I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2068 Robbery


In fact, both Jiaojiao and Huang Jinbi guessed that Qin Yu's heart might not be stable, and that he might be all kinds of shit.

But no, after the initial surprise, she quickly regained her composure, not only on the surface, but also in her thoughts.

Jiaojiao: "Why did he come here! MMP, why did he come to such a cowhide plane when he was reborn, and he looks like a mess, how can he be like you, falling into the devil's way and everyone shouting and beating..."

Qin Yu: "Are you praising him or scolding me?"

Jiaojiao: "I do both."

Oops, I learned another idiom.

Qin Yu was reluctantly relieved, but also expressed a casual attitude towards Yimao Yibi's malicious intentions, "Don't forget, he is an immortal body...he will forget, whether it is passive or active."

A good sentence, whether it is passive or active.

The golden wall of adult thinking understood it, but Jiaojiao, who still maintained her childish thinking ten thousand years later, didn't understand it, so she felt that Qin Yu didn't speak human words.

But it was also quiet.

They are quiet.

Qin Yu is also naturally quiet, looking at each other calmly - she is Qingqiu, no matter how powerful the visitor is, she has never retreated, whether it is Mojun, Tianjingsha, Nangongmei or the most powerful person from a foreign land. The strong never made her timid and dodge.

This man is no exception.

Of course, she looked at him not only to keep the personality intact, but also to confirm what was in the other person's eyes. . . . Thoughtful.

This kind of thoughtfulness made Qin Yu KO lose the joy or loathing of the other party's possible reunion after a long absence.

It was doubts, he had doubts about her.

—It seems that he really forgot about you.

The golden wall can also be seen.

——But I have some special feeling and care for you, maybe. . .

Think again?

Qin Yu was noncommittal, "You don't know him, he is not a man who will turn around, the most important thing is - how many people have you met and don't care a little after seeing me? This is a normal thing , there is no need to think too much about it."

It's not that she is blowing, her sense of presence is really strong.

She is lonely because of her excellence, she is excellent because of her loneliness, that's how she is. . .

Huang Jinbi thought to himself: Yue Yue doesn't know whether she thinks highly of herself or thinks low of herself.

Jiaojiao: "But the one who cared about you first, will kill you in all likelihood later."

Well, the topic is over, keep quiet.

Qin Yu didn't push her any more, but when it made her feel depressed -- this doggy man was still staring at her.

time. . . It's been a while.

Why don't you speak.

Really sad.

Other people's eyes are not right, especially people in the A-0 plane, such as a white-haired old man dressed as a housekeeper, looking at Qin Yu with very subtle eyes, gradually becoming abnormal.

Come on, you win.

Someone found that Qin Yu was intimidated, probably because the other party was too strong and there were so many people, she didn't want to make any more enemies.

So she shifted her eyes and looked into the distance, her eyes were serious and distant, distant and mysterious.

It seemed like there was something more deserving of her attention than this A-0 leader.

That scene was a little strange, a little romantic, and a little bit. . . What is that in the distance?

Could it be a profound attainment?

That's right, this woman has always been so strong, she can't get up early without benefit.

It was a mountain forest, thanks to everyone's good eyesight, they quickly saw the scene in the forest.

Everyone: "???"

A certain dog man: "..."

When Xie Shuling and Yan Zhao committed the most treachery in their lives, they covered the eyes of their senior sister and senior brother respectively.

Senior Sister Qingqiu, we can only do this, so please do it yourself!

Remember to burn incense sticks on our graves during festivals.

Zhanlan also silently covered Ying Ruoruo's eyes.

Fang Yourong calmly poked Xie Shuling's abdomen with the hilt of the sword on his waist, and the latter put down his hand tremblingly. Fang Yourong didn't look at the scene of the forest, but quickly swept one place secretly - Xiao Tingyun and the others.

Their looks are subtle.

And body movements. . . Fu forehead, sigh.

Xiao Tingyun was the calmest, noticed Fang Yourong's gaze, took a look over, and stared at Yourong above.

Subtle, quiet, calm.

Xiao Tingyun's heart fluctuated slightly: Really. . . No matter where you go, you can provoke such a powerful person.

By the way, there is another powerful one over there.

She recognized this man, because she met him once on Earth.

Obviously, Yu Yanzhi and Xiao Baitian knew each other better, and the faces of the two were ugly.

Like seeing some kind of demon.

And the expressions of the two of them were probably noticed by that side Yourong.

Xiao Tingyun had no choice but to hide it.

But what surprised her was the man's reaction, he didn't say anything, he looked away, and looked at Xue Sheng instead.

"Let's talk about it here."

Xue Sheng's eyes moved slightly when he heard his words, but he didn't ask the bottom line. He only told his identity, and then asked the other party's identity.

What kind of background this person came from is still unknown.


Lin? Xue Sheng's expression changed slightly, and the expressions of the leaders of several planes also changed.

But most people don't know what it means.

Probably because information about other planes can only be obtained by those who have the ability to attract aliens.

Obviously, there is a Heavenly Hidden Realm, Demon Lord. . . I'm afraid there are.

Qin Yu caught a glimpse of the changes in the expressions of these people, and secretly thought that A-0 is the plane of the imperial system, so this dog man might be. . .

"Ten years ago, the imperial authority of the Real Devil's Pupil Plane Empire changed, and the new emperor ascended the throne. The name of the empire was changed to Lin. Legend has it that the name of the new emperor was used as the country's name."

So, he is the emperor.


This dog man.

Really good mix.

The sky is not blind.

One person, one cat, and one wall all rolled their eyes in the golden room.

But even though they were upset, Qin Yu and the others knew that this was not a particularly strange thing.

To put it bluntly, this person is a pervert who engages in political schemes. He is naturally engaged in political pyramid schemes. You can see how many brains followed him to make troubles when he conspired in the past.

No regrets until death.

It stands to reason that Qin Yu also has the ability in this area, but her hobby is not here. No matter which world she goes to, she is not willing to form a political organization. Later, she became an empress out of utilitarianism and had to clean up the mess.

Therefore, it is no wonder that they are doing well.

——It may also be related to your bad luck in recruiting enemies.

Qin Yu didn't deny this either. At that time, they had already started talking directly in the square.

The purpose is clear and straight to the point.

"Apocalypse Broken Stars, ten."

Everyone gasped.

Such a big appetite? ! !

And how did the other party know about the Apocalypse Broken Star!

Jiaojiao and Qin Yu were also surprised: I thought this dog man was an emperor, but he turned around and became a bandit.

"We were able to detect the twenty-four bridges of bright moonlit night yesterday, and we were also able to detect the existence of the Apocalypse Fragmentary Stars—because it wasn't long before, they appeared before and naturally left traces."

The butler smiled and said kindly, everyone looked like they had eaten shit.

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