others raised their eyebrows together.

Qin Yu's eyes were also a little dark.

So strong, these two people.

After one blow, the fluctuations were even, but the two did not separate, but hit the ground directly from the sky following the falling trajectory of the Apocalypse Broken Star.

It is wrong to say that the ground is wrong, because they fell into the shallows of the lake, just in front of a twenty-four bridge on a bright moonlit night. , and the Apocalypse Broken Star, which was less than four or five hundred meters away from them, everyone's breathing tightened accordingly.

The water is dripping, the strong are coercive and menacing, the waves rise without wind, and the killing intent is awe-inspiring.

But the bosses are not vegetarians, seeing the two fighting happily, they rushed over.

When Qin Yu and the others arrived soon. . .


As if it was a delicate and powerful force, the fluctuating water flow on the shoal exploded into countless mist and water vapor, which spread for a kilometer, rendering the bright and bright scene near the bridge head to a certain degree. Wonderful person.

Qin Yu waved her hand and fluttered her sleeves, and the water vapor dispersed, cutting a gap in the fluctuations. She swept in, jumped onto a branch of a bamboo forest by the lake, and looked down.

The outcome is divided, a tie, each with an Apocalypse Broken Star.

Well, it's late.

You guys just keep fighting, and when you see we're coming, stop and draw, eh~~ there's no fighting blood at all, bah!

Qin Yu was a little disappointed, and probably the rest of them were too, but it also allowed them to see clearly what the two characters who had just fought fiercely looked like.

After taking a look, Qin Yu looked at Arthenodis, who also fell on the bamboo tip not far away.

The one with the golden crystal wings is with you?

Arthenodis returned a look and admitted.


Qin Yu stretched out his hand, caught Jiaojiao who was chasing after him, hugged her in his arms, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The world she came to this time must be a good place. Elves are indeed a unique race."

That's right, the one below is also an elf, but it's not the elf brother or the elf lady, but a strong elf with a strong sense of abstinence and imperial temperament. He wears a simple but delicate golden crown on his long silver hair .

An elf king's robe is close to the body, and every detail is full of nobility.

The temperament is mature and gorgeous, and the charm and seriousness can be switched at will in a glance.

Ah, it's really beautiful.

One person and one cat praised each other in the golden house.

Huang Jinbi posted a row of eye-rolling emoticons.

——So maybe it’s not the evil choice that is easy to pry you away, but the King Realm Elf Sea?

Qin Yu was surprised, "The sea of ​​elves in the king realm? One of the great planes of magic?"

——Well, it is still the strongest magic plane, higher than the three worlds of Farox, Heavenly Throne, and Hawkeye Scepter.

Jiaojiao: "The West is still very good at beautifying races, and the Western Gods are similar. I'm talking about the elves, not all Western people."

Qin Yu: "I know, the other one is not an elf."

Qin Yu said that he is not an elf, but she just doesn't want to deliberately comment on the beauty and ugliness of a strong man now - after all, he hasn't offended her yet.

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