I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2072 Great Lingkui


Qin Yu and the others detected temperature changes and the distribution of ground powder all the way, and quickly approached a deep area in the eerie and dark underground.

"Hey, Yuyu, there seems to be..."

When Jiaojiao's tail was raised, Qin Yu had already flicked his wrist and grabbed the magical Three Kings Scepter, "It's not the front, it's the top, dodge!!"

But it was too late, slamming, an unknown thing suddenly jumped down from the stone wall above, the size of a green bull, with a stubby body and rough limbs, it looked like a crawling monster, ugly in the sky, and its body was pitch black, and its case was like a stone wall Same, no wonder it can be invisible and difficult to detect.

It flew into the air, but landed silently. Its limbs seemed to exude a fluctuating rhythm, grasping the ground very firmly, and opened its mouth in an instant, a circle of powerful spatial fluctuations came out of the mouth.

It's hard to tell what kind of attack it was, it wasn't spiritual power or sound attack, but it was like a magnetic wave. When it swept over, Qin Yu and Arthenodis instantly felt the magnetic field in their bodies was disordered, a kind of nausea Vertigo came.

And in dizziness. . . Neither of them could dodge, and there was no need to dodge, because with a bang, Jiaojiao's two paws brazenly resisted the opened upper and lower jaws of the crawling monster.

"Aww, it stinks! Yuyu, it has a breath!"

Jiaojiao withstood its terrifying strength, but almost couldn't resist the stench, but Qin Yu had already rushed out, jumped down, and the Three Kings Scepter was inserted into its head from above, nailing it to the ground.

But Qin Yu pulled out the flute on his waist with a backhand, and pulled out the flute sword.

hum. . .

Arthenodis held the scepter against the monster's fangs with one hand, reached up with the other hand, caught the flute sword, and stabbed with his backhand, piercing the brain nucleus from the upper jaw to the inside.


After the monster got down on the ground, Arthenodis stretched out his blood-stained arm, wiped the flute clean and handed it to Qin Yu. Qin Yu took it and inserted it into the flute, but also observed the two monster corpses in front of him. After that, the look is subtle.

"It's actually a ground pig. What if it's an ancient ferocious beast. It's rumored that it has been extinct since the end of the sage era. I didn't expect it to appear here. But since it's a ferocious beast, why does it have such magnetic field attack power..."

Arthenodis mused, "Evolved for environmental reasons?"

Possibly, after all too many years.

It is not surprising that it mutates and evolves to adapt to the forbidden spirit environment.

"Except for Jiaojiao, you and I will be affected, let alone others. I'm afraid we're going deep, so hide for a while."

It wasn't that he was afraid of these ground pigs, but Qin Yu wanted to figure out the degree of variation of these ground pigs, and he didn't want to face too many ground pigs before he was sure.

The movement just now. . . The rest of the pigs were probably alarmed.



Half an hour later, Jiaojiao used her sharp claws to carve out a perfect cave gate, and then hollowed out the inside. After they entered, they blocked the cave gate, with seamless cuts and no flaws.

Inside, there was a small space, and Qin Yu asked Jiaojiao to bring a set of clean underwear to Arthenodis from the space.

The dirty blood on the latter's hands had solidified, and his clothes were dirty.

"I'm not that particular."

Although Arthenodis has been a royal family since he was a child, he is pampered, and the elves are also a race that loves cleanliness, but he is very open-minded during the war, and thinks it is unnecessary.

"I'm particular, I don't want to see others dirty."


Arthenodis's eyes were very gloomy. He took the clothes and changed them inside. Amidst the rustling noises, he could also hear the sound of cutting flesh and chopping bones behind the door.

In exchange, Arsenaudius turned around and saw Qin Yu squatting on the ground dissecting the pig's corpse, and Jiaojiao beside him.

"This meat...is so dark, can't you eat it?"

"Why do you ask such a terrible question?"


Arsenaudius walked over and waited quietly. After Qin Yu finished dissecting, she said: "The organ attached to its throat must be the organ of the magnetic attack."

It is said to be an organ, but it is actually a crystal attached to the throat.

It looks a bit disgusting, but it does contain a strange magnetic attack power.

"The evolution time should have been tens of thousands of years, and the ability to reproduce is very strong..."

"You tell the result."

"Okay, anyway, there should be a lot of them. If the group magnetically attacks, if you and I can't fight, Jiaojiao won't be able to hold it alone, so we must avoid the ground pig group."

Arthenodis used his scepter to pick up the skin on the soles of the hog's feet that Qin Yu had cut out and threw aside, "There's a lot of stone dust here, so I'm afraid it's entrenched where we want to go."

"So, just lure them away."

Qin Yu was playing with two throat crystals.

"And there is not much time left for us, and those people are coming down soon."

Although Qin Yu is confident in her insight ability and flying ability under the forbidden spirit, she, Jiaojiao and Arthenodis are absolutely the best among all the people in Tianshu Secret Territory, but they can't underestimate others, what if they come from behind?


Deep in the crack, there is a big cave with a strange purple light shining inside, but dozens of ferocious ground pigs gather outside.

They are very comfortable and have not stayed here for too long, and there have been no foreign enemies. Although some friends in a certain area far away from here have been disturbed by foreign enemies, they have not yet here, so. . . Take a nap?

At this moment, they suddenly sensed the magnetic attack fluctuations of their companions in the area not far from here.


These dozens of ground pigs all got up.

Two ends were left to guard the gate. If there are foreign enemies, immediately pass on their group so that they can rush over.

Then a large group of ground pigs all left.

"Heh, this little fat man is quite naive for doing such a bad thing."

Although the mouth is forceful, the body is very honest.

Not long after the pigs left, two black shadows flew down from above and landed on the heads of the gatekeepers at the two ends respectively, killing them in unison with a puff, and then the Ziguang Lingkui inside reacted Before, the two rushed in together, only to hear the sound of killing a pig, before it was about to spread, it was pinched at the throat.

"Sure enough, it's the Great Lingkui. It's several times fatter." Qin Yu choked it and threw it into the bag, then quickly took Arthenodis away.

It's over!

Don't you dig the throat crystals at both ends of the door?

Arthenodis didn't ask, because it knew it was to prevent the ground pig who rushed back from realizing the lack of the throat crystal,

Come to think of it, Qin Yu was unwilling to only catch a big Lingkui, at least he had to repeat the same trick until the pig group realized that he couldn't be fooled.


The daring ones were exhausted, and the timid ones were starved to death. Qin Yu was the daring one, and after a few more rounds, they succeeded one by one, but they all clearly noticed that the ground pig seemed to be reacting, and it was difficult to mobilize. , Even if they are transferred, more people stay than go out.

"It can't be done, it can't be done, this is the last wave."

Qin Yu shook off the sticky blood on his hands, "They should have already reacted."

Rapid retreat.

Jiaojiao: "Then shall we go up?"

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