I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2102 Demon


Oh, in fact, it was said that the three of them teamed up to kill Qin Yu. In fact, the real trinity attack was just that.

The demon king who fought back from the Jedi.

The sky is pure sand with all means.

Chen Hu, who cheated the corpse in situ.

The three joined forces for the last blow, causing the mountains and seas to overturn, causing the space to tremble, and finally ended in a line of light.

When the three connected, Qin Yu was that spot of light.

If the light spot is magnified countless times, it is the aurora with a blurred core.

That light may be the soul halo emanating from Zier hanging on her earlobe, or it may be the piano sound from the dharma clone that reappeared behind her.

More likely it was the first time in so many years that she had a completely undisguised full-scale burst of power.

Then. . . Let this end.


Light and dust go together, the waves are smooth, the mist and rain are light, and the sea is silent.

Then not far away, Chen Hu fell on the surface of the water dying, with a formation under his body, with the scepter of the Three Kings stuck in his chest, and was crucified to death.

The Demon King's legs were broken and he knelt there.

As for Tianjingsha. . . . The sword in the flute had pierced her chest.

"You purposely chatted nonsense with him to save me time, just to let Chen Hu and I come forward automatically, because even if you can defeat all of them with one-on-three, you may not be able to keep them all, and you must give up one or two, but Now...we are all in your hands!"

Tian Jingsha is a very smart person. She has never regretted her mistakes, but she can reflect deeply. You see, she has come to her senses now.

Why did Qin Yu want to keep them time, because in essence she wanted to keep all three of them - to kill them!

"Maybe it's also because I'm not sure to keep you completely, because for you, even if you fail this time, you can escape if the situation is wrong, and you can still come back next time. I don't want to do that."

Qin Yu accepted Tian Jingsha's guess.

In fact, among the three who attacked and killed, Qin Yu put the most energy into Tianjingsha. There is no way out, the evil choice boss, and Qin Yu has already confirmed that the other party is the evil choice through this series of contacts. The status is by no means inferior to one's own status in the golden house.

Just as the other party thought of Qin Yu, Qin Yu treated her the same way - kill her and get a reward!

Originally, this sword piercing, together with the counterattack soul attack just now, was enough to break the foundation of Tianjingsha.

Tianjingsha's chest had already started to disintegrate, and a large piece of frost shattered, as if what Qin Yu defeated was not a person, but a statue of ice and snow.

But when Qin Yu saw Tian Jingsha's eyes, he felt awe-inspiring, and suddenly slapped the other's shockingly beautiful face! And the palm is towards the opponent's brow!

How glamorous and moving that bit of cinnabar is, how decisive and vicious Qin Yu's palm is!

but. . . Crash!

Under the ice water that had been unsealed under the feet, a bright red streamer suddenly sprang up, slid around and engulfed Tian Jingsha's body, and when she sank into the water, Qin Yu summoned a thought, and Jiaojiao teleported over. The space blockade of the sea area.

Qin Yu still slammed his palm below the surface of the water.

The water wave trembled in a circle, but it spread directly to the center for hundreds of miles. The bottom of the sea area was rolled with sky-clean sand and continued to dive, but the ghostly red figure that was blocked in the space position could not avoid the palm, and seemed to tremble heavily, spitting out The bright red blood, but stretched out its claws and tore the space, tore open Jiaojiao's space blockade alive, and continued to escape with Tianjingsha.

Depend on!


"Damn it! It can tear open my blockade! Yuyu! They escaped!"

"If you run away, you will run away... I still underestimated her."

——This is also normal. The Dark Gold House and the Golden House exist on the same level. If you are at the same level, then she must not be weak.

— But at least she is not your opponent.

It's just that they couldn't keep it. It's easy to defeat but hard to kill.

"What was that just now? A monster? I just looked like a red snake." Jiaojiao couldn't help asking.

And even he didn't realize that there was such an existence hidden under the water.

"It's her avatar."

Qin Yu was thoughtful, "She actually has three clones."

The dormancy of the third clone is probably the escape route Tian Jingsha prepared for herself—if the three of them are really not her opponents in the end, at least, she can still escape.

Jiaojiao was dumbfounded.

This woman is amazing, but the cunning rabbit is only three caves, and she directly killed three lives?

Jiaojiao was not very happy about this, because the stronger the enemy, the more unfavorable it is to them, not to mention that this is equivalent to losing a big reward.

How about Qin Yu?

"It's okay, just get the reward next time." Qin Yu said, seemingly in a good mood, Jiaojiao and Huang Jinbi almost believed it.

Then they saw Qin Yu put his backhand on the demon king's head beside him.

At that moment, there seemed to be a similar scene.

Jiaojiao: Nine Yin White Bone Claws, Mei Chaofeng?

It may be more than that, Jiaojiao saw Qin Yu's other hand re-inserted into the demon king's chest, this time it didn't take long for her fingers to grab the demon seed and pull it out.

Blood flowed all over his hands, even spattered.


What's wrong with that? Obviously very upset.

The unhappy Qin Yu has always been ruthless!

The Demon Lord has been in a state of wanting to blew himself up, but was once stopped by Qin Yu.

The demons ravaged and crazily devoured his flesh and blood. His skin withered, his flesh and blood shrank, and his bones were crumbled inch by inch. However, during such a terrifying process, the demon lord looked at Qin Yu as if mocking him.

"Let her escape, I'm not happy."

Qin Yu: "Be a good old man, use other women to comfort yourself with the fact that you were defeated by another woman, and still be so yin and yang, I am very unhappy, you know... I still respected you very much before."

The Demon Lord sneered: "It's just coveting the demon seed, the matter has come to this, you don't have to be so hypocritical."

Qin Yu: "It's not a day or two for me to be hypocritical. I was at the beginning. It's a pity you didn't see it."

The Demon Lord was startled, as if he quickly remembered something, "In the past ten years, you have often visited my Demon Palace, in fact..."

Qin Yu smiled lightly, rubbed her fingers, and inserted her fingers into the brittle skull of the demon king, making him look hideous and terrifying, but she wore a beautiful and magical skin and smiled lightly: "The fat fish in the pond in your bedroom can Hey my fat cat, contacting those witches who prostitute you day and night can find out that you have borrowed their demon-seed hostility, and being close to that location, it will be convenient for me to sneak into the underground palace under your bedroom to secretly study the covenant technique of those demon-seeds. There is no omnipotent genius, but most of the survivors are those who are willing to be stupid and diligent.”

No matter how powerful the bellyband inheritance she got, it cannot be achieved overnight, and it needs to be calculated step by step.

The fragrance of hundreds of flowers she has always known is conceived by the long-term rain of the land.

"I have other plans. You knew it early on, but you despised it in the end."

"That's why it never occurred to me to ask your name."

"Those who despise me and lose in the end are not worthy of my memory."

Everyone knows Qin Yu's meanness, and people in the devil's way suffer greatly from it, it just depends on whether she likes to waste more words.

Right now, the overall situation has been decided, and any humiliation must be endured, even if the devil hates it extremely.

Tomorrow will still be the same rule, if you add 100, which is 2298, you will also add one more, solitaire relay, fairies.

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