I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2070 They are very good (third watch, end)

Lin, who had his back to Qin Yu, also heard it, but his expression was natural, and his eyes didn't change.

Let's go now, Qin Yu plans to take Xiao Tingyun and his "friends" to drink.

Hey, I can't recognize each other when I meet again, my heart is so sad.

Qin Yu was about to leave when she suddenly felt that something was wrong. She looked down and pursed her lips. .

At this time, Xue Sheng and the others seemed to have talked about something.

"The ground has not recovered, and there is something underneath."

What Lin said made everyone look down.

I also naturally saw the purple halo that seemed to flicker in the deep and almost bottomless gap below.

what is that?

Xue Sheng seemed to think of something, and suddenly his pupils opened slightly, "It's Prison Pivot!! Hurry up..."

Before she had time to remind, the purple light from below shot out suddenly. They were small dragonfly-sized monsters with their own purple light energy, and they were extremely fast. After bursting out, they went straight to the sky and fell in all directions.

Their speed is more than ten times faster than that of Tianqi Broken Star, and their shadows disappear in the blink of an eye. It is difficult to catch under the forbidden spirit, but they can be searched.

But the bosses were also fast, rushing out one by one.


The people from A-0 also left, one didn't stay, and so did Lin, as if the unusual attention to Qin Yu before was just an accident.

Nine out of ten people who were originally a huge crowd dispersed in a blink of an eye, and they seemed to be empty all of a sudden. Many juniors hadn't reacted yet, but they went to search restlessly. What is it.

Qin Yu didn't move, and leaned in front of Fang Yourong to ask.

Fang Yourong glanced at her, and said calmly: "You have left Wuque, and the relationship between you and my teacher and sister is not proper. You answer me a question first, and I will answer you. That's only fair."

If you want to test me, just say it, the senior sister is really a set.

Qin Yu: "Uh, that's all the senior sister says, can I still lie to you?"

You have lied a lot.

Fang Yourong: "I really like Miss Xiao and the others?"

Qin Yu: "Then there are no ones. Those who are ugly, fat or not good-looking and look like rascals are not included."

You are quite ambitious.

Disgusted clearly.

Fang Yourong: "The Hell Shu Lingkui is a kind of treasure elf, born from the secret realm of Tianshu, and is also known as the treasure space body in the secret realm of Tianshu. Each one has a small storage space in its body, and inside it is a treasure from the sage. The treasures accumulated and preserved by the times are said to be left by the saints of those years, which are both opportunities and inheritances for future generations."

I'll go, that's not a treasure elf, but a fat pig! Can kill!

As soon as Qin Yu's eyes lit up, he turned around and was about to run to search, but he heard Fang Yourong say slowly from behind, "Prison Shu and Lingkui are also classified into ranks."

Qin Yu turned around obediently, "Senior sister quickly ask me the second question, we must be fair."

Fang Yourong: "Are you willing?"

Qin Yu is so smart, he realized within minutes that Fang Yourong was asking about the Broken Star of the Apocalypse.

"Men pay more attention to a woman they meet for the first time. Either they are interested in sex, or they have other plans. Senior sister should know that I am...professional and guarded like a jade, uh?"

Qin Yu was used to talking nonsense, but Fang Yourong pulled his wrist suddenly, and the palm under the sleeve fell on Qin Yu's hand, and a cold object with the temperature of her palm fell down.

Qin Yu was stunned, but saw that Fang Yourong's brows and eyes were light, "I didn't intend to test you, you wouldn't say anything anyway, I just discussed with your senior brother, you are now wearing a crime and wandering outside, if you are not strong enough, you will die. The Wuque Sect has never let the people who want to keep die outside, one more, stronger."

Then she withdrew her hand, her sleeves drooping, as if she was standing tall and graceful, but she held herself upright.

I don't see the tenderness of the spring flowers and autumn moon, but only the dripping of the wind and snow.

Qin Yu squeezed the Apocalypse Broken Star tightly, "This is what the brothers and sisters managed to win, right? You also say that I am now guilty..."

"The sky prison has your place, why are you panicking?"


Fang Yourong left after saying that, very indifferent.

All in all, Qin Yu is a reserve prisoner in Wuque's prison who is freed outside.

Qin Yu was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "She left without telling me the rank of Prison Shu and Lingkui..."

Jiaojiao: "..."

The senior sister also has a dark history of running away after delivering things.

What are you panicking about!


The Prison Pivot and Lingkui have all appeared, so drinking is out of date, and Xiao Tingyun and the others are unlikely to be willing to join forces with Qin Yu to find the Prison Pivot, because this is irrational, very strange, not in line with their style, and it is easy to think of What.

But Arthenodis left with Qin Yu, because she has wings, and Qin Yu has Jiaojiao, who can take the flight route, which is more suitable for teaming up.

It just so happened that they could finally communicate on the road.

Arsenaudius was not good at chatting with people, and he couldn't tell the truth, so he only gave Qin Yu the answer he wanted most.

"They're fine, as you'd expect."

Only then did Qin Yu show a smile, which was gentle and charming under the sun, but the corners of his eyes were slightly crystal clear.

Arsenaudius was a little puzzled, "I don't seem to have said anything."

She can't tell those details, but she just thinks it's very good, does this person believe everything? Still happy enough to cry?

"That's enough. I'll find all the details of the past when I go back."

That's it, what is lost, she will find back.

Arsenaudius didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

Sometimes this person is not at all like the side she usually shows, and she is so soft that it makes people a little scary.

But she is powerful.

"By the way, it's not surprising that you are in the elves of the King Realm. With your aptitude, the mission plane will be very high at the beginning, not to mention that you are an elf king, but what about Ting Yun and the others? Could it be a group mission?"

What Qin Yu wanted to ask, in fact, he already had a guess.

Arsenaudius approved her guess, they were indeed taking the group mission route together.

"There is a high-risk task in the sea of ​​elves in the king realm. She analyzed it and thought that I can bind them into this plane from my bloodline. The task is not easy, but if it is completed, it can have high benefits. The most important thing is It was a cross-plane authority, and Xiao locked this task."

As for why this high-risk mission was locked, Arsenaudius didn't mean to hide it, "That time she helped you clean up the store business and noticed your information, and then she spent some money to lock your plane. At that time, there was no direct access Tianzang's mission is difficult to rely on the random arrangement of the golden house alone, so she took another route——taking the king realm elf sea as the root point, and sending Tianzang a second time."

Qin Yu thought for a while, "Did she get information about the secret realm of Tianshu on the plane of Tianzang? Hmm... did she follow the route of Xuan Luobai or a fox traitor?"

"Yes, they have the background of the celestial beings, and they have passed down secret news from the upper world. In addition, the high-risk missions we completed helped the Elf Royal Court, and we got permission to participate in the Tianshu Secret Realm together."

There is no coincidence, all encounters are deliberate encounters.

Qin Yu didn't even dare to think about how terrifying that high-risk mission was. After all, it was extremely difficult to help the Elf Royal Court.

But Xiao Tingyun and the others still came.

"In the beginning, when I sent the message back, I just wanted to tell you that I'm fine."

Arsenaudius glanced at her and said flatly, "They just want to see with their own eyes that you're fine."

Just one, nothing more.

Qin Yu was so moved, and Jiaojiao was so moved, just when she was extremely moved.

Arthenodis: "But we didn't expect that you are not only fine, but also have such a wonderful life."

Qin Yu: "..."

Arthur, is your dark side gaining the upper hand? Don't do this, it's kind of scary.

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