I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2090 Provocation? (End, please vote more, so I can add more and speed up the plot)


Arsenaudius entered the door with Jiaojiao in his arms, just in time to meet the butler of the State of Lin talking about the dark history of Baby Wanqi in a poetry-like voice.

At that moment, she noticed that many female cultivators were elated.

It doesn't really matter whether the chest is flat or not, everyone is a female cultivator and knows how to respect it, the main reason is that the baby is usually too inhuman.

How many people have been bullied by her?

It's just that Qin Yu bears the main firepower.

Now that black history is exposed, isn't it embarrassing?

Baby Wan Teng froze at first, but soon grinned, "I will continue to eat in the future, and you can eat if you have the ability."

Many goddesses: "..."

Yingying can be held very well, no need.

Wan Teng's baby was shameless, but others might not be able to bear it. The atmosphere in the courtyard was once distorted, comparable to an indiscriminate and large-scale attack.

Fortunately, Arsenaudius came in and attracted everyone's attention, especially the Supreme Lingkui, who quickly glanced at Jiaojiao and Arsenaudius, but didn't say anything.

Xiao Tingyun glanced at Jiaojiao in her arms, Jiaojiao flinched, covering her face with her tail.

"No progress?" asked Arthenodis.

Xiao Tingyun: "Does it count to listen to the secret history of gossip for an hour or two?"

That was really hard work.

Arsenaudius didn't talk much, since he's here, he can wait with peace of mind.

When the old steward finished reading the long list of gossips, Xue Sheng calmly asked if he was satisfied, and if he could tell the secret of the entrance to the ancient emperor's mausoleum.

"No, it's still a little bit worse." The Supreme Lingkui twisted his buttocks in the net, and asked the old housekeeper, "Hey, is there any more?"

The old butler was also kind, no matter what he thought in his heart, he only showed a look of embarrassment, "I have done my best."

Still wondering, whose black history hasn't been uncovered here? There are very few.

But they suspected that the Supreme Lingkui was playing tricks on them on purpose.

"So much gossip, isn't it enough? If you don't give a standard, how can you fill it up? Could it be that you are playing around with us?"

The devil asked with a sneer.

Nangong Mei has been upset for a long time, so upset that it was the first time she agreed with the Demon Lord, "I think it is just delaying time, maybe it is thinking of a crooked way to get out."

In fact, it was not the questioning of the two uncles in anger, but other people thought so too.

It's been a long time since I've lived, a good treasure troll, nothing else is good, good people gossip, you pervert!

The Supreme Lingkui, who was glared at and attacked by everyone, was not afraid at all, and groaned with his hips on his hips: "You are so perverted! Do you think I am just gossiping? That is because you don't know my power, my natural ability! Do you know what it is? ?do you know?!"

The straightforward and deafening question was met with an even more confident answer in a milky voice.

"Talent is not pure gossip?" Jiaojiao couldn't see that people other than herself and Qin Yu were so stupid, so she put her hips on her hips and ran over.

Supreme Lingkui: "..."

What the hell you said makes sense, I'm almost speechless.

"You big fat cat, you know shit! I mean I gossip, not gossip for the sake of gossip, not for these contents, but because these contents can be used as energy for my talents, do you understand? Just like a hungry pig It's normal to eat to maintain physical strength..."

"Aww, right, right!" Jiaojiao immediately agreed with him, "Like a pig!"

Paralyzed, mad at me!

Supreme Lingkui was furious, and immediately said bitterly: "You don't believe it, do you? In fact, I don't need you to provide gossip at all. As long as I want, I can know the secrets of many people, because this is my talent! I just need this It's just a kind of energy... Take it from the people and use it to the people, do you understand?"

Obviously don't understand, especially the way the big fat cat rolled its eyes.

The Supreme Lingkui exploded in anger!

"Ah! I knew you didn't believe me! Look at it, it will make your dog eyes blind!"

Then, in front of everyone, it stepped on the net surface of the sky net, spread its legs, squatted its buttocks, and drank! Here comes a solid horse step!

Then its supernatural talent kicks in.

Zamabu's hands stretched open, so it was revealed, revealed. . . .

A certain huge natural forest, that dreamy and beautiful area, looking up, there are clusters of dense starlight flower trees, the petals are hand in hand, and the pavilions are covered.

A woman with arms crossed, standing on a branch leaning against a tree trunk, looking at the sea of ​​flowers in the sky, seems to be missing something, her profile face is beautiful and graceful, radiating the brilliance of her whole body, suppressing the chaos of mortals, leaving only the eyes that hang down for a moment Disappointed.

In another blink of an eye, on another flower tree far away from the tall flower tree, there is a delicate and slender silver-white temple. This temple is just a side hall, but there is an elf sitting on the throne in the universe , put his hands on his thighs, crossed his fingertips, and looked at that place quietly and forever.

She was looking at the sea of ​​stars and flowers, and he was looking at her.

That night, every night.

The courtyard was loyal, and the atmosphere seemed strange. Someone looked back and forth at De Lancalester and Xiao Tingyun.

The former is still dignified and cold, while the latter is indifferent and calm, unshakable by this matter.

It seems that the admiration that is almost ready to come out in the picture is just a cloud, vague and elusive.

These two people were tight-fisted. Some people tried to see some points from the others, but they could see it. The big white fat man and the others seemed to be surprised. They obviously didn't know about it, but Arthenodis knew it.

She knew it a long time ago, but she didn't think it was a big deal, and there was nothing worth talking about.

Not to mention, Supreme Lingkui felt a little ashamed, not to mention that because Jiaojiao was afraid of Xiao Tingyun's embarrassment, she took the initiative to mention: "You are so perverted, and if this kind of thing is released, you can't make some arrangements, such as the overall situation of the world." , the people's livelihood and the economy, for the sake of life, you can't always think about the one-acre three-point land in front of you, you have to have a big! Bureau! View!"

Oh my god, it's so cool! No wonder Yuyu likes to put on a high profile so much and talk nonsense.

When Jiaojiao was feeling refreshed, Supreme Lingkui suddenly narrowed his eyes and sneered, "If you don't tell me, I'd have forgotten it. You really need to see the big picture. I still lack one-third of the power of gossip. The stronger the gossip, People, the stronger the aptitude, or the people who have a great influence on the situation in various worlds, their gossip is especially valuable, swallowing one can equal ten others! So that Qingqiu..."

Jiaojiao was startled, suddenly had a bad premonition, and was about to stop it, but it was too late.

The Supreme Lingkui took another step!


a certain room.

A certain person was sitting on the bed, eating a melon with a weak and beautiful smile, and said a few words.

No hair, all over the country, the apprentice is also good-looking.

Everyone tasted that smile in a trance—her smile was also tasting the beauty of two monks.

Everyone looked at the colorless master and apprentice.

Wu'an's expression was strange and a little uncertain, Wu Se raised his hand and landed on his shoulder, and patted him lightly, making the former calm down instantly, feeling a little ashamed, while Wu Se was as stable as Mount Tai, smiling at Supreme Lingkui.

It's like looking at an ignorant child.

Xiao Tingyun glanced at Xuan Luo Bai and the others, Xuan Luo Bai's chrysanthemum tightened, and he lowered his head to hide behind.

Jiaojiao was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed, "I said how powerful you are, just this little shit, this is nothing to my Yuyu, why don't you just molested two monks, big and small!"

Everyone: "..."

Two monks, big and small: "..."

Supreme Lingkui glanced at him sideways, "Don't provoke me, I am a person who cannot stand provocation."

Then move Qi to the dantian, and suddenly take another horse step like a constipation patient.

This time, the horse stance was much, much stronger than usual, and that kind of momentum shocked the whole world.

Jiaojiao was also surprised, what the hell is going on? !

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