I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2071 Bottom


There is a deciduous Hu forest in Tianshu Secret Realm, which is a very special environment. There are not only bleak Hu leaf trees, but also dry and cracked land, and it is also next to the watery sea area, and there are large areas of white stone dry reefs. A strange sense of abundant water and dryness.

But the Prison Pivot Lingkui tracked down by Qin Yu is hiding in this area.

"More than one?" Arsenodis knows that Qin Yu's insight ability is abnormal, and she can communicate naturally. She can sense it herself, but not as good as the latter. Along the way, she can sense some Prison Clerics, But most of them were scattered one or two, presumably Qin Yu knew it, but gave up those routes and went straight to this place, and that was the only reason.

"Well, there are at least five of them. This area is very special, and it may be particularly attractive to them." Qin Yu didn't say much, she didn't know the Prison Pivot Lingkui, no matter how insightful she was, she couldn't produce it without data information Logical thinking, anyway, just track and capture it.

"The three of us are separated, the distance should not be too far, and we can contact you at any time. It is best to take down three at the same time in a short time, and then Jiaojiao and the two of us will go find the fourth together. By then, the fifth one may have sensed it, so we will ..."

It is a habit to plan clearly before doing anything, and soon, the three of them set off.

Under a huye tree, countless fallen leaves are densely packed. Qin Yu catapults to the branch silently. She glanced at it, but it was only a sweep. They all moved along with the drift.

At this time, Qin Yu jumped off the branch, landed a ejection, pulled out the Three Kings Scepter in mid-air and threw it down.


A fallen leaf was inserted into the tip of the scepter brazenly, but the fallen leaf screamed, and quickly flashed the appearance of Prison Priest. It wanted to scream, but Qin Yu's neck was pinched by Qin Yu's fingers, and it was thrown directly into the waist in the hanging pouch.

Then Qin Yu rushed to another place, and Jiaojiao and Arthenodis probably succeeded as well.

When Qin Yu arrived, he took down the second Prison Pivot, Lingkui, and Jiaojiao also arrived, teleported in one space, and took down the fifth one.

Arthenodis came to meet him, and he also had a small bag in his hand, inside which was jumping up and down a Prison Priest.

"As long as the speed is faster than them and they are taken down quickly, that's fine."

"It is very important to capture the fixed point in the early stage."

Arsenaudius has always admired Qin Yu. Even though she is quite self-reliant in her bones, she also believes that the strong are respected, so the coordination is very quick and the efficiency is amazing.

"The prime time for catching is the first day. The less they are, the harder it is to catch, and they are more adaptable to the environment. Even I can hardly detect them, so it depends on this day."

How much time can be counted in a day, Qin Yu and the three are unwilling to waste any time, but in the end, even Jiaojiao discovered something.

"Yuyu, why have we been circling around this area?"

"It's not that we're spinning around here, it's that many Prison Clerics are consciously running here. This place is interesting."

At dusk, Qin Yu couldn't find any trace of Prison Shu Lingkui. Jiaojiao thought she was going to beat the drums to send the troops home for dinner, but Qin Yu grabbed his fat tail.

"Wait, I have to look down."


Arthenodis didn't seem surprised at all, and looked down the rift valley.

"There's nothing special about the ground, I'm afraid there's something wrong with the ground."


But before going down, if Qin Yu made Jiaojiao transform into a black dragon, her physique would shrink a little.

"What are you doing?" Jiaojiao scratched her fat belly, a little puzzled.

"Xiang Xiao, you are too fat, there is no room to get stuck, so you can't get down."

Fuck! Delicately, "You still despise me, so I won't change. If you have the ability, you can fly down by yourself..."

"It's all right, there's Arthur."

"Damn it, do you want Arthur to carry you down on purpose? You shameless!"

"She hugged me, but I hugged you, don't you smell good? Wait, Arthur, why did you control yourself?"

Qin Yu rolled his eyes at Jiaojiao's hahaha teasing, and dragged Jiaojiao to jump down. Since she entered the seam, Jiaojiao could only conjure up a miniature version of the little black dragon, flew down, and soon caught up Arthenodis.

Although it was narrow, the bottom was deep and boundless, and after an unknown period of time, they finally reached the bottom.

The bottom is a bit cold, mostly bleak.

This kind of coldness makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Qin Yu asked Jiaojiao to take out two sets of outer robes, and handed one to Arthenodis, "This is the yin and yang energy of the earth. Under the forbidden spirit, if the body absorbs too much, it will damage the foundation and it will be difficult to expel it. This is the cassock I made, wear it."

Arthenodis is an elf, and the King Realm Elf Sea doesn't know much about it, but she has already felt its threat, and it is indeed tricky that her spiritual power cannot function.

After putting on his robe, Arthenodis glanced at the pitch-black surroundings, "I didn't expect Prison Priests to be born in such an environment, and they have already flown up. What else could attract them?"

Qin Yu squatted down, grabbed a handful of ground stone powder with his palm, rubbed it with his fingertips, sniffed lightly at the end of his nose, turned his palm over to disperse the powder, stood up and said, "These powders are the yang gang crystals that have been sucked out of their power. later formed."

"I remember that in your oriental cultivation, yin and yang are two poles of power, and there are very few spirits that can coexist in a yin and yang environment, unless they are naturally balanced spiritual species or treasures... This Prison Pivot is a yin and yang spirit ?”

"Qin Yu, it seems so now, but what's interesting is that these Yanggang crystal powders are still hot."


Arsenaudius was also alert, and immediately sensed Qin Yu's intentions, "Sucking away the energy will create heat, but the heat hasn't dissipated... It stands to reason that the Prison Clerk has already flown to the ground."

Now Jiaojiao understands.

"I'll go, there's still Prison Priest down here?"

"And either there are a lot of them, or the level of Prison Pivot Spirit Chief is not low."

Qin Yu looked around. After all, there was no Prison Pivot within her range of insight, but the fact that this particularly hot stone powder could float here showed that the other party had consumed a huge amount of Yanggang crystals.

"The temperature has dissipated, and the cold air here has not dropped much, which shows its quantity."

Arthenodis: "Next, go to the place where the temperature is high and you can find them."

After a pause, she said coolly, "Or it."

If there is only one, then this one is extraordinary.

Qin Yu: "Before, there was a person who abandoned me all the time. He lied to me and ran away. He didn't mention to me the level of the Prison Pivot and Lingkui. Tell me?"

They had already moved towards a slightly higher temperature, and Arthenodis also informed about the level of Prison Priest and Lingkui.

It's simple and straightforward.

Little Lingkui, big Lingkui.

"The ones we captured before were all little Lingkui. Judging by Xue Sheng's reaction, I'm afraid there are already a lot of treasures hidden. If it's a big Lingkui..."

Qin Yu and the two looked at each other, and the speed became faster and faster.

To mine resources or something, you must work hard.

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