I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2074 Zier

A bottle of elixir is very small, probably only one elixir can be contained in it.

Qin Yu is an expert in this area. He picked it up, opened the bottle cap and sniffed it, his expression changed slightly, and then he stared at Arthenodis.

That look was like looking at a scumbag.

"What? Aphrodisiac pills have been prescribed? You look at Arthur like this... I'll go! This is the soul pill, isn't it only available in the heavens? It is probably left by a saint who has a relationship with the upper realm. This thing is in the Our heavens are all used to refine the souls of those descendants of immortals, it is very rare, of course, it is useless for my family, but many descendants of immortals use this, ordinary immortals can't afford it!"

Jiaojiao commented like this, which shows that it is extraordinary.

"Generally used for geniuses with soul talent, they are very rare, and they are also sold for 500 treasure points in the Golden House Mall."

Qin Yu wanted to put this bottle on Arthenodis's lap again, but Arthenodis stopped him and looked at her strangely, "Although my soul is both light and dark, it should be more suitable for me. The oriental orthodoxy, for me, even if it has a great effect, it cannot maximize the benefits, but it is different for you, even if you are different, there is still your senior sister."

Arthenodis has a special dual-attribute reversible soul, so naturally the other party has sensed You Rong's soul mutation, and probably the other party has the same for her.

Qin Yu actually thought that Fang Yourong was the most suitable medicine for this pill, but it was prescribed by Arthenodis, so of course she would give it to the former first, since the former didn't want it. . .

"That's fine, you take the bow, I'll take the elixir."

Qin Yu was also straightforward, without flinching, took the elixir and asked Jiaojiao to put it away, and then threw the other two big spirits to Arthenodis.

"You come."

There is a real hammer of self-knowledge.


Arsenaudius was forbearing, and no matter how great the benefits were, she could still hold on. The two big Lingkui thrown by Qin Yu were immediately dismissed by her.

She opened the first one, but she didn't look at it, handed it to Qin Yu and opened the second one.

Qin Yu took an object in the palm of his hand, and felt round and gulu.

What's this?


"Tianshu Shenglingguo, this is a good thing!"

After all, even the Half Immortal Bow did not make Qin Yu happy like this Tianshu Shengling Fruit.

Because it is related to the recovery of many immortal plants in the golden cube of Dantian.

In fact, she has invested a lot in these years, and she just missed the door.

But this finishing touch is also huge.

A 1% upgrade level requires too many resources.

Tianshu Shengling Fruit is one of the semi-immortal fruits, and it is purely organic, which has a great effect on her.

"At least, it's still possible to wake up Jiusuihe and others completely. Although the dragon is a lot worse, it is also very useful."

She had awakened Jiu Suihe for a short time before, but the super energy effect was not recovered much. To recover in all aspects, with the power of the past, the entire Golden Cube must be activated.

Qin Yu was rejoicing at the existence of the Tianshu Shengling Fruit, and Arsenaudius opened the last bag. In the white palm, there was a small pendant with earrings. The shape was simple, but the material was extraordinary. It shines brilliantly in the light of a campfire.

Arthenodis was thoughtful, his palm moved slightly, and it also moved slightly. This slight movement moved the souls of both the cat and the cat.

This is?

"Is this pendant a magic weapon for attacking souls?"

Arthenodis is almost certain, but its level cannot be determined. After all, it is a treasure under the Eastern cultivation system.

Speaking of it, she had to admit that compared with the various treasures of the West that carried various historical plots of various races in a mess, the treasures of the East were more professional and had more types.

This pendant is awesome.

As a special soul, she can feel it.

She handed the small pendant to Qin Yu, and Qin Yu played with it, probing with his soul, and soon froze his brows, staring at Arthenodis.

Arthenodis: "?"

Qin Yu: "I didn't recognize the owner, so I can't be sure, but nine out of ten are semi-immortal-level soul attack artifacts. This...is considered the top of the half-immortal artifacts, and it was made by ancient saints. , I'm afraid the effect is terrible."

Her eyes are jealous, jealous of Arthenodis's super red hands.

Arthenodis nodded, "Then you can wear it.

Qin Yu: "Huh? What I want is this Tianshu Spiritual Fruit."

Arthenodis: "I know, except for this bow, the rest are yours."

She is firm and very convincing.

It's very troublesome to talk back and forth, not to mention that they are all on their own, Qin Yu also knows that there is no need to stick to this momentary interest.

"Okay, I took all four of these, but you take all these resources, you have many people and are useful."

She gave tens of millions of huge resources just like that.

Arsenaudius stroked the ancient dark lines on the bow with his slender and cold fingers, "The cube in your dantian hasn't recovered yet, are you sure?"

Qin Yu took a deep look at her, "For resources, war is the first way to plunder."

She is about to start a war against certain sects of organizations in this world.

Arthenodis understood, so he didn't say much, so they divided up and packed up their things.

However, Qin Yu recognized the pendant as its owner, and later learned that its name was Zi'er, not to mention its origin, it was indeed a magic weapon for attacking souls at the semi-immortal level.

"It also has the ability to hide and camouflage, cowhide, you see, this, I am afraid that only immortals can see through it."

Qin Yu let it pretend - if someone probed, they would think it was a top-grade spiritual weapon pendant.

True and false, the most let people suffer.

Under the forbidden spirit, Qin Yu added such a terrifying semi-immortal weapon-level soul attack magic weapon.

Insidious, insidious.

Terrible. Terrible.

"Yuyu, how long are we going to stay here? There seems to be a fight outside."

Jiaojiao was impatient with Qin Yu and the others talking about the assignment, and she had already leaned against the gate to quietly observe the movement outside—under the forbidden spirit, all inquiries depended on hearing and eyesight.

"Wait, wait until the two sides consume each other to a certain extent, and then we will fight in chaos, and we will be able to gain profits in chaos."

Qin Yu has always had plans, and they all have broken stars of the apocalypse.

Even Jiaojiao was forced by Qin Yu to take one to understand—a dead horse is a living horse doctor, so much can be absorbed.

Arsenaudius didn't ask Qin Yu for it, "I have two, and Delan gave me one."

De Lanceleste was obviously very optimistic about Arthenodis and relied heavily on her, so he actually gave her an incomparably precious broken star of the apocalypse, which is really impressive.

"I can't absorb too much. I'll ask you for it after I absorb it."

Ashenodis said so, Qin Yu didn't force it, so the two of them and the cat directly entered the state of realizing the apocalypse.

Outside, the crazy killing mode was turned on.

The weak fight for their lives, and the strong fight for opportunities. As for whether anyone has won the Great Lingkui. . . That is inevitable, because the really strong are like clouds.


three days later.

In fact, the two of them did not finish their enlightenment.

1. Arthenodis is not enough to comprehend two Apocalypse Broken Stars in three days.

2. Qin Yu is not enough to comprehend 10 Apocalypse Broken Stars in three days.

3. Jiaojiao smashed a broken star of the apocalypse, wanting to live and die.

But they were so focused on comprehending that they were all moved by a terrifying fluctuation.

After Qiqi opened her eyes, Arthenodis stood up first, approached the door, pressed her palm on the stone door, closed her eyes again, and used her elven soul talent. If she had soul pupils, she would have reached the Outer Territory soon. . . . She saw the distant scene.

I go, that mountain!

"What's the matter? Who's dead outside? It's best to be Yuyu's enemy!"

Jiaojiao also woke up and stood behind Arthenodis.

"There is a mountain at the end of this deep place. There is something in it. Now all the pigs are gathered there, probably thousands of them, but those people are also there, concentrating on attacking. I am afraid there is something good in it."

Arsenaudius activated his soul talent this time, and consumed a lot of soul power, his face turned slightly pale.

But both she and Jiaojiao looked at Qin Yu.

She is still comprehending?

Why do you feel that the situation is not right.

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