I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2076 Blind? (Thank you Qi Shutong and Shibi, ask for a monthly ticket)


Tianzangjing conference hall, the huge conference hall has become a square courtyard, facing the lake and willow banks, with blue sky and white clouds, ancient trees and blue sky, full of oriental temperament, and the seats are all matched with tables and chairs.

It seems to be harmonious, but in fact it is orderly and the classes are distinct.

But in the end the strong are like clouds.

Qin Yu entered through the gate, passed the middle hall and the outer courtyard, and saw some guards, who were righteous, evil, evil, or people from all realms.

They are all secondary personnel, guarding the periphery and protecting the secrets of the conference hall.

But there was a man of not low status squatting at the door. Seeing Qin Yu coming, the dog head quickly stood up and walked towards her with false respect, "Lord Qingqiu is finally here."

Qin Yu: "Everyone else is inside, just you here, wait for me? It's really embarrassing for you."

Dog head: "No embarrassment, no embarrassment, it should be."

Qin Yu didn't care about his attitude, and was led by him through the garden to the backyard, and asked casually, "I'm afraid I'm too late, haven't I started yet?"

"No, after all, they are not ordinary people." Goutou's words can be regarded as blowing Qin Yu's identity.

"Oh, I'm afraid the other big planes don't want to be too punctual. After all, although they are foreigners, they also have a strong diplomatic posture."

"That's right, there were people who came to the door before. If it weren't for strong people like you, Lord Qingqiu, to resist, I don't know how many people would have died here."

"Want to test me?"

"I don't dare, but I'm really curious, I don't know if Master Qingqiu and that Emperor Lin..."

"do not know."

"Ah, I guess so, after all, it's from the outside world..."

"If it's an emperor, I don't like those in the inner world, such as your master."


The dog's head laughed dryly, it's true that you don't like anything, you are almost killing the lord.

If you like it, then you are also going to be a widow.

The two walked through the beautiful flower garden, but at the corner, they suddenly met two people.

The dog's head changed slightly, and subconsciously hid behind Qin Yu.

Who can make such a slippery and insidious person like Goutou so fearful?

Cao Cao chant.

The old butler looked at them with a kind smile, in stark contrast to the expression of Emperor Lin who was standing coldly admiring the flowers, and compared to the timid look of the dog's head, Qin Yu looked. . . Naturally more.

He only glanced at them, and nodded with a slight smile.

Polite, yet cold.

Oh, compared to being mean to the Demon Lord, Master Qingqiu is already very kind to this Emperor Lin.

But this Emperor Lin was so cold, he didn't even give him a look.

After Qin Yu and the others left alone, the old housekeeper noticed that his emperor turned his head to look at the back of the two leaving. He had the demeanor of a kind grandfather, but inside he was an old fox. : "There is a long-awaited wedding in the middle of the court. I hope that your lord will get married early and give birth to a son. With your valor, you will be able to control the world, and you will be able to master all worlds. I don't know if your lord is interesting?"

What do you mean by finding a woman to have children or something, Your Majesty? Say it earlier, I'll hook you up for you.

Lin tilted his head to look at him, his eyes dark.

The old butler was still respectful.

Lin turned his face away and said casually: "If I don't die, Zixi will eventually be a traitor who wants to take my throne. It doesn't matter if he can be killed or suspected to be killed."

Sesame oil, is this the three views of normal people?

The son will be killed!

The old butler suddenly bowed his head, "What your majesty said is the truth."

Lin turned around, walked up and down, and said lightly, "I have no feelings for her, I only doubt her ability, so there is no need to worry."

The old housekeeper believed it, and gave up thinking of marrying his own emperor, Lalang.


Qin Yu had already entered the inner courtyard, and as soon as she entered, everyone looked at her.

This man's robe is wide, but his waist is extremely slender, his waist is full of peizhi, and his tassels are charming. His graceful and graceful posture is very attractive, his hair is also wet, and he has a cool fragrance, which is both elegant and feminine. .

A woman who has just taken a bath, she surpasses the secular and incomparable beauty, but also indulges in the seductive eroticism of the world.

But she was still holding a cat, and the cat was still holding two bags in its paws.

It swayed slightly as I walked, and I didn't know what was in the bag.

Qin Yu didn't care what these people were thinking, he just smiled at some of them and was about to walk over.

Either the good-looking ones in the Elf Sea of ​​the King Realm, or the good-looking ones in the east of Lielu.

"Your position is here, where are you going?"

A cold and stern voice came, who else could it be if it wasn't the Demon Lord?

But Qin Yu didn't stop, and walked over, Jiaojiao gave two bags to Xiao Tingyun and Fang Yourong respectively.

Anyway, the tables on both sides of them were not far from each other.

But both of them hesitated before taking it.


A bag or something is equivalent to a bomb.

Underwear or something, a little psychological shadow.

I don't want it very much, but I can only accept it.

Definitely don't open it.

After delivering the things, Qin Yu went back and sat back at Mozong's table, next to Mojun.

The Demon Monarch glanced at her, and said calmly: "You should pretend anyway, you are in the evil way and your heart is on the right way, so you don't have to worry about taking too many steps."

The originally lively atmosphere was slightly quieter.

The Demon Lord was silent for a while, gave up the topic, and only said in a low voice, "Did you find anything after five days outside?"

Qin Yu found that many people were paying attention, and they probably suspected that she was going to catch the Supreme Lingkui these days.

Hmph, there is no kindness in both of them.

"Yes, I have."

Everyone's ears almost pricked up.

Qin Yu said lightly, "Didn't you find out?"

What the hell?

What did you find? Could it be that the Supreme Lingkui is on her body?

Everyone was nervous, and only a few who knew Qin Yu's sequence reacted.

Xiao Tingyun drank tea with her head down, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up.

But the others really didn't figure it out, because they couldn't catch the aura of Lingkui on her body, Tian Jingsha glanced over Jiaojiao delicately.

She knew there was room in this fat cat.

Maybe hide it on him?

Under the eyes of everyone, Qin Yu was a little disappointed, with a look of fear on his face, and said calmly: "I am more beautiful, and you don't notice such an obvious thing. No wonder you couldn't catch the Supreme Lingkui."

From Mo Jun’s point of view, the woman’s accusation is roughly like this—sorry, I’m not talking about you, I’m talking about everyone present, you are all blind.

The devil's expression was ugly, and everyone seemed to be choking.

Because she is really beautiful, especially when she said this, she lightly touched the side of her face with one hand, and gently stroked the earlobe with her middle finger and ring finger, making the delicate classic earrings sway gently.

This woman is rampant, rampant to the point of lawlessness, defiant.

But she is really beautiful.

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