I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2077 Swear

Qin Yu, who had successfully pulled off a wave of hatred, raised his eyebrows and swept the audience wildly. Suddenly, he paused slightly, then turned his face away, put down his hands, and drank tea calmly.

As soon as he entered the door, Emperor Lin stood on the threshold for a while, his eyes drifted to a certain place, thoughtful - this woman seemed to be a little shy and alienated from him.

Obviously rampant in his bones, why?

Something seemed to flash through his mind, but it disappeared for a moment, because he felt movement behind him.

Someone came from behind, including Xue Sheng, and someone Xue Sheng went to pick up.

"Sure enough, it's no wonder that the Tianzang Realm has agreed that as long as we work together, we can take down the Supreme Lingkui. That's why."

Chen Hu waved his fan and spoke slowly, not afraid of being heard by others, but it was actually the voice of everyone.

When Xue Sheng came in, seeing Emperor Lin standing at the door, his eyes flashed, and he also recommended the people around him.

"Sir, Emperor Lin, this is the leader of our little Penglai from Tianzang World who is here, Sea King Sword Lord."

"Master Jianjun, this is Emperor Lin from the Eye of True Demon. I hope we can work together to capture the Supreme Lingkui this time."

Emperor Lin glanced at Haiwang Jianjun lightly, "Only Xiao Penglai has the things to capture Lingkui?"

It seems that the Tianzang Realm was actually arranged under the leadership of Xiao Penglai for this meeting. Haiwang Jianjun is a strong man, born in Xiao Penglai, and also strong. He has long disliked Emperor Lin's previous actions, but he came with a mission , will not be casual, so he said: "My little Penglai does have means, but I still need your cooperation."

Emperor Lin was noncommittal and left.

When he walked over, his power of observation covered the audience, and he noticed that Qingqiu cared about little Penglai.

Well, I also laughed.

The smile was very willful, and also a little bit naughty.

Until the people of Xiao Penglai. . . Sit down next to Mozong.

Obviously, Xiao Penglai listed Mozong as the hostile side, the strongest righteous sect, and faced the strongest villain sect.

When the two sides confront each other, the painting style is sharp, and when there is a slight killing intent.

"I said where did you two go... Sister Hanhai, you took my family Longlong away while I was not here, you are too much!"

Qin Yu suddenly said this, Han Hai Chaoyi understood Qin Yu's meaning in minutes, and said slowly.

"You leave him behind, if I don't take him with you, wouldn't he be lonely."

Oops, I just want to say hello to you, you blackmail me as a scumbag, right?

"Oh, you stayed overnight in my room together, are you feeling affectionate?"

"Can there be feelings in the same room? It's just a show, you are very familiar with it."

"Oh, why did you suddenly embed in my room late at night? I guess it's just a joke to steal information. As a little Penglai, they will kill me, a demon, in the future. Could it be that you..."

Qin Yu had a half-smile, and Han Hai Chaoyi was calm and composed, "I'm not strong enough, it's not my turn to kill you, and it's also not my turn to collect the corpse, you don't worry too much."

Qin Yu sneered, and stretched out his hand to grab the blood dragon's shoulder, pulled him over, and pushed the dog's head away with the other hand, letting the blood dragon sit beside him.

Dog head: What the fuck! !

Blood Dragon:! ! ! ! Is it so domineering?

After the blood dragon was stunned, he immediately showed a cold but unconcealed sour expression that made people look very uncomfortable.

The Demon Lord was expressionless, and opened his mouth: "Let's talk about the regulations."

The atmosphere became more serious.

Although many people wondered about the relationship between Qin Yu and Han Hai Chaoyi, they couldn't say anything.

Because the opponent has already taken the initiative to explode.

King Haiwang Jianjun only glanced at Hanhai Chaoyi, and said to everyone: "The Supreme Lingkui is one of the few opportunities since the age of saints. It is related to the ancient emperor's tomb. In order to capture it, my little Penglai is willing to sacrifice an immortal." A treasure trove of heaven and earth."

Fairy? Do you mean fairy artifact?

This is great.

Qin Yu was surprised, but Jiaojiao and Huang Jinbi were not very strange.

——The Supreme Lingkui has been released, so it is not surprising that they are willing to release immortal artifacts. I have said before that there are immortal artifacts in the big plane, so it depends on whether the guards can guard them or not, and they are willing to expose them.

Undoubtedly, Little Penglai is able to defend and dare to expose.

But this also made Qin Yu understand why Tianzangjing and Xiao Penglai had to pull so many people to assist them.

"Everyone knows that we are not immortals. No one can freely control the fairy treasure. It takes everyone to be reasonable to let it exert its due power, and to have complete confidence in capturing the Supreme Lingkui."

In fact, celestial treasures can be controlled by individuals, but it's hard to say how much they can be used and whether they will be backlashed.

And they have also seen the power of the Supreme Lingkui before. He is fast, smart, and already has super spiritual wisdom. If the fairy treasure cannot be fully utilized, this encirclement and suppression will only end in failure.

The prestige of Little Penglai is very high, and representatives of Sanren from Yansha Tower, Jingmen, Tianzangjing and Baimei have no objection.

It is the rest of the realms that need to be persuaded and reassured—mainly people from the four major planes.

Especially the pupil of the true devil.

People in Tianzang World looked at these people one after another.

It's also interesting, obviously they don't like each other, but when it's time for the meeting, these people from the outer domain still choose to sit next to each other, like a group.

At least the three realms of Tianxiong are next to each other.

As far as the people on Lin Guo's side don't care, they chose the position randomly.

However, most eyes are still on Lin Guoren.

Because they are too strong and unstable, if there is an accident, most of it comes from them.

After a while, Emperor Lin said: "What should I do after I get it?"

He won't go into details because he knows it will work.

What he wants is the result.

In fact, what others want is also the result.

That's right, how do you divide after you succeed? Those outsiders will undoubtedly suffer.

Hai Wang Jianjun: "If you succeed, you can get the location of the ancient emperor's mausoleum from the Supreme Lingkui. Naturally, each person has their own special abilities, and those who can get it."

He didn't say things like joining forces to explore the secrets to lie to children.

"We foreigners have to return to the original plane sooner or later, and there are restrictions on access, how to explore the secrets? The final benefit is not your Tianzang world."

Baby Wan Teng's tone was harsh, and he was not afraid to speculate about the world of Tianzang with the worst malice.

However, in fact, they are foreigners, and they don't have any share in the local treasures. This is as shameless as invaders who invaded the secrets of the hinterland and wanted historical relics.

In fact, the world of Tianzang does not necessarily need the intervention of these outsiders, it's just that. . . If they don't cooperate, the other party will make trouble, and this is the key.

Now Baby Wanqi and the others said that they wanted Tianzang World to back down, transfer part of their residence rights, and prolong their time in Tianzang World until they explored the ancient emperor's tomb.

This is very dangerous. If these people stay in the Tianzang world for a long time and cause great harm to the Tianzang world and then leave, no one can bear the responsibility.

"I bet a cartload of cucumbers, these aliens must have formed a group in private, the small plane embraces the big plane, and the big plane reaches a private agreement, which will force Tianzang World to agree, otherwise it will break up with one shot, this supreme No one can get Lingkui, and Tianzang World can't even open that ancient emperor's tomb."

While eating melons, Qin Yu was arguing with Jiaojiao Jinbi.

——Then do you think Tianzang World will agree? On one side is the ancient emperor's mausoleum representing huge interests, and on the other side is the hidden danger of the Tianzang world.

Qin Yu: "Yes."

——how can I see it?

Qin Yu: "Everyone can make a vow together."

Well, it seems to be right.

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