I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2100 Shame


With a loud noise, the island was pierced. After the piercing, the waters cleared up. When the Demon King emerged from the water, the island behind him was smashed to pieces.

The whole island shattered.

The demon king standing in the water was drenched all over, and blood seeped out inch by inch from the inside of the demon armor, but it was not blood red, but pitch black.

The real devil's blood, the real leader of the devil's way, but he bleeds.

Staring at Qin Yu expressionlessly, his eyes were burning.

And Qin Yu, who was floating high in the sky, looked down at him, "You are right, I can't kill you without using the magic seed. Then, once you use it..."

With a wave of her hand, she held the king's staff and pointed it at him.

"You must die."

The Demon Lord narrowed his eyes and suddenly smiled.

"I admit that you are terrible, and your aptitude is far beyond mine."

"But the stronger you are, the less beneficial you are."

What do you mean by that?

Qin Yu frowned, but Mojun put one hand on his chest, with a strange calm expression on his face.

His chest melted into a vortex.

The vortex was neither big nor small, dark and twisted, but it had a terrible aura—for all demon species, it had a terrible ability to absorb.

At least people like Goutou who have demons in their bodies have a sense of uncontrollable surrender of the demons in their bodies-thinking about the past, wanting to be swallowed, wanting to surrender to him.

"Knowing that your talent in magic is better than mine, and you are also a white-eyed wolf who is not familiar with raising it, why should I give you the magic seed? It is nothing but profitable, and I am sure to control you. Of course, you have always been cunning and cautious, and you have already guessed, So you don’t want to use the demon seed lightly, and you have repeatedly used your powerful soul to suppress and control its demon nature.”

"Of course, your soul is far stronger than I expected."

"But so what?"

The Demon Lord stretched out his hand, and the black air that swam out of the vortex lingered on the palm of his hand.

"The demon seed I gave you was sacrificed to my soul. It belongs to me. You are just a breeding warehouse for it."

"Admit it, Qingqiu, you are defeated."

This is a reversal.

At that time, Qin Yu's frown couldn't change the powerful magic twisting and rioting in her body, which was an uncontrollable feeling.

And the devil in her body. . . Restless.

To be deprived!

And before the deprivation, the demon seed that had already taken root in her body was like a voracious blood-sucking worm, crazily absorbing the nutrients in her body, just like what happened to Liu Ru, who was exposed by Han Haichaoyi—the demon seed is a kind of black hole, It will devour all your strength and become the food of others.


People from Tianzangjing and Yansha Tower, Baimei and others have arrived.

Xue Sheng, Nangong Mei and Baimei were all shocked by the scene in front of them. Nangong Mei's face was ugly, "We can't let the demon king swallow that Qingqiu's demon seed, otherwise we won't be his match even if all of us work together!"

Baimei: "Then you go there first?"

Nangong Mei: "..."

No matter who passes first, it is impossible not to pass and let the situation develop like this.

The way of the devil, a little bit of the devil, it will definitely be the end of the Tianzang world-look at that kind of devil, so crazy that it even eats people in the Tao!

They were about to stop all this, but suddenly they were even more frightened by the next scene!

Qin Yu has been devoured by the demon seed in his body, every inch of his flesh and blood has been transformed and swallowed by it, then a crystal clear black and red crystal bead the size of an egg looks like a magnificent and perfect gem at a glance, dragging a long The black and red air flow flew towards the vortex of the Demon Lord's chest.

The corner of Mojun's mouth twitched, and finally smiled faintly.

Then. . . The smile on his face froze suddenly.

And the white and slender palm grew out of the demon-seeded gem, covering his face with a gentle and calm demonic energy.

It couldn't cover his face, but the terrifying magic lines growing from his palm invaded his facial features, starting from his eyes.

The Demon Monarch froze, trying to raise his hand to fight back, but he couldn’t, he was cursed. During the curse, his soul roared, trying to control the Demon Blade with his mind, but the Three Kings Scepter on the other side had already blocked it, making it unable to Inch and a half.

When the magic lines and curses are getting deeper and deeper into the devil, from the face to the neck, and then inch by inch,

The near-perfect remodeling of the demon seed, every inch of flesh and blood has been restored.

A green hill reappeared.

The black robe dragged to the ground, floating on the water surface, she was attached to the body, controlling the half-body standing in the water with one hand.

The four eyes are facing each other.

There was unwillingness in Mojun's eyes, as well as unresolved suspicion.

"You... already knew..."

The Demon Lord's voice was difficult and cold.

what do you know? Know the real secret of the demon seed?

"Yes, I know, from a long time ago—like raising pigs and then killing pigs... It's not just a man who has done it to me."

Qin Yu looked down at him, as if looking at an ignorant child, with deep and restrained eyebrows.

"One of them is Gu Chen, ah, at first, I thought he was trying to pick up Yin to replenish Yang, but it scared me when I was young, and I worried about my chastity day and night, only to find out later that he actually regarded me as a Cultivated by the carrier of the devil seed——At that time, I already knew what the devil seed is. It is a very good power system, but it is not easy to grow. You can see that the hidden devil seeds cultivated in various places have to lie dormant for a long time and absorb a lot of energy. Essence, blood and soul can become stronger, it's too wasteful of energy."

"But my Guchen master usually teaches tired laziness, but he is only enlightened on the magic seed."

Her fingers touched his skin that was constantly infested by magic patterns, from eyes to eyebrows, it was like a gentle and virtuous woman comforting her husband, "This makes me so happy, so it can be so Just play, and then... he died, and you sent him to your door."

Demon Lord: "You deliberately lured me."

Qin Yu: "Using other people's desires to achieve your own goals is much more noble than forcing others to do things you don't like, don't you think? Besides, don't say that you are innocent. In fact, you also have doubts Well, suspect that I joined the magic way on purpose."

Demon Lord: "I thought I could control everything."

Qin Yu: "No, you just think you can control me."

The devil wanted to admit this at first, but when he thought about being humiliated and raped by this woman in the past ten years, he was speechless for a while.

Shame, absolute shame.

"How did you manage to eliminate my covenant from the demon seed in your body? It stands to reason that you can't detect its existence at all."

Qin Yu took a deep look at him, "The fixed thinking of first come, first served is not good, because there is a word called coming from behind."

The Demon Monarch had an epiphany, she had mastered a higher level of inheritance of the Demonic Dao, which was related to the Covenant of the Demon Seed!

"This is the secret of my magic way, and you also have the ancient lineage of the magic way?"

Probably, the concubine of the patriarch must be one of the best figures in the ancient magic way, so the bellyband inheritance he left behind is so powerful, and it directly allowed her to get in touch with the core secrets of the magic seed.

"Probably, the inheritance is not too important, the important thing is that it is worthy of me."

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