I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2091 Ghost story? (first update)

At a glance, two people appear in the picture, the flowers and trees line up, and the willows on the opposite side. The spring breeze blows, but the waves are calm, and the petals are flying slowly, floating around the sky, dyeing the breeze.

A man and a woman were clearly standing on the stone road, facing the lake.

Jiaojiao's face darkened, and she glared angrily at Supreme Lingkui, but the latter was very proud, and looked at the old butler with her hands on her hips, "Your family has given me so much gossip, why don't you mess with your emperor? A dead fellow is not a poor Taoist?" "

The old housekeeper smiled: "How dare we speak nonsense about the emperor's affairs."

Supreme Lingkui: "I don't think you know, this man and a woman I have seen for a long time and felt that their relationship is not normal!"

The old steward recalled his emperor's previous attitude, and thought to himself that this was the first time the two had met. At best, the emperor had a good impression of this person. As for gossip in the past, there must have been no gossip.

"Your Majesty and Your Excellency Qingqiu are not acquainted, and there is no gossip to read. I hope that Your Excellency Lingkui, you can restrain yourself."

The old butler smiled, but there was a threat in his eyes, hoping that the Supreme Lingkui would remove its power.

He had just finished speaking.

Face to face, with a distance of less than three meters, Emperor Lin in the picture had his hands behind his back, and asked lightly: "My past seems to have you."

The words he used were simple, concise, and seemed to be a casual sentence, so he didn't take it to heart, but Qin Yu knew him too well, and wondered if this person had recovered some memories, and why he was looking for her. . .

"Does Lord Lin know what he is now?"

"you say."

"Like a country boy, when he sees a girl he likes, he strikes up a conversation carefully."

Qin Yu deliberately stimulated him, and Emperor Lin said, "Just because I gave up on Supreme Lingkui's affairs, I came here on purpose, and it was intentional and prepared. What I said just now...was a bit of a sentence? Let you see it?"

Qin Yu was dressed thinly, and her thin robe was untied and loose. When the wind came, it seemed that she was going to pull her waist and float away. Hearing this, he smiled, "It's also possible that you, Emperor Lin, I did it on purpose to make me misunderstand, it’s best to let an ordinary woman like me be so excited and moved by you, and then let you decide..."

He waited for her to finish before speaking, when Yu Feng was quiet.

"The first sentence I said to you, I really thought about it for a long time. I chose words and sentences carefully."

He said seriously.


Dog man, if it wasn't for my rich experience, I would definitely be teased by you.

"I, in my last life, must have taken you very seriously, and even affected me now."

He has mentioned the previous life, even if he has not recovered his memory, he is not ignorant anymore.

Eternal body.

Qin Yu lightly stroked her fluttering hair, "So are you here to ask me about your past life? Or are you here to test whether I have a past with you?"

Lin Heng: "It's not the main purpose, but I tried to give up this curiosity and treat you as ordinary, but it seems that I can't do it. It has a big impact on me. In the future, I'm afraid I will still be curious about you , and then continue to test - I think, you are a little disgusted."

Qin Yu: "It's not disgusting, it's just that you are very powerful and not easy to provoke."

Some people reject people, and hand out good person cards casually. Some people reject people because they first judge the other party as a bad person, so the reason is that it is not easy to provoke.

She is a person with a strong sense of self-preservation.

I don't know if my past self was folded on this.

"Since that's the case, why don't you tell me frankly that I'll lose interest when I know it. When I see you in the future, I'll only measure everything based on interests. It's best for you and me."

Qin Yu seemed to think for a moment, before saying: "It seems to make sense, you can be sure that I said, you are not interested?"

"Need I swear?"

"No need, a man's vow is like a sow climbing a tree."

"...Did the man offend you, or did the sow offend you?"


Sure enough, he was still that dog man, so he couldn't let her be proud for a second.

Qin Yu pursed his lips slightly, turned sideways, crossed his arms, looked into the distance, and talked about their past in a sad tone.

"In the last life, we used to be husband and wife, a bright matchmaker is getting married, and we have ten miles of red makeup."

Emperor Lin was startled, he had never been able to control his expression for a moment because he always kept his emotions out of his face. . .

Not only him, perhaps many people were stunned!

couple? This woman can marry out? ! ! The devil thinks so.

Then I heard the following words.

"But you have someone else in your heart, that woman, named Bailian."

——I moved the stool, Ms. Bailian.

"You love her, you miss her day and night, but you still marry me, do you know why?"

——In order to stab you in the thigh, and then feed you porridge.

"Great plan and hegemony? At first I also thought it was true, so I wanted to make it happen. When you aspire to the world and give the position of empress to your beloved, I am also willing."

——After he proclaimed the emperor, you would go to the harem, and later robbed him of the throne and became the empress.

"Unfortunately not."

"You marry me..."

She turned her face away, with a faint light in her eyes.

"It's for my kidney."

——! ! ! ! !

The golden wall, which has been complaining secretly, got stuck for a while.

Lin Heng: "..."

He wanted to say something, but for a moment he didn't know how to speak.

He thought he might be poisoned.

Not far away, the beautiful woman who seemed to be floating away looked sad, but also calm, indifferent and serene.

"Because Bai Lian has a terminal illness."

"You want to kill me and dig out my kidneys, and there are two of them."

"After I found out... I was more sad than heartbroken, and ended up lying on the marriage bed where you and I got married, and let you dig out my kidney."

——He climbed into your bed carefully and shamelessly, and never touched a single hair of you until his death.

Huang Jinbi rolled his eyes and wanted to complain, but was soon speechless.

Because Qin Yu said the following sentence.

"When I died, there were two tears of blood in the corner of my eyes, just looking at you, looking at you, do you remember?"

The wind is a little cool, and the scenery is a little bleak.

In the distance, a crow seemed to land on a branch, rattled, and then dropped a pile of shit.

What is an emperor? The emperor is to kill decisively and have the spirit of a king.

What is king.

Takeover! bear! Forbearance!

So Emperor Lin stabilized, and after he stabilized, he said something to Qin Yu in a graceful manner after the crow shit.

"I think what you're telling might be a scary ghost story."

Qin Yu: "As a person whose kidney has been poached, I don't even think so. Do you have the nerve to poach your kidney?"

Emperor Lin: "Then what happened later?"

Qin Yu: "You still ask me what happened after I'm dead?"

Emperor Lin: "It's so miserable, there is no lingering ghost? Can't you stay in the world to see the end of me and that white lotus?"

Are you a person? I'm so miserable, you still want me to haunt you and watch you stay and fly together?


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