I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2067 Arrival

In terms of physical attack ability, it's not that they boast, a person and a cat are comparable to Jin Gang Bimon.

However, they didn't intend to use these little guys to be petty. Qin Yu's nerves froze suddenly, because he suddenly heard a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and then, he heard three loud noises almost at the same time.

Qin Yu turned his head to look, just in time to see a few people floating in the spaceship's mouth, and he didn't know what method he used. . . The loud noise just now came from the three people who were beaten down by him, and the ground formed a deep pit, which scared the geniuses on the ground.

Huyanjuele, Fern Campbell, and an evil lord of the world of Tianzang Realm.

Defeat such three extremely powerful lord-level figures in an instant?

Hot weapons?

Qin Yu turned her back just now, the huge change was too fast, she couldn't see it, and now she has lingering fears, and she was too late to detect the reality, but fortunately, there is a wall to watch the battle from all directions without dead ends.

—their rings, sending out a kind of shock wave.

——A-0 is very strong, don't take it lightly.

Qin Yu: "I remember you used to brag to me about self-cultivation, technology, martial arts, and magic are all scum."

——A-0 is the big plane of both magic and self-cultivation.

——Technology is their auxiliary means, and it has even been fused with two ways. The ring in their hands is a special fusion device, which does not require psionic activation, but only needs the air factor and the energy chip in the meson. For this kind of thing, you Should know better than me.

Technology is technology, and it is not restricted by forbidden spirits, just like the transformation of Jiaojiao Blood Dragon and the transformation of the Three Kings Scepter.

The former is a racial physique, which can transform itself without restrictions, while the Three Kings Scepter is a semi-immortal tool, equivalent to a living creature, and it is not subject to restrictions on what it can become.

This is special means.

Qin Yu understood better, but he didn't expect that A-0's level of development was so fierce.

With technology so tyrannical, the level of magic and comprehension must be higher.

"That special fusion device is for fusion of physique, not everyone can use it."

——Yes, just those few people who look like small bosses, maybe their physique is no less than the effect of the initial fusion of demon seeds.

—You have to be careful not to overturn the boat in the gutter.

After all, it is A-0, so it should not be underestimated.

"Don't be careful, you won't be able to fight anymore."

Jiaojiao was surprised, "Why? They didn't suffer a loss, maybe our side was unlucky in the fight."

Qin Yu: "Then they will also suffer heavy losses. It's unnecessary, and haven't you noticed? In fact, not many people died in such a place."

Jiaojiao took a closer look, hey, it seems that there are not many.

"That's because they targeted people with high combat power at the beginning. They knew that these people were not easy to kill, but they still attacked like this. Combat power."

"It is necessary to show power, but not to kill too much, leaving room for it, but it will make people feel jealous and fearful, and then we can start diplomacy. I think this kind of diplomacy must be strong and domineering, and maybe there will be some benefits."

Jiaojiao scratched her head with her tail, "Why do I think you are a little gloating?"

Qin Yu smiled, "The sky is falling and the people above are watching. This A-0 really wants to suck blood to benefit, and it should be the big bosses in those departments who are bleeding, and I can't get along."

Oh, that's right too.

And having said that, Qin Yu flew down with Jiaojiao, and as he expected, the opponent ceased fighting, Xue Sheng and the others must have seen the opponent's intentions, although they were angry, they could suppress their temper.

Not fighting is diplomacy.

Jiaojiao turned into a fat cat, and jumped towards Qin Yu in a hurry, and Qin Yu just turned the scepter in his hand into a bracelet, and put it on his wrist again.

"Senior brother and sister, how are you? Are you injured? Do you want me to check your body... Um, forget it, as long as you are fine, there is no need to use swords and swords on me. Aunt Mingchu, you are also here Ah You..."

Ming Chu had just put the sword back into its sheath, when he heard the words, he said shallowly: "It's just a small injury, it's fine, no need to check, thank you."

Do you know how expensive it is to see a doctor outside now? I don't know how to cherish it at all.

Qin Yu could only sigh with regret, and greeted Luo Bai and others in Xiaxuan for a moment of diplomatic alliance feelings.

Xuan Luobai: "I, I, Miss Qingqiu, do you want to check for me?"

Qin Yu: "No."

Come on, diplomacy is crashing fast.

Xiao Baitian smiled wickedly.

This fat man, with a wicked heart, has always wanted to hug Qin Yu's thigh. He has been thinking about it for many years. Before that, he had always boasted that he was cute since he was a kid. Otherwise, how could he still be taken by Qin Yu after he committed a deadly offense at Qin Yu's place? That means he's super cute.

It's a pity that Grandma Qin doesn't like his beautiful body.

Before he could say a few words, the spaceship landed on the square, and the people inside came out. Qin Yujing Xuan Luobai kindly reminded him, and turned his head, just in time to see a group of people. . . Yo, there are quite a few people in suits and leather shoes. Those who didn't know it thought they were Qin Yu's Wall Street elite fan.

But it's not surprising that Starworld is in modern clothes.

"It looks like these people are just subordinates."

"I heard that A-0 is an imperial system, not a sect, so the people who came may be representatives of the government, or... from the empire..."

Listening to these people talking, Qin Yu also responded casually: "This dress shows your figure very well. The chest is like a chest, and the legs are like legs. It looks thin when you wear it, and you have flesh when you take it off."

Everyone: "???"

Everyone seems to be male. . . . It hasn't been taken off yet, you can see it?

Fang Yourong subconsciously glanced at Fifth Daoling with a strange look in his eyes.

The fifth knife feather: "..."

He likes to wear only one style of Xuanyi, can't he?

Jiaojiao: Heh, a bunch of bumpkins, are scumbags like Yuyu boasting about their clothes? People praise people! It is a body that is fit and strong!

Qin Yu opened his mouth, but no one answered, the end of the topic?

She was a little lost, but fortunately, someone finally relieved her embarrassment.

"The subordinates are all like this, and the representative boss of the True Demon Pupil plane doesn't know what he looks like."

I'll go, baby in case? When did you squeeze into my side! roll!

Qin Yu smiled: "No matter what you look like, you must first look at the chest."

Baby Wancheng also smiled: "Heh, you are mocking me, so what do you watch first?"

Qin Yu: "This divides men and women."

Baby Wancheng: "Where's the boy?"

Her words were particularly malicious.

My old lady guessed with fingernails that you were going to drive.

Just as Qin Yu was about to speak, she heard several coughing sounds, both male and female, she was indifferent for a while, and then looked provocatively at Wan Teng's baby.

Oh, it's impossible to be cowardly, half cowardly.

So her tone was clear and straight, her eyebrows and eyes were upright.

"Let's see if the legs are long."

"Men, height matters."

leg. . Long or not. . .

It seems to be true, and people also explained that it is not.

Everyone was silent, Wan Teng wanted to say something, but suddenly saw Qin Yu's expression was not right.

How should I put it, it was a false expression that suddenly changed face for a moment, but then regained calmness in an instant, and then maintained a calm and calm look, commonly known as - my mother is very stable, you troublemakers don't want to scare me!

And the person who made her change so much, Baby Wancheng turned his head and saw the man who came out of the spaceship surrounded by a group of people.

The man is tall and has short hair.

Body, temperament, an indescribable feeling.

It seems that when he comes out, others will know that the emperor is coming.


Jiaojiao knew that ever since this man appeared, Qin Yu's heart must have been - I'm going to be paralyzed, let me die!

However, it is impossible to die. He said a few words plainly under the hypocritical diplomatic rhetoric of a group of bigwigs, and was then invited by Xue Sheng into the conference hall to discuss matters. He just took two steps. The eyes should be swept casually.

Then the steps stopped.

Looking at one place, as if seeing someone.

He thought about it.

And the person he was staring at was staring at the cat silently while stroking the cat with one hand.

At that time, there was a different atmosphere,

The vicissitudes of life, the enemy's road is narrow, the situation changes, ghosts cry and wolves howl.

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