I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2083 Dry Firewood

And Qin Yu, who dodged back, ignored the wound on his throat, and swept the Three Kings Scepter with his first hand.


The sharp edge cut through the stone wall, and the figure of the man in the ice blue long coat holding the spear was ejected, touching the foot of another sharp stone wall, a jumping stab from a hook for a month and a half.

Qin Yu saw the other person's appearance as soon as he raised his eyes.

"Heavenly clean sand!"

The Three Kings' Scepter, which was parrying horizontally, collided with the ice blue spear.

After determining the attack power, everyone is a semi-celestial weapon.


A large piece of the narrow stone wall was cracked, as if to widen the narrow area.

And Tian Jingsha, who was recognized by Qin Yu, only responded lightly, "It's me!".

Even if Qin Yu deliberately revealed his soul to attack the Supreme Lingkui, it could not dispel the woman's suspicion that Qin Yu's soul was seriously injured, because so far, this was the best time to assassinate Qin Yu.

The woman Tianjingsha didn't let go, so she did it.

Kill decisively!

"Aren't you afraid of affecting the oath and being backlashed?"

"The content of the oath is not to attack each other in order to compete for the Supreme Lingkui, but my goal is not it, and the Supreme Lingkui has never been in your hands, so this is not considered an influence."

Fuck! Protocol loophole!

Qin Yu sneered, "Even if my soul is seriously injured, are you so sure that you can beat me in hand-to-hand combat?

bang bang bang!

Two kinds of semi-celestial weapons attacked powerfully, the water fluctuated and the stone broke.

But it can be seen that Tianjingsha can't do anything to Qin Yu, who has melee ability and terrifying physique-in fact, it's like the peak of her hand, and the moment she assassinated Qin Yu's throat just now, it was already her best attack effect, but it's a pity , Qin Yu's flesh and blood recovery ability is equivalent to BUG.

Even if the situation is like this, Tian Jingsha's eyes froze, and the ice-blue flying snow in his eyes, the extremely cold soul attack instantly invaded Qin Yu's soul. . .

Fuck! This woman is also a soul cultivator!

When Qin Yu was hit hard, at another place, Emperor Lin noticed a big movement somewhere in the grotto, and turned his head to take a look.

The old butler asked himself if he wanted to go over with his eyes, Emperor Lin frowned slightly, and waved his palms, which meant he was vetoing.

The old butler could only hold back his restless heart—hey, it seems that Jun Shang really has no heart for that Qingqiu, is it just his illusion?

Destined to have no little master to serve, my heart is so tired.


Qin Yu, whose soul was seriously injured and in a bad situation, instantly turned pale, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, but in a crisis, he also used the three kings scepter to knock away the spear in the opponent's hand, and both the scepter and the spear pierced into the stone wall behind. As a result, Tian Jingsha had no sharp weapon in his hand, and Qin Yu turned around to leave. . .

Tianjingsha knew that the opponent's soul had been seriously injured, if he didn't kill him now, it would be difficult to have another chance in the future, so. .

She came after her closely, and her index finger and middle finger together, unexpectedly transformed into a sharp ice-blue metallic quill, piercing towards Qin Yu's heart brazenly.

In an instant, it may be between life and death.

But at that very moment, Tian Jingsha's complexion suddenly changed because she sensed the space behind her moving.

Jiaojiao, who appeared in an instant, tore a claw from behind.

Flesh and blood splattered on Tian Jingsha's back, but her fingers also penetrated into Qin Yu's heart.

After all, she won?

"Yuyu!" Jiaojiao panicked, but she saw Tianjingsha withdraw suddenly, and her fingers were pulled out of Qin Yu's heart, but the flute and sword that Qin Yu pulled out also slipped across her chest, from the waist up to the Slope your shoulders.

The deep wound almost tore apart Tian Jingsha's upper body.

The tip of the sword also penetrated into the flesh and blood to the bone.

Both lose.

The retreating Tian Jingsha stood there, the blood was quickly diluted by the water flow, and it turned red in a large area, and Qin Yu on the opposite side was similar, but. . . Qin Yu put his hand over his heart, and wrote lightly: "You should have known my physique a long time ago. It's nothing to hurt me with such flesh and blood, but you still take the risk, there is poison on the nails, right?"

Tian Jingsha: "Yuyuan poison can infinitely weaken the flesh regeneration ability of the undead line. I hope it will have a better effect on you. It's not in vain for me to take such a risk."

Qin Yu already felt the horror of this poison, because her heart recovered very slowly, but she couldn't die.

But even so, Qin Yu just took a deep look at Tianjingsha, "Is it risking your life?"

At that time, Jiaojiao had already blocked Tianjingsha's way from behind, with a murderous intent.

The severely injured Tianjingsha was pale, but he was not timid. He just said: "You are seriously injured and have no fighting power. He can only protect you. If he wants to kill me, it may not be enough."

Aren't you seriously injured? Jiaojiao was about to yell at her and launch an attack, but she was suddenly taken aback, because the wound on Tian Jingsha's upper body that was almost severed had healed at a frightening speed.

Jiaojiao was extremely shocked by the coercion that emanated, and she teleported directly to Qin Yu's side. Obviously, he chose to protect Qin Yu instead of chasing and killing Tian Jingsha.

The recovering Tianjingsha reached out his hand, and the ice-blue spear inserted into the rock wall in the distance buzzed and flew into his palm at random. After holding it, Tianjingsha turned around and wanted to leave, suddenly!

The corners of her mouth were red and she spat out a mouthful of blood. She suddenly turned to look at Qin Yu, only to see Qin Yu grinning at her, "I also gave you a poison, but it was created by myself. You may not know it. If you insist Ask, then I’ll tell you—it’s called dry wood and fire. I hope the effect on you can be better, and it’s not in vain that I wasted so much energy on research.”

At that moment, Jiaojiao couldn't describe the expression of this Bingshan-like villain.

Maybe at first it was ice-cold mixed with disbelief, unbelievable mixed with monstrous anger, and then quickly switched to calmness after anger—in order to suppress the monstrous um. . Indescribable impulse.

The jade face of Sai Xue Shengshuang was dyed crimson, which was extremely obvious in the water.

Explode in situ? Not so, at best it is an avalanche in the snow mountain of ten thousand years.

But even so, Qin Yu took the time to ignite a bomb.

"By the way, I would like to remind you that after it comes into contact with flesh and blood, it contains a pheromone that can attract all male sea beasts within a thousand miles..."

Tian Jingsha bit her lower lip lightly, and said grimly, "Qin Yu, I hope you don't die, we have a bright future."

She turned around and shot out, not even caring about chasing the Supreme Lingkui, but her back suddenly staggered, grabbed the stone wall and spat out another mouthful of blood, and then quickly flashed into the darkness.

Because I heard Qin Yu's harsh words later: "I told her that it was a male sea beast, and she still wanted to rape me. The evil way is the evil way, and there is no restraint and indiscretion."

Jiaojiao: "..."

She vomited blood, she vomited blood again, Yuyu, you are really amazing.

——I take back what I said before that you have always been sympathetic and tolerant towards beautiful women.

Huang Jinbi Sensen felt that Qin Yu didn't need to go to heaven in the matter of talking, because he was already invincible.

Mainly because I am shameless enough.

——But you know that she will attack you nine times out of ten, why did you send her to your door to let her poison you next time?

Qin Yu touched the wound on his chest, and answered Huang Jinbi, "Do you think my face is pale enough now?

Huang Jinbi suddenly understood, lure the enemy, obviously, Tianjingsha is not Qin Yu's main target.

But at this moment, a loud noise suddenly erupted in the grotto, followed by a roar, and the water surged.

"Ah, the expulsion was successful, it's amazing."

Qin Yu never felt that he was the main character, and the capture of Supreme Lingkui could be missing either Tian Jingsha or Qin Yu, but it would work out in the end, because there were still too many powerful people.

"That dog man is here, why can't things happen." Qin Yu muttered and rushed up.

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