I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 2109 Big row of noodles (it's over, what if you don't stand today, what if you mis


On that day, in front of Yazhuxuan, the cleanest and most elegant place in Little Penglai, there was a small open space in front of the Yunyun bamboo forest. .

"This is the residence of the little Penglai lord. It looks green." Baby Wan Teng pouted, but actually felt the space environment without half fairy spirit here, and suspicion flashed in his eyes.

Damn it, there is a huge semi-immortal energy in the entire Floating Life Ruomeng City, why is there no wisp of it in this dragon head residence?

Not only was Baby Wan Teng surprised, but the rest of the people were also a little curious, but they kept their identities and didn't ask questions, they just secretly speculated that there must be secrets in it.

"Let's find someone in their local area and ask." Baby Wancheng plans to repeat the old trick, and just in front of the bamboo forest trail approaching a few female nuns, they are also poisonous. This woman's eyes lit up, and she stretched out her claws, grabbing a female nun in an instant .

"It's you again!" Baby Wancheng was surprised.

The female cultivator also had a very bitter expression, secretly said: I didn't say it was you again!

But this time, it was not so easy to get Baby Wan Teng, because when a female cultivator saw this, she bowed with a sword in her hand and said, "Senior, I don't know why you are looking for my junior sister."

Junior sister?

Baby Wan Teng turned his head to look at this stable female cultivator, and raised his eyebrows: "Ah, you are the big sister of Little Penglai?"

The female cultivator lowered her head, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Young Lishuang, the seventh in the list of little Penglai disciples, can't be called a senior sister."

"Oh, I thought everyone was a master or junior sister."

Fang Yourong and Qingqiu had left a deep impression on Baby Wanqi, so she just blurted it out just now. Seeing that the other party denied her identity, but did not deny the title of Senior Sister, it was also out of interest, and she was unwilling to let go of that The unlucky junior sister only said to Li Shuang: "Then who is your senior sister? And senior senior brother, come out and let me see. Didn't you say that your little Penglai is the number one gathering place for geniuses in the Tianzang world?"

These words are quite provocative.

The people from the Tianxiong world behind her also looked at these little Penglai nuns with arrogance.

Female cultivators are different from male cultivators, most of them are much more calm and patient. When suddenly provoked like this, everyone didn't explode, they just looked at Lishuang together.

The latter calmed down and said: "If the Tianxiong World wants to compete, it is naturally welcome, but the master has said before that if today or even the day of the opening of the mausoleum of the Venerable Lingkui is delayed, it may not be beautiful."

In fact, Baby Wancheng didn't intend to let some small ones compare with wool, which had nothing to do with her interests, but she felt uncomfortable seeing the little Penglai monks carrying them one by one.

"Anyway, your master hasn't woken up yet, so it's better to compare and pass our time."

Boss, awesome, this posture is so arrogant, it makes me mad.

Little Penglai is the most powerful orthodox organization in the Tianzang world, and all of them are the world's strongest geniuses, so they are naturally proud, if not for the lord level on the opposite side. . .

Endure, endure.

These women have good manners, are calm, and have excellent self-cultivation.

"Hey, I found that the powerful sects in your world are all the same, what's their name? Duanfang?"


Who else?

Li Shuang and the others heard what Wanqi Baobao meant, and just in time, Wanqi Baobao also looked towards the bamboo forest, and happened to see two people standing at the same place.

A man and a woman, what a pair of peerless people.

Duanfang elegant goddesses, this standard is a benchmark everywhere, even if they come from the weakest Yijing state.

But speaking of it, they are just the newly-promoted Xiao Penglai's Tianzang selection players, and they shouldn't be so conspicuous in the first place.

I don't know why Wanqi Baobao is targeting them like this.

The atmosphere was eerie for a while.

until. . . . Li Shuang and the others suddenly saluted together.

"Big Brother, Big Sister."

Also a man and a woman, they walked out of the forest, ah, Duan is a Tsinghua, peerless man and woman, like sculptures.

At first glance, that man, dressed in blue and long, with a wooden hairpin technique, has a graceful demeanor like a fairy floating in the distance, with a melancholy demeanor, as if giving him a handful of books can release the rest of his life, low-key, gentle, elegant, Don't have any sharp temperament.

At the second glance, the woman, with a long sword hanging from her waist, a jade crown with gorgeous hair, and a moon-white brocade robe, is completely opposite to the man. Her temperament is very angular, because of the sword, a person is like a sword, and a sword is like a jade man.

This is the leader of all the disciples of Little Penglai who, with their talent and strength, crushed all the male and female disciples who ranked first on the list.

He Jinai and Jianzhi Huixue.

As soon as these two people appeared, as disciples, many big bosses looked at each other sideways.

Even Baimei and the others who had just arrived changed their colors slightly.

In fact, these two people are no longer the younger generation, because they are not the geniuses of this generation, they are the strongest selected from the precipitation of previous generations, and they have a very high status in Little Penglai, because they are all Little Penglai The direct lineage of the lord is like the direct lineage of Wuque's lineage.

For details, you can refer to the status of Fang Yourong and Fifth Daoling.

Therefore, once these two people came, the people in Little Penglai felt at ease.

Li Shuang and others came to salute, and asked the two senior brothers and sisters if they came to wait for their master.

"Yes, have you just arrived?"

"For a while, the master hasn't come out yet, but the guests haven't all arrived yet, and it's still a little short of the appointed time."

As they spoke, people arrived one after another, such as some people from foreign planes, large planes, small planes, sparsely arriving.

King Realm Elf Sea is the same as before. . . The beauty is beyond human, the elf powerhouse of the first-class water, the beauty of the first-class sinks.

Xuan Luobai: "Every time I come out, there is a lot of face-to-face. It's really embarrassing."

Xiao Baitian: "At first I thought I was the least handsome, but luckily I have you."

Xuan Luobai: "Your words can't hurt me at all, because I have been said so since I was a child."

Who is the ugliest and fattest in the whole family?

Xiao Tingyun stretched out his hand and patted Xuan Luobai's head. He was a bit doting on this fat brother, but he turned his head to look around and found that some people hadn't arrived yet.

"She hasn't arrived yet."

Queen Arthur glanced at her, and reminded lightly: "That Lin Heng hasn't come yet."

Xiao Tingyun felt that the black belly in the elf queen's bones was hidden, and she would explode out from time to time to tease people.

She was helpless, so she could only go to see a senior brother and sister of Wuque at the first time, and those two had serious expressions.

Very well, she felt that she could pass on some old mother-like worries—the other party obviously worried more than she did.

Even to the point of bad heart.

"Someone told me that some things, if you think about the worst, usually won't go bad in the end."

Yu Yanzhi displayed the warm and masculine demeanor of Mr. Qing Ya, and comforted him a little, but just after he finished speaking, he saw two groups of people walking out from the forest.

There was some distance between the two groups of people, but the man and woman in the front were also a distance away from the subordinates behind.

There are a lot of people who are demons, and there are a lot of people who are strong in Lin country.

The strongest sorcerer, the strongest alien.

Walking quietly, the momentum is terrifying.

Xuan Luobai: "..."

I'm still too ignorant.

This is the big special effect.

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