I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2101 Frozen

The devil sneered, "Now that you have won, you can humiliate me as much as you like, but talking too much is a taboo for military strategists."

Qin Yu: "Isn't it because devouring requires a process? You have to bleed the pig first. Of course, you have to prepare the time for the demon seed to self-destruct."

"And I'll stop you before it blows itself up."

Her other hand suddenly placed on the demon seed vortex on his chest.

The devil's expression changed drastically, and he tried to detonate it directly, but failed because Qin Yu's fingers had already been inserted into his body, and the devil blood flowed from the fingertips, and the connection between the devil seed and his body was completely cut off by the magic lines flowing out from the fingers.


Qin Yu's brows were calm, and he said expressionlessly: "I told you to kneel down and beg me a long time ago, but you just refused."

Hiss! !

Because the demon seed was about to be deprived, the demonic energy in the demon's body was released, accompanied by countless wailing, as if he had hidden the souls and demonic nature of many people in his body. It was a ferocious resistance, and some even tried to bite Qin Yu, but they all Touch Qin Yu's skin and he will be destroyed.

Is she so touchable?

The fusion of the body of the fairy, the body of the blood-refining king, the body of the devil, and the three bodies made her body reach a level of terror. If it was controlled by her thoughts, the living beings would be destroyed at the touch of it.

The physique of the demon king was constantly being sucked into the demon seed in Qin Yu's palm, and while the devil's energy was leaking out, the demon seed in Qin Yu's palm became more and more obvious—just like she was about to be swallowed by the demon king before.

"It's the other way around, do you want to stop it?" Bai Mei asked.

Nangong Mei was about to speak, Bai Mei said: "You go first, after all, you Yansha Tower is the vanguard of exterminating demons, and you are at odds with that Qingqiu, if you don't move her now, you will be the first one she will kill in the future."

Nangong Mei: "..."

Sanxiu is indeed the most hated grasshopper, smooth and cunning but still pretending to be a fairy.

"You think I'm afraid?"

Nangong Mei has been fighting against the Demonic Dao for many years, how can she be a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, her hatred for the Demonic Way has been deeply rooted in her bone marrow, relatively speaking, Qingqiu swallowing the Demon Lord is more terrifying than the Demon Lord swallowing Qingqiu.

So Nangong Mei flew out, and the other two. . . Although Bai Mei had a smooth mouth, he actually went with Xue Sheng.

The right way, after all, is the right way!

But before they arrived, they saw the sea ahead. . .

That burst of blue light burst out, and it exploded directly after approaching Qin Yu and the Demon Lord.

Explosion, usually accompanied by flames, then has the explosive power to destroy everything.

But not this time, its eruption was accompanied by a freezing effect.

What effect?

Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow.

The person who did it was Tian Jingsha.


Fixed thinking is bad, Qin Yu just said this before, and Tianjingsha explained this truth online when he turned around.

In the past, she was the lord of the evil way, the frost polar region, she came to the ice and snow, strong, good at attacking, and even killed Qin Yu, like an assassin in close combat.

But turned around and joined forces with the demon king and Chen Hu to ambush Qin Yu again, single soul attack, and established the identity of the soul master.

But who would have thought that she could take another turn and turn into a surgery repairer.

Ice and snow repair, online freezing, from her arrival to her explosion in front of Qin Yu is an instant thing, even better than the space art department.

but. . . There are also spatial fluctuations!

She employs a spatial device.

Jiaojiao is of the space system, and she quickly caught the tricks.

"Yuyu, she has a space magic weapon on her body, wow, it's connected to that demon king!"

Backhand! It's really endless.

But there is no way, these three people are all very thoughtful, and Tianjingsha, who seems to be the most ascetic and icy, is also a scheming guy, so it's no surprise that Qin Yu will plot against Qin Yu so much—— The main reason is that Qin Yu deserves their careful calculations and repeated preparations.

The special effects are also awesome.

The entire sea area is frozen.

The body of the demon king on the water surface was frosted, and Qin Yu, who was holding his heart with one hand, was also frosted.

other people. . . Same!

It seems that in an instant all matter and all living beings seem to be frozen to death, the world is vast, and everything is silent—including Jiaojiao and the others, all turned into frost sculptures.

Except for one person.

The only person who was not frosted, a woman as beautiful as ice and snow, holding a spear in her hand, and the tip of the spear pierced Qin Yu's chest - just a little bit.

It is held.

Qin Yu held it and blocked it at that subtle distance.

But also frosted.

Tian Jingsha looked deeply at the target who was frosted by his final big move, and said coldly: "My bloodline talent is frozen, even if I can't shake that little prince's life, everyone else can kill him—unless you Stop me now and cut off the power of my blood."

Her words were both a reminder and a test - she wasn't sure if Qin Yu was really completely frozen by her.

So while speaking, he suddenly clenched the spear and stabbed hard!

Bang! ! The frost shattered.

Is it punctured?

No, it's an unblocking technique!

And it's a perfect unblocking spell!

Small success, medium success, big success, and after that, there will be a perfect level!

It has nothing to do with whether you are ascending or not, but if you can master the mastery under ascension, it obviously proves that you are the elite of the fairy family, but if you can master the perfect level under ascension, then It means that at least the Immortal Venerable will not run away in your future.

Qualifications are there.

The unsealing technique is also known as the most basic technique, and it is also the most difficult to master and the most difficult to improve. The basic technique is commonly known as the magic-breaking panacea, and the little master of cheating.

There is an awesome ultimate skill in kendo called One Sword Breaking Ten Thousand Laws, and the Judgment Department also has its own means to break one's own. In fact, it is the perfect level unblocking technique.

But not all spells can be broken - the premise is that your soul is stronger than the opponent, the realm attainments you master cannot be weaker than the opponent, and your spiritual power must keep up.

As for Tian Jingsha's terrifying bloodline innate skill, ordinary people can't break it even if they master the perfect unsealing technique.

But fortunately. . . Qin Yu is broken.

In fact, when the unsealing technique came out, Tianjingsha retreated.

Because Qin Yu hit the sword with his flute.

In fact, it was a very short moment.

distance. . . .

"Get away!"

Xue Sheng let out a low cry, clasped his hands together, hum! A round of water moon Pisces mask appeared, blocking the front!

This is the magic weapon of soul defense.

So the one in front is Soul Attack? !

Such a powerful soul attack spread across such a distance, which shows how powerful this wave of soul attack is.

who is it?

Sky clean sand? No, there is more than one Tianjingsha, and there are. . . .

Chen Hu!

He's not dead yet!

In other words, he was just pretending to be dead before.

Finally got the chance to join forces with Tianjingsha to attack Qin Yu, this is the best time - just when Qin Yu was concentrating on depriving the Demon King and the Demon Seed, and when she was attacking Tianjingsha

This process is difficult to terminate, she can only bear it!

So they did it.

then. . . Qin Yu is at the center of the soul attack!

Attacked together with the Demon Lord.

The demon king who was already seriously injured was seriously injured in his soul, and he vomited blood. He didn't care about being seriously injured. He only tried to fight back when Qin Yu was also seriously injured in his soul.

kill her!

This is also a tacit understanding that they didn't expect at first, but finally reached after being repeatedly beaten by Qin Yu.

Desperate to kill her!

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