I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2066 Please

If it was outside, they would blow up these attacks in minutes, why is it inside. . . Stretched.

We can only join forces!

The bosses who are enemies above have to report to the group to attack strategically.

On the ground, as the highest-end combat power, Qin Yu had a decent conscience.

It can't be said that she didn't contribute. Wasn't she not heroic enough to shoot three arrows with one bow to attract firepower? Blowing down the disciples called a group of big birds to send people to the sky, isn't it a big contribution?

My own people naturally hope that Qin Yu will not take risks. Even some people from other Lielu tribes who have a gap with Qin Yu feel that their Dajing State is weak, and it is good to have a top tank, even if the other party is not a good person.

But not necessarily others who are not familiar with it.

"Your Excellency is a strong man, so why don't you just stay here?"

"I am young, younger than you."

"Your Excellency is a strong man."

"I am the devil."


Everyone understood that this person would not go up, and that's right, she was a member of the Devil's way, she didn't even care about the lives of the members of the Devil's sect, not to mention they were both good and evil.

so. . . Someone noticed that the witch was sizing up the non-elven woman in the king realm's elf sea with subtle and indiscriminate eyes.

"Sister Xiao, are you worried about the safety of His Royal Highness De Lancalester?"

At first, Xiao Tingyun noticed Qin Yu's eyes and knew that this person was going to be a moth, so he said coldly and politely: "His Royal Highness De Lancalester is extraordinary. Compared with him, I am more worried about Arthur."

"Arthur? The most beautiful elf I've ever seen?"

"Do you want to help her?"

"If you can't do what you can, it will add burden."

"beg me."

Xiao Tingyun took a deep look at Qin Yu, but she also followed suit, "If Your Excellency Qingqiu is willing to help, I will..."

Xuan Luobai: "I am willing to be a cow or a horse, and I promise it with my body."

Xiao Baitian: "I, I, I, I can't promise my body, but I can give you my heart."

Then the mouths of these two people were covered by Qiu Ran and Yu Yanzhi, and they were dragged behind.

Xiao Tingyun smiled lightly, calmly said: "There must be a big thank you."

Very well, this has achieved the cause and effect of the next intimate interaction.

"Thank you very much, just buy me a drink then."

After finishing speaking, Qin Yu grabbed Jiaojiao's tail and threw it into the sky.

"Ah, stinky ball! You have to throw me..."


Jiaojiao exploded with intense golden light in mid-air, directly turning into a two-winged dragon!

Oh, the western kind of magic dragon.

Majestic, mighty and domineering.

The wings spread out, and they are as huge as a hundred meters.

Qin Yu jumped onto the dragon's back, grasping its horns to fight against the wind, the strong wind made the robes of all the people on the ground rattle.

"I'll go!" Xuan Luobai was dumbfounded, as if he wanted to express something, but he didn't dare—he vaguely knew a little bit about the cat's origin from his father, so he didn't dare to reveal a little bit here.

But he looked at these people in Tianzang World who seemed to be shocked by this scene, and felt relieved, winking with the rest of the people.

See, Qin Yu is not very close to them, these people don't know her background, we are her mother's family.

The rest of the people were noncommittal, but even Xiao Tingyun's mouth was slightly hooked.

People, always have a little bit of possessiveness.

And Qin Yu and Jiaojiao, who had gone to heaven, made such a big commotion, and there was no end to chatting through sound transmission in the golden room.

Qin Yu: "Why are you all in black?"

Jiaojiao: "Aren't you a demon, I'm in the right place."

Qin Yu: "I thought it was because Hei looked thinner."

Jiaojiao: "What the hell about me! Black domineering, okay!"

Qin Yu: "I guess you became this kind of dragon because you got angry with the blood dragon."

The blood dragon is a red dragon, so Jiaojiao naturally doesn't want to become a tiger or leopard. She is inferior in the biological category. If he is an eastern red dragon, he will be a western black dragon. Of course, Jiaojiao thinks that the east is more noble. But it also knows the dignity of the dragon clan in its bones, and the order of the heavens is strict. He is not a dragon clan, and he is not good at being a nine-clawed black dragon copycat. This has the family of the real dragon clan.

"The real dragon clan is very fierce. Sometimes the dragon emperor over there doesn't even give my father face. He is very strong. You can't offend the real dragon. If you mess with the Western Shenting, you will be fine."

The typical burning is not ashamed of the top of the mountain.

Qin Yu was noncommittal, "As long as you can fight, it doesn't matter what it is, the West or the East... it's coming!"

One person and one cat ascended to the sky with great movement, and the huge shadow of the black dragon that covered the sky and the sun was so fast that it directly approached the interstellar spaceship, and even the eagles were frightened and avoided its edge.

It just so happened that Flying Boat was mainly attacking the big bosses like the Demon Lord just now, especially the Elf King. They hadn't had time to turn around and attack Qin Yu, but they still noticed Qin Yu coming up.


When the blood red cannon aimed at Qin Yu.

"Arthur, get behind me."

You can call it intimacy.

Bai Mei and the others in the sky listened to the response, secretly thinking that Qingqiu is really shameless.

You're also a pervert, didn't you see that cannon aimed at you, and told people to hide behind you?

Would that elf beauty still care about her?


Arsenoidis, who was so cold and glamorous that usually even the Elf King would not bother to say a few words, spread his wings of light, and a streamlined halo flashed behind Qin Yu and Jiaojiao.

At that time, Qin Yu reached out and took off the bracelet on his wrist.

The bracelet seemed to be in the liquid state of flowing water, and it automatically transformed into a slender scepter with a faint light.

Start, turn, throw!


It goes through.

a straight line. . . boom! He brazenly inserted into the muzzle of the cannon, exploding the energy accumulation inside.

boom! ! !

It exploded a hole, and the explosion triggered other energy systems, causing many muzzles to be affected.

How else can you say he is a big boss?

Delancalest and Mojun Tianjingsha reacted extremely quickly, taking advantage of this opportunity to fly to the spaceship in the blink of an eye.

Melee attack range is finally here.

Boom boom boom!

Blockbuster bombing!

Satisfied? Cool?

But after a halo of blue matrix, these attacks. . . All were stopped.

If the spirits were not banned, the spaceship would have been blasted into a sieve long ago. It can be said that a thousand points and ten thousand are useless. It is forbidden spirits. These attacks are powerful and can break rocks, but this spaceship still has super advanced technological means to stop it. These physical attacks have been eliminated, but there are also changes.

The spaceship opened a hole, and black shadows shot down from inside!

Enemy attack!

Qin Yu only saw a black shadow in front of his eyes, and the other party moved extremely fast, flying to Qin Yu with the metal mechanical wings in an instant. . .

A jump in the air!

But the Three Kings Scepter with the Blue Light Matrix Defense Armor inserted on the spaceship in the distance flew back and took it. . .


With a swipe of Qin Yu's wrist, the man was cut in half, and his body and mechanical wings fell down, but there were still people coming from behind.

This time it's not Qin Yu's turn, Jiaojiao sweeps the dragon's tail.

Clap clap! A group of them were smashed into meat.

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