I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2088 Gossip? (end, go to sleep)

"The Demon King and the others have this idea, but Bai Mei and Xue Sheng feel that the Supreme Lingkui is not the same as the big and small Lingkui after all, and the ancient emperor's mausoleum is not an ordinary opportunity. It is impossible for the entire treasure to be hidden in the Supreme Lingkui. In the space, Haiwang Jianjun said that he would bring the Supreme Lingkui back to Xiaopenglai for investigation, but the others did not agree... Later, it was the Emperor Lin who suggested that people with space abilities should jointly search the space content of the Supreme Lingkui , so as to judge whether the ancient emperor's tomb exists."

This idea is effective, and it is also the one that most agrees with the interests of other people besides Little Penglai.

Send it back to Little Penglai?

Ah! The dream that Haiwang Jianjun had was quite beautiful.

"Has it been found out?"

"It was found out that although the space content of the Supreme Lingkui is not small, it is not enough to support an ancient emperor's tomb, so after they discussed it, they agreed that the Supreme Lingkui was only related to the entrance of the ancient emperor's tomb and did not own it, so Killing it is useless, but it will cut off the only way to enter the ancient emperor's mausoleum."

"Then it won't be able to handle the Supreme Lingkui?"

"No, the Supreme Lingkui is so arrogant. If you want this or that, there is no food in the Tianshu Secret Realm. You have to let the people from Little Penglai go out to buy it. Really..."

Qin Yu raised his eyes slightly when he heard the words, thoughtfully, but with a smile on his lips, "Those old foxes have never been willing to suffer, since they can follow them to meet their requirements, they will definitely get benefits - it is the Supreme Spirit Did Qui let go?"

Xuan Luobai's eyes lit up, and when he was about to say something, Yu Yanzhi, who was reading by the side, spoke first.

"It doesn't just want food and drink, but another requirement. If it is satisfied, it is willing to explain the entrance of the ancient emperor's tomb and act as a guide."

"Hey, that little thing has bent so early? I'm afraid it's not easy to meet this request."

"That's not true." The jade banquet was as cold as warm jade, "It's very strange what it wants, it's..."

The door suddenly opened.

Fang Yourong, who was wearing a thin homely shirt, walked in with a soup and medicine, and the jade pendant hanging from his waist was swaying, making him look slim and long-legged.

Afterwards, Xiao Tingyun and Arsenaudius walked in, and the three stunning women walked in one after the other. It was pleasing to the eye and had a great impact. Xuan Luo's white eyes lit up, and he felt that he was going to be drunk, but obviously, they The shock was nothing compared to the gazes of the three of you, the three girls all paused, and their gazes swept across the room.

From Xuan Luobai to Qiuran to Yuyanzhi and Xiao Baitian.

Then he looked at Qin Yu who was lying on the bed surrounded by four men.

Qin Yu: "???"

What kind of eyes do you have? It's like looking at scum.

What happened to my old lady.

Obviously recuperating obediently. . .


"What the hell? Gossip?!" Qin Yu was stunned for a moment, holding up the gnawed fruit pit for three seconds in a daze, and then Fang Yourong directly picked up the pit and threw it into the nearby trash can.

Xuan Luobai and the others had slightly different expressions, but they didn't show much.

Fang Yourong's eyes flickered, looking at, but also indifferent, thinking to himself that these few could be so stable, maybe they were reminded by Xiao Tingyun in advance.

She lowered her eyes, poured the decoction into a bowl, and said lightly: "The Supreme Lingkui said that it has a fixed nature, and its favorite thing is to listen to gossip, but it used to be buried in the ground for too long, and everyone has to wait to prepare for it." Let it listen to such interesting gossip, and when it is satisfied, tell the secret."

Qin Yu couldn't hold back, "This little thing is pretty cheap."

"It's pretty cheap..." Xuan Luo Bai was about to continue chatting, but suddenly noticed something, stood up immediately, and pulled Xiao Baitian to give the chair to Xiao Tingyun and the others.

Xiao Tingyun was polite and gave the chair to Fang Yourong. Fang Yourong glanced at the latter, thanked him and handed the medicine to Qin Yu.

When Qin Yu smelled the smell, his face changed slightly, and he couldn't help asking: "Senior sister, how do I feel about this medicine..."

Fang Yourong: "No?"

Qin Yu: "Ugh, it smells a bit..."

Fang Yourong put down the medicine pot with a powerful voice, and glanced over, "Do you want to drink?"

Oh my god, this look is so scary, it scares the baby to death, Jiaojiao at the side hastily took it for Qin Yu and handed it to Qin Yu.

One person and one cat exchanged glances, Qin Yu was scared, and hurriedly gulped down the drink.

Don't forget to blow a wave after drinking.

"Well, as expected of Senior Sister, it's really a good pot of medicine."

This Qin Xiaoyu is really a Pipi shrimp.

Xiao Tingyun almost couldn't hold it back, his eyes turned slightly, and he caught a glimpse of Fang Yourong's hand paused, with a forbearing expression on his face.

It's not easy, to endure this for so many years and still be so polite.

"Hey, Sister Xiao and Sister Arthur are here, sit down, what do you want to drink?"

The taste of the medicine is easy to get, that taste. . . It's so fragrant.

No, no, thank you.

Xiao Tingyun sat down and condoled Qin Yu's injury. She was close but not familiar. Appreciate, but not enthusiastic.

Fang Yourong refused to comment on this, because she knew that this appearance might be a play.

The opponent's acting skills may be amazing, and judgment is meaningless.

"You talk, I'll go out."

Fang Yourong took Qin Yu's finished bowl and was about to go out, but Qin Yu grabbed his sleeves. Looking back, he saw someone begging like a chicken, "Senior sister, I'm weak now, and my body is delicate and soft. Easy to push down, are you at ease?"

Xiao Tingyun and others:? ? ? What are you trying to imply?

Fang Yourong: It is my little junior sister who is the most proficient in selling allies.

Fang Yourong still stayed.

After the discussion, it was natural to continue the previous topic and mention the perverted request of the Supreme Lingkui.

"Gossip or something, there is a request, what aspect is it about?"

Qin Yu was very interested in this, Xiao Tingyun: "I asked, it said that there is no requirement, anyway, gossip is enough, what does Miss Qingqiu think about this?"

He's obviously a very familiar person, but Qin Yu is a gossipy bitch, don't you know what's going on?

Jiaojiao next to her was slanderous in her heart, but on the surface she was pure and ignorant, just eating melons for herself.

"Gossip is just like gossip. It lies in two aspects. One is gossip about people close or caring, which stems from curiosity and concern, or is maliciously arranged. It’s the same, just like Tian Jingsha’s avatar of the courtesan in the brothel, originally Bingqing Yujie is a showman and does not sell her body, if at any time she suddenly wants to sell her body, the news will be big gossip.”

She analyzed the proposal very seriously, but Jiaojiao knew very well that this guy was cleaning the sand in the dark, there was nothing he could do, he beat her.

She is not allowed to blackmail the other party!

Fang Yourong crossed his arms and leaned against the window, "Then do you have any suggestions?"

This is a very serious inquiry.

Xiao Tingyun has already learned about Fang Yourong's past from many other people's massacre information, so she can judge her temperament. According to Fang Yourong's current situation and ability, she should have no extravagant expectations about the ancient emperor's tomb, even for the sake of nothing. , before the people from the Wuque Prison came, she didn't have to show up, otherwise she would be dealt with by the Demon Lord and others.

Probably for Qin Yu's sake.

originally. . . Qin Yu should be a strong competitor, but he didn't participate in the interrogation for the past few days because of the heavy injury.

"Gossip or something, let's start with those big bosses, especially those who beat it the hardest. It must hate them very much, and it must be very concerned about their gossip. Let me prepare one or two for you. For example, the dog man of the devil, it is rumored that he can control thousands of girls overnight, but it is not that exaggerated, there are only a few hundred, now I ask you a math question, the devil usually closes the door to sleep at ten o'clock in the evening, and wakes up at eight o'clock in the morning , a total of 380 people, how much time does each person need, now the answering time begins..."

Qin Yu was serious about making suggestions, and even prepared the exercises.

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