I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2062 Early in the morning (it's three o'clock, praise me, I can stand it.)

"Liu Rushi knew that you also had a demon seed. After discovering that the demon seed was hidden in the depths of her soul and caused her to suffer a crushing defeat, she was not discouraged. She came to me directly and asked me to contact you."

"She didn't dare to come by herself, not because she was weak, but also because I have been in the devil's way all these years? Does she suspect that there is also a conspiracy by the devil's way behind it? And it is most likely related to the devil."


Both Jiaojiao and Xuelong panicked, but found that Qin Yu was calm instead, and said to Han Hai, "If you want me to help her, what's the benefit?"

So cold, ruthless, and realistic.

But this is Qin Yu, she is what she is, and she is not the Virgin.

"The news just now is useless to you?"

"If I said that I had already noticed it, would you think that I gave you a whore for nothing?"


If I can't beat you now, I really want to slap you.

"She guessed it, so if you are willing to help her, she is willing to give you a true understanding of the magic way - she has a inheritance of the magic way from the age of saints, and she belongs to the practitioners of the five thousand years, and has a lot of magic knowledge. Is the true solution to grain precipitation enough?"

This thank you is big enough.

Sure enough, Liu Rushi had a lot of background, but it was too miserable.

Jiaojiao: This is the first time I meet a female cultivator who is worse than my Yuyu family.

"This is indeed a big temptation for me, so what good will she do for you?"

"She's a traitor who mixes evil ways with righteous ways."

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot, she is also a master of the Righteous Path, and the peak of the Mahayana stage is about to rise, so she is indeed capable of giving you a true understanding of the Righteous Path."

Since there are great benefits, it is necessary to do it, not to mention that the two of them are actually inseparable.

They understand the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

"The benefits are given by her, so let's make her request."

"1. She wants you not to die. 2. Go to her and hold her for life, because she has been backlashed this time, and there is no return."

Soul involved? So no **** back?

Qin Yu wondered, isn't the reincarnation body the most powerful? Can be reincarnated infinitely.

——The samsara body is one of the most terrifying talents in the three thousand worlds. There is only one in parallel, and there is no one stronger than it. Unless there is a powerful person who cuts off this person's connection with the reincarnation system of heaven and earth and erases the traces, otherwise this person is Absolutely immortal, eternal with heaven and earth.

——She may not be a complete reincarnation body, or the reincarnation body cultivated, although it is also very scary, but it does not have the permanence of the reincarnation body, so the Dao foundation is damaged, the reincarnation ability is weakened, and if the soul is swallowed by the devil again , then it really perishes.

No matter which one it is, you can only know after seeing Liu Rushi himself.

"She is hiding in your place now, Penglai Island? The most dangerous place is the safest place, plus she is now damaged, and she is like a mortal. Hey, didn't you give her a phantom treasure and let her hide in your residence Bar."

Han Haichao Yi never underestimated Qin Yu's intelligence, and gave him an appreciative look, "I have a rabbit at my place."


Innocent little white rabbit, hahaha, that woman also has today!

Jiaojiao and Xuelong: It's too miserable, it's really too miserable.


Qin Yu then talked with Han Hai Chaoyi for a long time, finalized some details, and then ended.

What do you do after the end?


However, Hanhai came late to Chaoyi, and there were no inn rooms outside, so he decided to join Qin Yu for the night. This was a natural thing, and he couldn't refuse, because. . .

Isn't the blood dragon man here?

What, bothering you?

No no no, welcome welcome.

Blood Dragon: "You are not afraid that the bed is not enough to sleep, why don't you lay the floor together."

Qin Yu: "No, she will sleep in my bed."

Han Hai, who was planning to lay the floor, glanced at Qin Yu at Yi, and was about to refuse.

"I don't sleep here at night."

Blood Dragon: "Then whose room are you going to? It won't be the new ones you met at night, right? You are poisonous!"

Han Hai thought to Yi: "You want to leave here?"

She glanced at Jiaojiao, "Could it be that he can teleport out of here? I mean, teleport out of Tianshu, back and forth."

Qin Yu: "So it wasn't possible. He made a breakthrough. Now it's possible. Then change the plan. I have to go out for a while. The two of you just happened to cover for me at night."

Qin Yu obviously trusted them, and he talked about such things, but she didn't say what she was doing, and neither of them asked, they just watched Qin Yu hugging Jiaojiao. . . Disappeared in place.


Where did Qin Yu and Jiaojiao go?

Outside the secret realm of Tianshu.

"This secret realm is so powerful, going out will consume more than half of my energy storage." Jiaojiao swallowed a lot of pills as soon as she came out, "Which one should I go to first?"

"No. 3 coordinate point."

"Then let's go, but wait until I don't have the strength to do it, you come, then I recover, and pass the second one..."

This is obviously not a temporary plan, but just one of Qin Yu's many plans. Since Jiaojiao's unexpected breakthrough gave her the ability to make troubles in advance, she chose this plan.

"Let's go, one night is not long, we must hurry up!"

Qin Yu touched his neck, turned his neck slightly, and looked indifferent.

"At least 80% of the people on the list must be killed."


After ten years of dormancy, it's time to collect a wave of nets.


The moonlit night at the Twenty-Four Bridges in the secret realm of Tianshu makes everyone crazy, even the lords are hard to escape, and because of the particularity of the secret realm, they. . . Lost any means of contact with the outside world.

Whether it was a flood or a river of blood, they didn't know.

Candidates are basically not in the inn, because they are still in the first round of assessment period. When the twenty-four bridge moonlight night disappears, their assessment will be over. As for when it will disappear, no one knows, but according to past experience, the more The precious opportunity time is shorter.

Sure enough, when the sky was sunny, it started to disappear.

So the preciousness of the Apocalypse Broken Star is reflected - it will always exist if it is not absorbed.


In front of the room, there are twenty-four bridges with bright moonlit nights, and attainments are everywhere. Xuelong and Hanhai Chaoyi have benefited a lot, and they didn't sit idle all night until Qin Yu and Jiaojiao came back.

It was teleported to the tea room.

There was no one in the tea room, so Qin Yu washed his face casually, but heard some movement from the master bedroom.

"It's early in the morning, they won't do anything, oh my god, they scare people to death, who are they?"

Qin Yu and Jiaojiao were imagining, all kinds of shyness, all kinds of moral bitch accusations, while resolutely and tactfully sneaked into the master bedroom, trying to peek and videotape. . .

Then, they faced Han Hai Chaoyi and Xue Long in the master bedroom, and Fang Yourong standing on the balcony.

In the triangle confrontation, the atmosphere of the scene was abnormally distorted for a time.


"That...in the morning, have you eaten? Milk or juice? I have both."

Qin Yu broke the ice with these words, walked over calmly and kindly, and said to Fang Yourong on the balcony with a smile, "Look at me, the bed in my room was too small for the two of them last night, so I went to It's the second bedroom, senior sister, you found the wrong room."

With one sentence, he quickly threw the pot away, blackmailing Han Hai and Chao Yi, and also dragged Fang Yourong into the water.

Fang Yourong didn't even move his eyelids, and said calmly, "Master Xue asked me to call you to find her, because several planes descended after last night, there were many and complicated people, there were some conflicts, and the way of magic is quite special. , if you want to coexist peacefully, you have to make some agreements, otherwise the Tianzang Realm will be difficult to deal with."

Qin Yu: "The devil is next door."

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