I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2065 Stay away

There are very few movies and TV shows that will capture the PK between comprehensionists and interstellar laser cannons. I am afraid that the style of painting is not right, but because of the forbidden spirit, if they really fight, the laser light bomb is another fantasy method. Martial arts means, then fight. . . Basically, whoever runs fast is the king!


Qin Yu grabbed Jiaojiao's fat waist and flashed back, while Jiaojiao grabbed the bag containing underwear and biscuit boxes, good guy, they all grabbed the most important baby in this life.

However, the eyes of one person and one cat were not idle, and they were distracted to pay attention to the situation of Fang Yourong and Xiao Tingyun's people.

But the scene was too chaotic, Qin Yu could only notice that they avoided the first wave, but it seemed that these light bullets had a focus of attack, and they were clearly targeting the strong, so they didn't care much about some juniors, and they didn't care much about them. , this kind of spaceship hot weapon has a number of attacks, so it can't be wasted on small characters.

This is a blessing, but unfortunately - Qin Yu himself was also targeted.

MMP, she is much more dangerous than Fang Yourong and the others!

"Snake spirit disease! I've never tried it before. What kind of method is this? Interstellar way?"

Qin Yu was puzzled and could only try to dodge, but after a while, she felt something was wrong.

Jiaojiao: "Damn it! Why are there more and more light bombs hitting you! Yuyu!"

Qin Yu: "Either I am weak, or I dodge too handsomely, and they are eyeing me."

She can't control the situation of other people, such a high-density attack, everyone protects themselves, Qin Yu realizes that he is being targeted, no way, blindly dodging is not an option, you see, other bosses are more tempered than Qin Yu Great, after all, Qin Yu is only the number two figure in the Demon Sect now, and he has enough endurance.

The lords can't bear to be shot at high altitude all the time?

Can't help it! So they blew up!

They counterattacked one by one.

They can't fly, they can't hang in the air, but it doesn't mean they can't shoot things into the sky!


Two-way bombing from top to bottom and bottom to top.

The spaceship is huge and cannot be dodged, so it can only rely on its body surface to defend against it!

"I'll go to the tower, you go support them."

Who are they, Qin Yu doesn't say, Jiaojiao also knows.

When these people counterattacked, Qin Yu separated from Jiaojiao, and she rushed to the top of the tower more than ten meters away by herself, and a light bullet was thrown in front of her, blazing brightly.

go high? Isn't this being a target for people?

No, when she rushed to the tower, some people came passing by.

They are the elites of Dajingzhou in Weichuan. There are many people in Weichuan. These people are not among the participants, but they no longer attack. But this generation is also very good. Seeing the attack here, they all came here and have not had time to contribute. With his own light and heat, the expression of the wolf who was one of the leaders changed, and he wanted to take a small path to hide as soon as he turned his steps, but it was too late.

"The wolf throws bows and arrows at nothing."

Calm, without bossy, but exceptionally strong.

The wolf also told himself that this is a witch, she is not a good person, although she is very strong, but he is not with her, there is no need to listen to her, but. . . Why doesn't his hand work!

The bow and quiver were thrown together.

The eyes of Wei Chuan's people in the back are about to protrude.


With a clatter, Qin Yu caught the longbow with one hand, hung the quiver around his waist with the other, then stepped on his feet, jumped over a railing, and volleyed out of thin air.


Like an arrow piercing the sun, it directly pierced the two laser light bombs at the front and back. The powerful penetrating power defeated the energy body of the light bombs and exploded out of thin air.

This is a sprinting projectile, a kind of archery technique, bombing all the way, she rushed up the hundred-foot-high tower like walking on the ground amidst the brilliance of all kinds of laser lights.

This is the closest to the spaceship.

As soon as he got on the tower, the shooting party of the spaceship in front probably sensed it, and concentrated several gun holes, locking on Qin Yu.


bang bang bang!

Light bullets come.

Qin Yu had already climbed to the top of the tower, standing against the wind, facing such a dense laser attack ahead, she only drew her bow and arrows, and the three arrows flew together, piercing the fan-shaped area in front of her.

hum. . . Chain shot explosion straight line.

It exploded.

Shoot again.

When Qin Yu attracted a lot of firepower by himself, he distractedly paid attention to the scene below. Although the attack of the interstellar spaceship came abruptly, but fortunately it resisted the first wave, even if it was a bit embarrassing. The feather team arrived, and the attack was fierce.

But Qin Yu didn't care about others, she only looked at the people she cared about, and some of Lielu's people, and the rest passed by.

Fortunately, there was no injury, after all, Jiaojiao was there too.

But I'm afraid things are not going well.

Under the ban, I still suffer too much. If we fight later, the lords will be fine, after all, we can avoid it, but the losses underneath will be huge, and we are afraid that the airship will widen the attack range, or bring some high lethality, such as what Missiles.

As soon as Qin Yu thought about it, she felt that the air fluctuations were not right. Oh, there was a stronger energy source. She turned her head suddenly and saw a new opening above the laser cannon.

Paralysis, the new hot weapon!

But fortunately, the people from the King Realm Elf Sea have already gone up.

But not many, only four or five, including Arthenodis.

The rest of the elves have no wings. They are probably all from the elves' kinglines, and they are born with wings.

Delancalest has the strongest combat power and has already approached the flying boat, but he is also the most powerful one to be hit and attacked. The laser light bombs are almost seamless and dozens of dozens of bombings, so he has not been able to really get close to the flying boat. Long range attack effect.

Only by flying up, and a large group of people can go up.

Qin Yu frowned, pulled out the flute on his waist, and the flute sounded.

Everyone had a headache to deal with it, and they couldn't help being surprised when they heard the sound, this Qingqiu had taken the wrong medicine, and he was still playing the flute at this time.

"No, she plays the flute for..."

Smart people know the elegance when they hear the sound, and the brave and powerful people have jumped onto the eaves and onto the back of the black eagle flying out from the heights of the mountains and forests.


a large piece.

In this large area, even more powerful thermal weapons will only target them.

The smaller ones at the bottom will be safer.

Qin Yu felt relieved now, as for the other big and old ones, she didn't care.

Huang Jinbi complained silently: This servant is short, he is quite an animal, and he used all those big guys as targets.

At that time, Qin Yu jumped off the tower and arrived at Fang Yourong's side.

Seeing the demon lord Xue Sheng Baimei and other leaders swarming on the eagle's back, Qin Yu said earnestly to a group of young people: "The elders are all on top. The spaceship is about to attack and upgrade later. Let's stay away."

As soon as she finished speaking, the sky exploded.

Damn, what the hell is that blood-red light that shoots out?

The lords all looked astringent.

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