I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2075 Supreme Lingkui (end, monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket)

"I'll go, Yuyu seems to be breaking through."

"No, you can't pass the tribulation here, how could she..."

Jiaojiao scratched her head, wondering if Qin Yu had caught up with some special timing like herself.

Arsenaudius didn't understand either, but he was decisive, "Then just keep it."

Compared with the huge unknown opportunity, it is naturally more important to protect the safety of one's own people.

But she couldn't ignore the movement outside. Jiaojiao jumped onto Arthenodis's shoulder, her ears twitched, "Great Lingkui? These people are bumpkins. I haven't seen a big Lingkui before. It takes such a big formation." battle?"

Arsenaudius narrowed his eyes, "I'm afraid it's not just the Great Lingkui."

Suddenly, Arthenodis and Jiaojiao heard a sharp scream and soared into the sky.

At that time, a terrible dazzling golden light bloomed in the cave, and the light shot straight up to ten thousand feet, and through the cracks, it reached the sky of Tianshu Secret Realm.

And in such a light, a golden sharp shadow shot out into the sky with the light, and there was a crisp laughter.

The people who fought with the ground pig at the entrance of the cave were shocked.

What was that just now?

Some people want to catch up, but how can they catch up with the speed of light, even the Elf King can't do it, so they can only watch it flee away.

Xue Sheng and the others were puzzled, as if thinking of something possible, that expression. . .

In another place, Jiaojiao who was startled quietly teleported out, stood alone in the bleak crack, looked up at the light flying out of the crack, and blinked her mouth.

"Damn it! This thing...is really more than just the Great Lingkui."

What that thing is is still unknown, but it undoubtedly attracted all the strong people, and all those who went down the crack to capture Lingkui chased after it.

After that, probably only Qin Yu and the others were left in the crack.

go out? Of course I can't go out.

None of them would leave before Qin Yu finished his comprehension.

Another five days later.

Arsenaudius has completed the two Apocalypse Broken Stars, and is practicing, or getting familiar with the Half Immortal Bow, while Jiaojiao is grilling, cooking hot pot, and baking bread. . .

"Sesame oil, why is this bread so difficult? Kneading the dough is so difficult, please help me, Arthur."


"It won't be just right, you won't, I will be more psychologically balanced."


Arsenaudius didn't like to talk, and he couldn't argue with Jiaojiao, so the atmosphere became quiet all of a sudden.

Depressed and bored, she picked up Qin Yu's affairs in this world and told him about it. While talking, her body froze suddenly, and Arthenodis suddenly felt a terrible soul power like a soul hell The space, taking advantage of the situation, included her and Jiaojiao.

I can't move at all.

And the huge and deep cracks also silently and invisiblely surged with yin and yang energy.

In the end, Gathered in the cave, Arthenodis is a yin and yang soul body, and immediately gained great benefits from it. She had an instant epiphany, and she had a big breakthrough like opening a gate to release water.

But Rao couldn't move even so, until Jiaojiao was covered with her mouth.


Arsenaudius was able to move now, and turned his head to look, just in time to see Qin Yu had opened his eyes, covering his delicate mouth, his brows and eyes were warm, but also charmingly cold.

"Are you ready?" Arthenodis asked.

"En." Qin Yu responded lightly, stroking the corners of his eyes with his fingers, and directly stated his progress.

"I broke through."

Arthenodis: "Didn't pass the catastrophe? Or go out?"

"It's not in the realm."

Qin Yu got up, squeezed Jiaojiao's chubby face, and smiled lightly.

"The secret flow of soul growth has broken through."

I go! Jiaojiao was shocked, then ecstatic, this is much more terrifying than a breakthrough in her cultivation!

"Yuyu, for the past ten years, you have kept your cultivation at the peak of the fusion stage, but you refused to go to the tribulation stage. Isn't it just to let the secret flow of soul growth go to a higher level? I thought it would be difficult, but I didn't expect it to be so fast ah!"

The vision of a genius lies in ascension, and the vision of an evildoer lies in ascension as soon as possible, but those who are beyond the range of evildoers-don't care about ascension at all, she is on the stage above the heaven.

The period of crossing the catastrophe is an important stage that she has planned after discussing with Huang Jinbi.

The soul is greatly benefited, and the world is infinite.

Now, the secret flow of soul growth has entered the mature stage, plus the "Bodhi Dingyi Technique", and her physique is extraordinary, it is ok, and she has met her requirements for entering the tribulation stage.

"When you broke through, there was movement outside..."

"I know, that is the Supreme Lingkui."

Arsenaudius was surprised, is there such a thing? But Qin Yu didn't know much about Lingkui before, so how did he know the existence of this terrifying Lingkui all of a sudden?

I'm afraid it's privilege escalation.

"Well, as soon as I broke through, the Golden House raised my authority, and Bibi checked its information for me."

She already has very high authority, higher than ordinary gods and immortals, but she couldn't find it before, and she could only be found after breaking through the secret flow of soul growth, which shows how high her authority is now.

"The Supreme Lingkui is related to an ancient emperor's tomb in Tianzang."

"As long as the ancient emperor's mausoleum, even the immortals will be jealous."

This kind of huge benefit, it stands to reason that Qin Yu's face is so ugly that he doesn't frighten anyone in his almost perfect peak state.

Arthenodis understood it in seconds.

If it is necessary to attract immortals, then attract immortal-level enemies.

Qin Yu was worried about the future.

"Let's go, I'm afraid the outside world is already in trouble because of this Supreme Lingkui."


Qin Yu came out late, and the process of making troubles has passed.

"Joining hands?" Qin Yu returned to the city after returning to the ground, separated from Arthenodis, and returned to the inn, where he was squatted down by Mozong's dog.

This guy was also difficult to deal with, he squatted on her for five days, even though he had all kinds of doubts about her whereabouts during these five days, he didn't dare to test, because now there is nothing more important than the Supreme Lingkui.

Maybe this Qingqiu went to find the Supreme Lingkui privately in the past five days.

But he also answered Qin Yu's question seriously.

"Yes, join hands, because no one has the ability to capture the Supreme Lingkui now, whether it is from our Tianzang world or other worlds... even people from Lin Kingdom, the pupil of the true devil, can't do it, so in After five days of efforts by various forces to hunt down all failed, the average practice time was at least several thousand years. The big bosses finally chose the grouping method that is most in line with the public interest.

Still take Tianzangjing as the initiator.

"It was also the proposal of the day before yesterday. It took two days to convince everyone, but now it has gradually become an alliance. First, we will work together to capture the Supreme Lingkui, and then we will make a decision."

If the Supreme Lingkui can't catch it, everything is empty.

"Is that so, so the Demon Lord asked you to wait for me?"

"Yes, but it's not just the devil, many lords hope you can participate."

An expression of "you are awesome and everyone values ​​you very much, are you high or not?"

Qin Yu was noncommittal, but agreed, "Okay, I'll go. You go and report first."

"Huh? Lord Qingqiu, don't you..."

"Women who go out for several days have to take a shower when they come home, don't you know?"


It sounds like taking a habitual shower after cheating and cheating with wild men.

But as long as you are happy.

The dog head walked away resentfully.

Qin Yu hugged Jiaojiao and glanced at the direction of the Tianzangjing Conference Hall.

Join forces?

I'm afraid it's useless to catch them with a large number of people, and I'm afraid there are some special treasures.

Is it from Tianzang Realm?

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