I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2063 Save People (Fourth watch, continue to ask for monthly tickets)

After speaking, Qin Yu walked to the balcony, picked up a stone in his hand and threw it on the balcony next door.

Snapped! The windows of others were broken, and the crystal window pieces were shattered all over the floor. .

"My lord, the Heavenly Hidden Realm has called you for a meeting."

That tone is as casual as your mother calling you to eat.

Fang Yourong's eyelids twitched, and he said flatly, "He has already passed, but he said that you are someone he relies on very much, let me call you together."

Snake spirit disease, do I have political rights? Commander-in-Chief of the Second Floor!

"Okay, then I'll go over and have a meal."

It's a meeting, not a banquet.

Fang Yourong didn't say much, and glanced at a blood dragon behind Qin Yu who looked like a gatekeeper, and also glanced at Han Hai Chaoyi who was leaning against the window with his arms around him.

Well, without saying much, I turned and left.

After she left, Qin Yu silently looked at Xuelong and the two, "What did you tell her before?"

Blood Dragon: "Say you're sleeping."

Han Hai Chaoyi: "I was too tired last night."

Blood Dragon: "What expression do you have, why don't you cover it up with what you said?"

Qin Yu: "...Fortunately, Senior Sister Fang Fang is the only one looking for me."

Han Haichao Yi: "Why are you so optimistic?"

Then she shook her disgusted look and walked back to the house.

Xuelong told Qin Yu that there were no less than two digits of people looking for her in the past night.

"It's annoying, one after another, I don't think I have time to study, so I hung a sign on the balcony, and then no one looked for it, you see, this is it."

Xuelong picked up the sign hanging on the balcony window and showed it to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu took a look - it was late at night, we were very tired, fell asleep, and had no intention of dealing with others, please don't bother us.

Jiaojiao: What a suffocating operation.

Come on, great.


Qin Yu will arrive at the meeting place soon.

Sesame oil, Tianzangjing is the organizer. The large conference hall in this big square is really high-quality.

Just as Qin Yu was about to enter, the door opened, and a huge crowd poured out.

Several lords took the lead.

And Qin Yu hadn't seen it before.

After all, it belongs to the Three Realms of Good, Evil, Demon and other realms.

As soon as the door opened, a breath of strong people came oncoming, just like the United Nations year-end meeting. Any bomb bombing could collapse the global political system by 70% to 80%.

The Demon Lord is probably in a bad mood, there is nothing he can do, last night the Demon Dao killed a lot of people, and everyone shouted and beat him. He probably got pissed off a lot at the meeting. He had to give in and sign some humiliating agreements for the benefit of the Tianshu Secret Realm, so his face turned pale. Ugly, when he saw Qin Yu, he gave Qin Yu a death look.

"You are late."

"I can't fly, there are too many people on the road, blocking the road."

"Then what is that bag in your hand?"

"Clothes, I bought them casually because I was bored, so I can't waste time."

It's none of her business to have a meeting, she didn't bother to attend, she came here because of the time card.

The devil's face was expressionless, Xue Sheng raised his eyebrows and looked at Qin Yu for a long time, but he didn't criticize him too much. He probably discovered another correct way to use this abnormal and righteous traitor—it's easy to piss off the devil.

Of course, Qin Yu also noticed that those who knew these people, nine out of ten would look at her with a polite yet elegant, elegant yet debauched, debauched yet sharp gaze.

Including Xiao Tingyun and Arthenodis.

It's ok, Qin Yu is as steady as Mount Tai, "Then it's over? I'm leaving."

She is also observing people from other small planes. Congratulations, there are no big planes anymore, they are all small and medium planes. I guess they are lucky. The people who come here are obviously not as tyrannical as the big planes. He didn't know who Qin Yu was, but nine times out of ten he stared at her.

Qin Yu ignored them, she was so busy last night that Apocalypse Broken Star didn't have time to absorb it.

It's also poisonous. As soon as she thought about it, someone asked her if she would like to transfer the Apocalypse Broken Star.

And more than one has revealed this wish one after another.

There are also those from other worlds, as well as those from Tianzang.

The Demonic Dao is too disadvantaged politically, and the locals have no reason to help.

Intimidation? This is it?

Qin Yupi smiled but didn't smile, "Have you ever asked Miss Arthenodis this kind of question?"

Misfortune diverted?

Everyone looked at Arthenodis, and then quickly looked away, because Delancalest's eyes were cold.

This elf king is so strong that he really dare not.

"Do you want to force me just because I have no one to protect me?" Qin Yu asked leisurely.

The fallen wizard Mishus had a haggard face, and said coldly: "You have a lot of broken stars of the apocalypse, so it's okay to transfer one or two."

"Who told you that I have a lot of Apocalypse Broken Stars? Just because I was the first to jump off last night?"

"Is it right? Just type it and you'll know."

Don't look at Mishus as a wizard, this old thing is also showing a terrible physique under the forbidden spirit. He obviously wants to make a real difference with Qin Yu.

Anyway, it's a magic way, so it's okay to help, if you win, you can get at least one broken star of the apocalypse.

With this idea in mind, Xiao Tingyun and the others were naturally worried, but they couldn't show it, they only glanced at Qin Yu.

Oh, you can tell at a glance that she is not afraid. She is so powerful now?

Just when the two were about to start.

The Demon Lord suddenly came out, and said to Qin Yu lightly: "I didn't fix my movements the night before, and I was exhausted last night. I can still fight today? It's very hard to do business at night. I'll come, lest you lose my demon Zong's face."

Suddenly the masculinity exploded.

Jiaojiao was surprised, thinking that the man had taken the wrong medicine.

Qin Yu: "Probably because I told him last time that if I were a man, he would not be as good as me or something..."

Man, oh!

Now that he has stood up, there must be a fight. Qin Yu didn't plan to come and see, just watched the fun from the sidelines, and he was only short of a bench.

How strong is the devil. . . She actually wanted to know too.

"Didn't you see him make a move before? You mean he hides his strength?"

"Under the forbidden spirit, in fact, the strength is not accurate. Going out to fight is considered real ability, but he has never touched the demon seed in here. If he really did, Baimei and Nangong Mei are no match for him.

That's right, if it's not terrible, why can't the four most powerful forces completely wipe out the demonic way.

While everyone was waiting to see, the Demon Lord and Mishus suddenly moved!

The sky suddenly changed, and the earth shook.

I go! So much movement?

Can't, isn't it hand-to-hand combat?

The ground shook and the mountains shook, and there was too much movement. From the corner of Qin Yu's eyes, he saw a sudden crack on the ground, which happened to be where Xiao Tingyun, Fang Yourong and other younger generations were.

Qin Yu rushed over immediately.

Then the next second, she and another person grabbed Xiao Tingyun's wrist at the same time, and of course, Qin Yu also grabbed Fang Yourong's with the other hand.

Both hands are not idle ah this is.

Qin Yu and De Lancalester looked at each other, and Qin Yu smiled at him with a shy and reserved smile.

On the side, he had spread his wings and was about to save people, but Arsenodis, who was blinded by the rescue speed of Qin Yushen in the distance, was thoughtful.

She was a little familiar with such eyes and smiles—a long time ago, she and the prophet noticed this guy's unusual preference for elves, and this preference sometimes ignored the enemy's camp, as long as he was good-looking.

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