I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2104 The ten-year agreement (seeking a monthly ticket)

"Everyone has his own value, I believe, I will bring you benefits."

That's what he said, with the utmost respect, without any trace of the grandeur of his master uncle in the past.

But Qin Yu's calm words responded to him.

"You and the Demon Lord have been friends from the beginning. The so-called Demon Sect is only affiliated with the Demon Sect, and part of the evil way is also related to the evil way controlled by Tianjingsha."

"The best way to plan is to attack the mind first. Don't let the devils divide themselves, don't let the evil spirits discord, the righteous way will not be taken lightly. You think that the balance can be preserved for thousands of years, but who knows that the evil spirits have already secretly linked up in private."

Chen Hu: "..."

Xue Sheng and others: "!!!"

People in the demon way, such as Chen Hu and Goutou, are terrified and embarrassed by the revelation of the core secrets, but people in the righteous way are terrified.

Chen Hu was embarrassed yet hypocritical, and said embarrassingly: "Since you are devoted to the righteous way, why bother to become a demon? Do you think that the righteous way will accept you? So much effort to plot and set yourself up, just for..."

He suddenly heard Qin Yu let out a subtle low laugh.

And said a word.

"Tianjingsha is not a real member of yours. One of the trio should actually be Guchen, oh, the master who was killed by my rebel."

Gu Chen's eyes flashed, "He is indeed a leader in my Demon Dao, and he has always had a very good relationship with the Demon Lord. After all, before you came to the Demon Dao, he was the second child in the Demon Palace. Do you have a grudge against him? But he It didn't cost you anything, and you killed me in the end, so you can't blame me..."

Qin Yu: "Is there no loss? Not necessarily, I still remember how the Great Elder and those people died. Otherwise, do you think I really need to go into the magic way to repair you?"

She stretched out her hand, put a finger on Chen Hu's head, and tapped lightly, "It's not worth the combination of you and the devil."

When others say this kind of thing, it's extremely pretentious, but she is not, she is really playing with them in the palm of her hand, so why on earth did she fall into the magic way herself!

Chen Hu was startled, but his reaction was quick, and he figured out some joints in an instant.

"You are investigating Gu Chen's matter, and finding out who he hunted and killed Wu Que back then...so in this assassination, the people who died are all relevant people!"

Anything related, or related to Guchen, was basically killed by her.

None left.

In the end, today's battle was left behind.

What a ruthless girl! ! !

Only people of the righteous way can understand some mysteries—such as the Great Elder she mentioned? Who is that? Is Yu Qingqiu an important person? It was worth her trouble.

"Living in this world, it is easy to kill a person, but it is difficult to forgive others. I have many times... Really many times, for so long, I have never been able to forgive others for their cruelty to those around me .”

Qin Yu lowered his head and looked at Chen Hu, with a slight smile and a soft voice.

"It's said that you don't know the pain until the charcoal fire falls on the back of your foot. It's okay to see other people's bones and souls fly away-but you are here to tease me."

Such a trembling smile makes one's hair stand on end.

And when Chen Hu's scalp was numb, Qin Yu pointed his slender and cold fingers between his brows.

Ten years, she used ten years to settle accounts with these people.

For those who were tortured to death in front of her, but couldn't even return their souls.

Wuque Cangshan will always be there.

But some people never come back.

The secret lines on the fingertips wandered around, covered Chen Hu's face, and wandered around the whole body. Chen Hu was terrified and screamed: "Don't kill me, I can tell you many secrets! Qingqiu! Qingqiu!! Wait, you didn't want to kill me ?”

His screaming stopped abruptly, like surprise and joy, but he suddenly realized that the secret pattern Qin Yu made was neither a curse nor an attack, but it was one. . . Hook and send!

Something is rushing over! !

"You!!!" Chen Hu was in shock for a while.

Qin Yu smiled faintly, "I made a deal with a person for a ten-year contract."

After finishing speaking, the secret pattern wrapped around Chen Hu turned into a teleportation array.

Black and white clouds lingered and condensed, and soon became a person.

This is not an entity, but a double reflection.

When he appeared on Chen Hu's body, it was equivalent to stepping on him. He lowered his head and glanced. He squinted his eyes. Chen Hu screamed in horror, trembling all over, and couldn't even speak clearly.

But the person who stepped on him didn't say anything to him, but just looked up at Qin Yu.

"Nice teleportation location, I like it very much."

Qin Yu: "I am honored to serve Uncle Zhou."

Zhou Xuanqing has never been a person who talks nonsense. The deal he conspired with Qin Yu back then was very personal, and there was no need to say anything, let alone explain it to others, and it still doesn't need to say much now.

Anyway, man, Qin Yu already got it for him.

Then, what Qin Yu wants, he will give her.

"What you want is here."

Qin Yu stretched out his hand, his fingers touched the opponent's palm, and his soul and thoughts were exchanged in the palm of his hand. Then Qin Yu frowned, thoughtfully, seeing that Zhou Xuanqing was about to teleport back, he couldn't help laughing and asked: "I'm already bewitched, Mr. Zhou Uncle isn't going to persuade me to turn around?"

Xue Sheng and other righteous people suddenly felt hopeful!

Huh? Maybe the elders of Qingqiu Shimen can persuade her to turn around.

Zhou Xuanqing didn't move her eyelids, glanced at her, and said calmly: "In the history of Wuque, there was more than one person possessed by demons, so there is nothing rare."

Qin Yu: "This old man you stepped on?"

Zhou Xuanqing looked blank, and said: "Don't be fooled by the fireworks in the world of mortals, and wait for the clouds and snow in Cangshan Mountain to return to people."

Even Chen Hu was slightly touched by this sentence.

Perhaps, only Wuque people understand a bit of the sense of melancholy.

Qin Yu was taken aback, and after Zhou Xuanqing activated the teleportation, she said slowly: "When that poor old man, Great Elder, was reduced to ashes, he told me that it was definitely worth it."

Zhou Xuanqing looked back at her with distant eyes, but said nothing, and sent Chen Hu away with her.

He stood indifferently, his eyes stretched to the sky, and he never glanced at the other people present from the beginning to the end.

Jiaojiao: "Paralyzed, you bad old man, isn't it conspicuous that I'm so cute?"

Blood Dragon: "Maybe it's because you're fat, but you're too short."

Jiaojiao: "???"

You are afraid that you are courting death!

As for Chen Hu's tragic end next. . . Maybe the stove in the cave can understand a thing or two.

The demon king died, and Chen Hu was also generously gifted to his senior brother by Qin Yu, so what's next?

Righteous way is especially present, and so is evil way.

The atmosphere was subtly stalemate for a while, and both sides were on alert, as if Qin Yu was the inhumane villain, and they were poor little people waiting to be slaughtered.

Amid such embarrassment, there is light in the sky ahead.

That light is really beautiful, the water vapor is thick, the light is misty, it just appeared out of thin air, and then a woman appeared in midair.

Qin Yu guessed who was coming from the reaction of Xue Sheng and other righteous people who "sit up in shock from a dying illness".

"Lord of Little Penglai, I have long admired you."

The woman looked at Qin Yu as if she already knew everything about it, but she didn't have an aggressive attitude, she was very gentle and gentle, "I look forward to it for a long time, Your Excellency Qingqiu."

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