I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2087 Heartbreaking Words


Some people say that being shameless is a kind of obstinacy, a clinging worm, dead but not stiff.

It is also said that indecency is a kind of soul nature, interest, and charm.

The premise is - she is extremely beautiful, shockingly beautiful, no matter if she is as quiet as a virgin or as moving as a rabbit.

At that time, beside the Longxiang water, on the green and wet rock, she was lying there with her face turned to one side, her complexion was pale, her outline was delicate, her eyes seemed to have flowers, and the circles were like ripples of lotus patterns blooming in ink, Layer after layer is a layer of hypocrisy and secrecy.

Her wit, her naughtiness, her indecency.

Always bloom, sometimes wither.

It's hard to tell the truth from the fake.

Fang Yourong saw it all in his eyes, and after a short flash of waves in his eyes, he immediately returned to silence,

But he didn't put his palm away, he just responded to the interesting and shameless question of the person in his arms.

"It's bleeding."

What an easy answer.

It is in stark contrast to the various "Fuck!", "Damn!", "MD!" interpreted by the people around them with their voices or expressions.

Quite dignified and devoid of cleverness, Fang Yourong was very serious, not in a high mood, even a little depressed.

However, Qin Yu, who wanted to get away with some nonsense, was stunned.

She seems to have done something wrong.

But Qin Yu thinks so fast. Sometimes, her thoughts are faster than her emotions, so she is rarely involved in emotions, even her parents are the same—reason is faster than emotion, so she can make the most correct Select, solve all problems.

Facing Fang Yourong, Qin Yu knew that the only way out was——It's a bit difficult to be cute with salted fish blood all over him, so let's make it miserable.

I saw Qin Yu struggling to take a breath of cold air like gossamer, curling his fingers slightly, pulling Fang Yourong's drenched sleeves lightly and heavily, pulling out the folds, his voice was as thin as cicada's wings, soft as autumn rain.

"Senior Sister, my heart is broken and it hurts a little."

It's not to be pretentious, but to restrain the hidden pain that is hard to vent.

The pain of ecstasy, the confession of soul-wrenching.

With this sound, the hearts of all the bosses with a viciousness index above 98% suddenly tightened when they heard this sound.

This Qingqiu is really not a good thing, he has the same skills of bewitching as that Supreme Lingkui! Absolutely!

Fang Yourong's fingers also froze, and his gaze coolly glanced at someone who was pursing his thin red lips as if he was in pain, and his gaze suddenly softened a lot.

——I remember the way you didn't even blink your eyes when you first died.

Jiaojiao: "I think she didn't even blink when she jumped into the lava and melted."

Now look, there are tears in the corners of my eyes, and I can't shed them.

The king of bitches is gone.

Qin Yu still plans to make persistent efforts, and it is best to let Fang Yourong feel so sorry for her that she will forget the criminal history of Gu Chen's old dog being killed by her.

At this moment, suddenly there was a tall shadow covering him, he was already about to leave, but he just strode back and got off the rock in one step and two steps.

Just like the door god, he stood on the side in fear, condescending, mean and unkind, and said a word.

"If your heart is broken, I have a steel needle and silk thread here, do you want to sew it up? But you have to take out the broken heart first, do you want a spoon?"

The old housekeeper at the back is blessed to the soul, the service effect is MAX, and he is actually a big boss with spatial ability.

The left hand looks like the extremely thick steel needle inserted into the barbecue, and the extremely tough fish dragon silk is hooked on the finger, and the right hand breaks the water ladle.

Fang Yourong: "..."

Qin Yu: "..."

Bitch, get out of here!

paralysis! You bastard always want to hurt me!

In such an atmosphere, finally!

Wow! Jiaojiao jumped out of the water and landed beside Qin Yu. The big tail and the fat cat's paws rubbed against the soft waist, Jiao Didi, soft and cute, with her own misery, "Qiaoqiu, Qiuqiu, you are so miserable , shed a lot of blood, what can I do...you are not dead yet, so many people are greedy for your body."

In front of so many people, when Mojun, Wanqi Baobao, and Xue Sheng looked like they were eating shit, Jiaojiao climbed onto Qin Yu's body, stepped on her chest to Qin Yu's shoulder, bowed her head and stretched out her powder The tender cat's tongue licked Qin Yu's face.

In the end, he even gave Fang Yourong and Lin a wild and smug look.

snort! Don't say that Yuyu is not dead, even if she is dead, only I, Qin Jiaojiao, can dance on her grave, you guys are nothing!


Soon, the Supreme Lingkui was arrested, and under the intervention of a powerful door god by a certain strongest alien emperor, and Jiaojiao's last stroke of genius, the weak, lonely, seriously injured, yet strong and beautiful Lord Qingqiu was also taken away by Wuque's people Healed.

Everyone is really happy, happy and happy!

After everyone left this place with their own thoughts, the distant depths of the Dragon Elephant Sea, the place where sea beasts surged and gathered, was deep and mysterious, and a shadow of an ice-blue snow robe appeared faintly. Soon, she changed, and the moment she changed... , those sea beasts were terrified, but they were instantly swallowed by the terrifying turbulence.


The remaining ripples trembled for a while, like absolute silence.


A pair of sharp pupils full of stars and ice opened, like infinitely enlarged mysterious pupils of ice and snow, extremely dazzling in the darkness.


The Supreme Lingkui is the top priority, and the news of its capture will naturally be passed back to Little Penglai soon, but no matter when Little Penglai responds, other forces, including aliens, will not let this time limit be extended.

Tianzangjing and Haiwang Jianjun can only survive for three days.

On the third day, he had to face the pressure of the crowd, show the Supreme Lingkui in public, and press for the location of the ancient emperor's tomb.

"And then?" Qin Yu, who was recovering, listened to Xuan Luobai, who came to visit him, describe the situation in cadenced language.

Beside him, there was Qiu Ran silently peeling melons and fruits with a small knife in his broad palm. After peeling out the flesh, he silently handed it to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu also took it naturally, biting a small piece with his snow-white teeth and chewing lightly, looking at Xuan Luobai while eating the melon.

Xuan Luobai likes such serious listeners.

"Then? Then I asked the Supreme Lingkui. It is really a big deal to talk about the Supreme Lingkui. Facing so many questions from big bosses, it refused to say anything, but scolded them one by one. The boss is so angry that even the best-tempered colorless host is helpless."

colorless? That great monk who looks heavenly and beautiful.

"Oh, what was he scolded for?"

"Oh, call him a little boy, a bitch, like a woman."

Qin Yu smiled lowly, "I'm not wrong. Fortunately, he has no hair. If he had long hair that reached his waist, he might really be the most beautiful man in the world."

With a gurgling smile, she did not forget to miss her apprentice, "His apprentice is also good-looking."

Xuan Luobai didn't think anything of it. His old sister was also a female cultivator who was sexually addicted. After all, in their family of immortal cultivators, female cultivators had a high status and a natural heart. Do you appreciate beauty? . .

"Anyway, they've all been scolded, and there's nothing they can do about that Supreme Lingkui."

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows, "Can't we kill it directly? If we kill it, wouldn't the treasure be revealed?"

The ruthlessness is still my sister Yu's ruthlessness.

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