I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2082 Assassination

It's not that Qin Yu had insight - something that Xianbao didn't find out. Under the forbidden spirit, she didn't cheat, so naturally she didn't find any trace of the Supreme Lingkui, but she has a good brain! When he proposed to smash the Liuli Grotto, he had already thought of the possible escape route of the Supreme Lingkui.

Isn't that obvious enough?

As soon as Qin Yu finished speaking, Xue Sheng immediately said: "Who is good at swimming? Go down with me to block and investigate, five is enough."

She just felt that few people would be willing to go into the water, because under the forbidden spirit, this sea of ​​dragon elephants was terrifying—because the water contained the power of dragon elephants, and there were hidden sea beasts, plus it was difficult to maintain balance, it was very dangerous.

So she took the lead and jumped off Long Xianghai, but just as she entered the water, she heard a splash from above. Turning her head to look, she saw waves on the water, and saw Qin Yu directly dragging her chubby Jiaojiao and jumping into the water.

That scene was so beautiful.

Xue Sheng had to admit it even if he was old and met an old aunt who didn't know about the stunning mission.

How should I put it, Xue Sheng has always had mixed feelings about this witch, both as a cancer and as a two-way poison with unknown enemies and friends, but occasionally the other party cooperates obediently, and feels that the other party is like a little fairy. . . .

And this little fairy is very good at water, swimming like a spirit fish, and she swims gracefully with a few twists of her waist, and said not far away, "Sister Xue, your white clothes are a bit see-through, don't take them all away." , other people are not as upright as I am, every male cultivator is not a good thing."

As soon as he finished saying this, Qin Yu felt Jiaojiao pinch the soft flesh on his waist. Qin Yu turned his head and saw Lin hovering above her after entering the water and looking down at her.

Even in the water, the scheming dog man has scary eyes.


His eyes were calm and deep.

He wasn't the only one who came down, there were also Hanhai Chaoyi, Wanqi Baobao and others behind him, either helping with the search, or attacking from the bottom up

Qin Yu pursed his lips and swam towards the base of the Liuli Grotto.

Naturally, the base was not as huge as the upper part, so it was much easier to smash, and a large piece was quickly smashed into pieces.

However, the power of the dragon elephant is still terrifying, and it takes ten times as much energy to smash it as on the water surface, so Qin Yu and others' energy is also consumed very quickly.

Boom boom boom!

In these shattered dust, suddenly there is a dark shadow hidden in it, falling with the dust.

It fell its, but. . . . Several attacks aimed at the dust.

Water riots.

In such a riot, the loach-like creature ran downstream along the water waves, and the small mung bean-like eyeballs seemed to be sneering at Baby Wancheng and the others who were attacking the dust swarm, but when it turned its head.

A whip came hard!

It's Xue Sheng!

Damn, scare me to death!

The Supreme Lingkui was terrified, his body was separated from the water waves, his tail swung, he slid back and shot, but the oncoming dragon wagged its tail!

This Supreme Lingkui is really smart and flexible, and can still dodge under such intensive attacks.

But on the other side, Wancheng Baobao and others who were slamming east and west have also come over. They are all extremely sophisticated people, and they surrounded them from all corners, trying to surround the Supreme Lingkui.

The Supreme Lingkui made a sound like a child's baby, as if frightened, wagging its small tail and wings, moving back and forth, seeing that the range was getting smaller and smaller, it was very helpless, and even whimpered.

Stumbling, shivering, feeling helpless and pitiful.

Everyone couldn't help feeling tense, secretly wondering if they were going too far, how could it be. . .

Qin Yu also had a feeling that he was killing creatures for his own benefit.

In her bones, she is actually quite gentle, and she rarely harms the lives of innocent people for her own benefit, so at that moment, deep in her heart. . . . Smoke it!

Paralyzed, caught in the trap!

When Qin Yu came to his senses, the Supreme Lingkui happened to get out from the crowd's encirclement.

Obviously, not only Qin Yu, but everyone else was also affected!

This dog has the ability to affect the emotions of others.

Similar to soul means.

It's so stupid, there are so many bosses here, there is no one who fails to be recruited, even Qin Yu, who is also good at soul attack, has been recruited, but Qin Yu is also the fastest to wake up, seeing the Supreme Lingkui slipping out, he sneered , squinting.

Soul Attack catches up from behind. . . The Supreme Lingkui fled away, very proud of himself, and slipped away with a flick of his tail, then suddenly a heavy blow came to his head!


Supreme Lingkui's head was dizzy, and he shook for a while, and a large number of attacks came down from behind him.

Hit hard?

not good!

The Supreme Lingkui squirmed. . .

It swallowed all the large attacks into its body!

"It has the property of ablation, so it cannot be defeated! It can only be captured alive!" Consume your attacks—it is generating spiritual power in its body!"

Everyone was shocked, Baby Wancheng: "Grass! This is fine!"

But it was too late, the Supreme Lingkui had already smiled slyly, and suddenly twisted his body, releasing a strange purple-gold radiance. Immediately afterwards, the power of the dragon elephant in the dragon elephant sea seemed to be drained, and suddenly became violent, making everyone The bosses suddenly felt tremendous pressure, and even breathing became extremely difficult. At that time, what was even more frightening was that they heard the roar of sea beasts, and then. . . Hundreds of ferocious sea beasts rushed out of the deep and dark waters!

While everyone was being attacked by sea beasts, Supreme Lingkui seemed to let out a clever laugh, and made a face at everyone, like a naughty bear child, and then he was about to slip into the darkness and sneak away.

but. . .

Jiaojiao suddenly let out a dragon cry!

Those sea beasts were suddenly terrified, no more ferocious than before, Qin Yu and the others just escaped and chased after them from below.

At this time, hundreds of people jumped down from above the water surface, and entered the water ferociously. With the support already in place, they began to expel and hunt down the Supreme Lingkui.

Seeing that the Supreme Lingkui couldn't dodge, he scurried towards the nearest—the original dilapidated grotto.


After playing for a long time, he went in again?

Qin Yu was holding his breath after being bewitched and tricked by this guy with his soul before, and then rushed into the narrow grotto with a brush.

The rest of the people were not to be outdone, after all, more than half of the grotto had been smashed, except for Xue Sheng, who were guarding the periphery, and dozens of them rushed in to search intensively.

The gap in the grotto is narrow, and Qin Yu locked onto the trail of the Supreme Lingkui as soon as he entered, because the parade track of this guy is unique, Qin Yu memorized the details of the water waves drawn by the track, so he hung behind tightly, and he was about to catch him , Suddenly, Qin Yu's face changed, because an ice spear suddenly pierced out of the hole in the grotto, and it was only an instant away from Qin Yu's throat. . . In fact, there was already a line of blood in her throat, but before the blood spurted out, the wound had already begun to heal.

What a horrible assassination!

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