I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2103 Prosperity! (Good morning fairies, ask for monthly tickets and subscriptions.)

The Demon Lord knew that he could not stand up, his soul and body were almost swallowed up by the demon seeds, and all of this would eventually become the capital for this woman to improve to a higher level in the future.

He tries to attack her and cause her pain.

"You deliberately attacked me and wanted me to suffer. You are actually taking revenge. If there is revenge, it must be because you have lost or suffered pain..."

The Demon Lord grinned before his destruction, ferocious and cold.

Qin Yu looked at him deeply, smiled too, and only replied lightly.

"You pulled out a knife and stabbed me, and then I grabbed the knife and hacked you to death. Who do you think the audience will cheer for?"

MD, heartbroken!

But this woman is asking for trouble!

The demon king's body has been completely swallowed into the pitch-black demon seed, and the remaining soul is constantly pulled by the vortex coiled by the demon seed in Qin Yu's palm, like a twisted dead soul. Devil... One day you will become the loser of others!!"

Qin Yu single-handedly controlled this extremely powerful king demon seed, speeding up the speed at which it devoured the demon king's soul, and said with a smile: "When a woman like me is a good person, if the sky falls, someone else must hold her back. It's fine to wait for death, but if you become a bad person..."

"Then no one can make me submit to other people's kingship."

With the last sentence, the demon king was shocked, and suddenly understood what Qin Yu's real intention was.


What she wants is the royal power of demons!

He seemed to want to say something, but he didn't have the chance, because he was swallowed by the demon seed.

After successfully devouring the demon king's soul, the demon seed's spirituality has reached its peak. It also knew the threat from Qin Yu, so it made a sharp roar and tried to escape from Qin Yu's grasp.

but. . . The slender five fingers firmly grasped it, and it could not escape, but could only continue to struggle, while Qin Yu turned his head to look at Xue Sheng and other righteous experts who rushed not far away.

"He just said that I will be defeated by others, who?"

"Are you?"

Just these two words, facing her deep eyes, even Xue Sheng and the three lords could not help but shudder.

Go up, go up!

Bai Mei still looked at Nangong Mei.

Nangong Mei just wanted to blow the old dog's head off with one blow!

But Nangong Mei is Nangong Mei after all, he just had a cold face and showed his attitude towards Qin Yu, "I cannot coexist with the righteous way and the evil way, even if you are so powerful, I will wait..."

His attitude was too sharp, so sharp that the dharma clone behind Qin Yu moved his fingers, and the sound of the piano fluttered, buzzing. . . A sweep.

The souls of the three lords and the righteous powerhouses who gathered thousands of meters away were all injured in their souls, and they vomited blood one after another.

But Nangong Mei was the one who was most injured, and the soul sound attack was the main attack on him!


After Nangong Mei vomited blood, the old man with white eyebrows looked solemn, horrified in his heart, and silently moved away.

This is too strong!

Xue Sheng was afraid that Nangong Mei would be too strong and the situation would be out of control, so he immediately grabbed Nangong Mei who wanted to do something, and said: "Qingqiu, since you have killed the demon king, you have the righteous way in your heart, why don't you let go of the demon seed in your hand and return to the righteous way?" , wouldn’t it be just right?”

After a pause, Xue Sheng pointed out, "I think that you didn't enter the magic path in the first place for the purpose of becoming a demon."

Middle-aged women are still very sensitive and have high emotional intelligence.

Qin Yu squeezed the demon seed in his hand and looked at her with a smile.

"Actually, you are no different from the Demon Lord."

This word. . . No righteous people like to hear it, Xue Sheng frowned.

Qin Yu smiled lightly, but for no reason relied on his palpitating majesty.

"Only weak people will always care about which way they are."

"And wherever I am, there is the Tao!"

Then, she directly pressed the devil's seed to her abdomen!

At this point, the demonic energy soared into the sky and broke into the clouds.


The devil's aura crazily extended from this area, almost a thousand miles at a glance, and rapidly widened thousands of miles, and finally covered half of Weichuan Dajing Prefecture.

It was a calling, and it was a shock.

Since it was swallowed by the devil seed vortex in her abdomen, from Qin Yu's body after swallowing it, the devil's energy surged, from the rising pressure of this devil's energy, from the fact that her whole body was entangled by this endless dark devil's energy.

Blood Dragon: "No accident? I always feel that she is going to mutate."

Jiaojiao: "It's okay, such a small scene is nothing."

You have never seen her lifeless appearance, and you have not seen the fuss.

——I just wonder, every time she improves greatly, she looks like a super villain in TV dramas, movies and novels.

——Or it’s like a big demon and a big ghost crossing the catastrophe.

Jinbi resented this very much.

If it was said that Qin Yu was terrifying when he fought against the three of them, then Qin Yu who swallowed the devil's seed was terrifying now.

The kind of horror that makes people frightened.

It also made all righteous people feel that the thing they feared most these years still happened-the prosperity of the evil way.

Her appearance made the magic way prosperous.

Righteous people are afraid, but demonic people are also afraid.

Prosperous magic? Changsheng shit! She had just swallowed the devil's seed.

But unfortunately. . . They also have monsters in them.

Demon bosses: trembling.


There was no escape, they tried.

Space blockade.

Who did it?

The dog's head carefully looked at Jiaojiao, just in time to see the smirk on the big fat cat's face.

Sesame oil, scare me to death!

Both good and evil people are as quiet as a chicken, and Qin Yu's "villain mutation process" is indeed scary, but others don't feel that she is painful or twisted, and she seems to enjoy this feeling of rapid enhancement and rebirth.

Although the people she looked at had a creepy feeling.

For example, Xue Sheng and others, such as Goutou and others.

The former dare not attack or stop, the latter dare not escape.

Also for example. . . Chen Hu who was crucified on the water by the scepter of the Three Kings.

The demonic winds and clouds have stopped, the sea has calmed down, Qingqiu is still the same Qingqiu, covered in black robes, alone, his face is still pale, but that paleness does not appear to be weak, on the contrary, there is a strange fusion of sickness, evil spirits and integrity. temperament.

She was very calm, so calm that her gaze swept over everyone's body and mind, but she herself was tired, sitting on a nearby rock, with the flute inserted into her belt, one hand naturally resting on her slightly bent elbow, fingers After stroking the lines on the robe, his eyes continued to extend and landed on Chen Hu.

Then Chen Hu felt the sea water flowing, and moved him there.

Qin Yu looked at him and raised his hand slightly. Chen Hu's eyes trembled, thinking that she was going to kill him, but she just raised her hand and touched Zi Er on her earlobe. It moved slightly, making a slight crisp sound. ring.

Then she said: "Knowing that I didn't kill you at the beginning, did I still not kill you?"

Chen Hu has always been a scheming and cunning person, the closer he is to death, the more he can show his cunning, "They are all flawless people, since you are so powerful and can be the leader of my demonic way, then I am naturally willing to surrender... You also need someone to cook for you, don’t you?”

He felt that this was the reason why Qin Yu spared his life.

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